5 * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Matteo Nastasi
6 * mailto: nastasi@alternativeoutput.it
7 * matteo.nastasi@milug.org
8 * web: http://www.alternativeoutput.it
10 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 * (at your option) any later version.
15 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 * General Public License for more details. You should have received a
19 * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if
20 * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc, 59 Temple Place -
21 * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25 $mlang_indwr = array( 'btn_backtotab' => array( 'it' => 'Torna ai tavoli.',
26 'en' => 'Back to tables.' ),
27 'warrrepl' => array( 'it' => '<br>Il nominativo è stato inoltrato all\'amministratore.<br><br>Nell\'arco di pochi giorni verrà<br><br>notificata al garantito l\'avvenuta registrazione.',
28 'en' => '<br>The subscription was forwarded to the administrator.<br><br>In a few days we will notify<br><br>your friend the occurred registration.'),
29 'btn_close' => array( 'it' => 'chiudi',
31 'commerr' => array( 'it' => '<b>E\' occorso un errore durante il salvataggio, riprova o contatta l\'amministratore.</b>',
32 'en' => '<b>An error was occurred during the saving, try again or contact the administrator.</b>'),
33 'coerrdb' => array( 'it' => '<b>Il database è temporaneamente irraggiungibile, riprova più tardi o contatta l\'amministratore.</b>',
34 'en' => '<b>The database is temporarly unavailable, retry to later or conctact the administrator.</b>'),
35 'warrmust' => array( 'it' => '<b>Per autenticare qualcuno devi a tua volta essere autenticato.</b>',
36 'en' => 'To authenticate somebody you have to be authenticated in your turn'),
37 'mesgrepl' => array( 'it' => '<br><br>Il messaggio è stato inoltrato all\'amministratore.',
38 'en' => '<br><br>The message was forwarded to the administrator'),
39 'mesgmust' => array( 'it' => '<b>Per mandare messaggi all\'amministratore devi essere autenticato.</b>',
40 'en' => 'To send a message to the administrator you have to be authenticated'),
41 'shutmsg' => array( 'it' => '<b>Il server sta per essere riavviato, non possono avere inizio nuove partite.</b>',
42 'en' => '<b>The server is going to be rebooted, new games are not allowed.</b>'),
43 'mustauth' => array( 'it' => '<b>Il tavolo a cui volevi sederti richiede autentifica.</b>',
44 'en' => '<b>the table where you want to sit require authentication</b>'),
45 'tabwait_a'=> array( 'it' => '<b>Il tavolo si è appena liberato, ci si potrà sedere tra ',
46 'en' => '<b>The table is only just opened, you will sit down in '), // FIXME
47 'tabwait_b'=> array( 'it' => ' secondi.</b>',
48 'en' => ' seconds.</b>'),
49 'mustfirst'=> array( 'it' => '<b>Il tuo utente può sedersi al tavolo solo per primo.</b>',
50 'en' => '<b>Your can sit down as first user only.' ),
51 'pollmust' => array( 'it' => '<b>Per partecipare al sondaggio devi essere autenticato.</b>',
52 'en' => '<b>To vote for the poll you have to be authenticated</b>'),
53 'pollnone' => array( 'it' => '<br><br>Al momento non è attivo alcun sondaggio.',
54 'en' => '<br><br>At this moment no polls are active.'),
55 'pollchoo' => array( 'it' => '<br><br>Non hai espresso nessuna preferenza.',
56 'en' => '<br><br>You don\'t choose any preference, do it'),
57 'pollagai' => array( 'it' => '<br>Per questo sondaggio hai già votato.<br><br>Non si può esprimere la propria preferenza più di una volta.',
58 'en' => '<br>You just express your preference about this poll.<br><br>You cannot do it again.'),
59 'pollrec' => array ('it' => '<br><br>Il tuo voto è stato registrato.',
60 'en' => '<br><br>Your vote had be stored.'),
61 'badwake_a'=> array( 'it' => '<br>Ti sei alzato da un tavolo senza il consenso degli altri giocatori.<br><br>Dovrai aspettare ancora ',
62 'en' => '<br>You stand up without the permission of the other players.<br><br>You will wait '),
63 'badwake_b'=> array( 'it' => ' prima di poterti sedere nuovamente.',
64 'en' => ' before you can sit down again.'),
65 'btn_stays'=> array( 'it' => 'resta in piedi.',
66 'en' => 'stay standing.'),
67 'badsit_a' => array( 'it' => '<br>Tu o qualcuno col tuo stesso indirizzo IP si è alzato da un tavolo senza il consenso degli altri giocatori.<br><br>Dovrai aspettare ancora ',
68 'en' => '<br>You or someone with your same IP address is standing up from a table without the permission of the other players <br><br>You will wait '),
69 'badsit_b' => array( 'it' => ' prima di poterti sedere nuovamente.<br><br>Se non sei stato tu ad alzarti e possiedi un login con password, autenticandoti con quello, potrai accedere.',
70 'en' => ' before you can sit down again. If you don\'t leave the table and you have a login with a password, authenticating with this one you will access'),
71 'nu_msubj' => array( 'it' => 'Brisk: verifica email',
72 'en' => 'Brisk: email verification'),
73 // %s(guar) %s(login) %s(baseurl) %d(code) %s(hash)
74 'nu_mtext' => array( 'it' =>
75 'Ciao, sono l\' amministratore del sito di Brisk.
77 L\' utente \'%s\' ha garantito per te col nickname \'%s\',
79 per confermare il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica.
81 Ciò è necessario per ottenere la password.
83 Saluti e buone partite, mop.',
84 'en' => 'EN mtext [%s] [%s] [%s]'),
85 'nu_mhtml' => array( 'it' => 'Ciao, sono l\' amministratore del sito di Brisk.<br><br>
86 L\' utente \'%s\' ha garantito per te col nickname \'%s\',<br>
87 <a href="%s">clicca qui</a> per confermare il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica.<br><br>
88 Ciò è necessario per ottenere la password.<br><br>
89 Saluti e buone partite, mop.<br>',
90 'en' => 'EN mhtml [%s] [%s] [%s]'),
92 'nu_gtext' => array( 'it' =>
93 'Ciao %s, sono l\' amministratore del sito di Brisk.
95 Ti volevo avvisare che ho attivato i login di \'%s\' che hai
98 Ti ricordo che i login vanno dati a persone di fiducia, se 3
99 di quelli che hai autenticato verranno segnati come molestatori
100 verrà sospeso anche il tuo accesso.
102 Grazie dell\' impegno, mop.',
103 'en' => 'EN nu_gtext [%s][%s]'),
105 'nu_ghtml' => array( 'it' =>
106 'Ciao %s, sono l\' amministratore del sito di Brisk.<br><br>
107 Ti volevo avvisare che ho attivato i login di \'%s\' che hai
109 Ti ricordo che i login vanno dati a persone di fiducia, se 3
110 di quelli che hai autenticato verranno segnati come molestatori
111 verrà sospeso anche il tuo accesso.<br><br>
112 Grazie dell\' impegno, mop.',
113 'en' => 'EN nu_ghtml [%s][%s]')
116 define('LICMGR_CHO_ACCEPT', 0);
117 define('LICMGR_CHO_REFUSE', 1);
118 define('LICMGR_CHO_AFTER', 2);
120 function index_wr_main(&$brisk, $remote_addr_full, $get, $post, $cookie)
122 GLOBAL $G_domain, $G_webbase, $G_mail_seed;
123 GLOBAL $G_shutdown, $G_alarm_passwd, $G_black_list, $G_lang, $G_room_help, $G_room_about;
124 GLOBAL $G_room_passwdhowto, $mlang_indwr;
126 $remote_addr = addrtoipv4($remote_addr_full);
128 log_load("index_wr.php");
130 if (($mesg = gpcs_var('mesg', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
133 if (($sess = gpcs_var('sess', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
137 if (DEBUGGING == "local" && $remote_addr != '') {
138 echo "Debugging time!";
146 /* if the IP is banned, exit without do nothing */
147 if (array_search($remote_addr, $G_black_list) !== FALSE) {
148 // TODO: find a way to add a nonblocking sleep(5) here
154 log_wr(0, 'index_wr.php: COMM: '.xcapemesg($mesg));
155 log_wr('COMM: '.xcapemesg($mesg));
158 $dt = date("H:i ", $curtime);
160 if (($user = $brisk->get_user($sess, &$idx)) == FALSE) {
161 $argz = explode('|', xcapemesg($mesg));
163 if ($argz[0] == 'getchallenge') {
164 if (isset($get['cli_name']))
165 $cli_name = $get['cli_name'];
166 if (($a_sem = Challenges::lock_data(TRUE)) != FALSE) {
167 log_main("chal lock data success");
169 if (($chals = &Challenges::load_data()) != FALSE) {
172 // echo '2|'.$argz[1].'|'.$token.'|'.$remote_addr.'|'.$curtime.'|';
175 if (($login_new = validate_name(urldecode($cli_name))) != FALSE) {
176 if ($chals->add($login_new, $token, $remote_addr, $curtime) != FALSE) {
177 log_send("SUCCESS: token:".$token);
181 log_send("getchallenge FAILED");
186 log_send("getchallenge FAILED");
189 if ($chals->ismod()) {
190 Challenges::save_data(&$chals);
195 Challenges::unlock_data($a_sem);
202 else if ($argz[0] == 'auth') {
203 printf("challenge|ok");
205 else if ($argz[0] == 'help') {
206 /* MLANG: "torna ai tavoli" */
207 echo show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_help[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 600, 500);
209 else if ($argz[0] == 'about') {
210 echo show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_about[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 230);
212 else if ($argz[0] == 'passwdhowto') {
213 echo show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_passwdhowto[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 200);
215 else if ($argz[0] == 'roadmap') {
216 echo show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_roadmap[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 200);
218 else if ($argz[0] == 'placing') {
219 require_once("briskin5/Obj/briskin5.phh");
220 require_once("briskin5/Obj/placing.phh");
222 echo show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", placings_show(FALSE)), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 800, 600);
224 else if ($argz[0] == 'whysupport') {
225 echo show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_whysupport[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lng], 400, 200);
228 log_wr("Get User Error");
229 echo "Get User Error:" + $argz[0];
233 } // end if (($user = $brisk->get_user($sess, ... == FALSE) {
235 $brisk->sess_cur_set($user->sess);
236 $argz = explode('|', xcapemesg($mesg));
238 log_wr('POSTSPLIT: '.$argz[0]);
241 $user->lacc = $curtime;
243 if (array_search($user->ip, $G_black_list) !== FALSE) {
244 // TODO: find a way to add a nonblocking sleep(5) here
248 if ($argz[0] == 'ping') {
249 log_wr("PING RECEIVED");
251 else if ($argz[0] == 'prefs') {
252 if ($argz[1] == 'save') {
253 if (!isset($post['prefs'])) {
257 if (($prefs = Client_prefs::from_json($post['prefs'])) == FALSE) {
258 $prefs = Client_prefs::from_user($user);
260 $prefs->store($user, TRUE);
262 else { // reset case as default
263 $prefs = Client_prefs::from_user($user);
265 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
266 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('prefs_load(\'%s\', true, %s);', json_encode($prefs),
270 if ($argz[1] == 'save') {
271 if ($user->stat == 'room' && $user->subst == 'standup') {
272 $brisk->standup_update($user);
274 else if ($user->stat == 'room' && $user->subst == 'sitdown') {
275 log_main("chatt_send pre table update");
276 $brisk->table_update($user);
277 log_main("chatt_send post table update");
283 else if ($argz[0] == 'shutdown') {
284 log_auth($user->sess, "Shutdown session.");
288 log_rd2("AUTO LOGOUT.");
289 if ($user->subst == 'sitdown' || $user->stat == 'table')
290 $brisk->room_wakeup($user);
291 else if ($user->subst == 'standup')
292 $brisk->room_outstandup(&$user);
294 log_rd2("SHUTDOWN FROM WHAT ???");
297 else if ($argz[0] == 'warranty') {
298 if (($cli_name = gpcs_var('cli_name', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
301 if (($cli_email = gpcs_var('cli_email', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
307 log_wr("INFO:SKIP:argz == warranty name: [".$cli_name."] AUTH: ".($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
308 if ($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH) {
310 if (($wa_lock = Warrant::lock_data(TRUE)) != FALSE) {
311 if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/warrant.txt", 'a')) != FALSE) {
312 /* Unix time | session | nickname | IP | where was | mesg */
313 fwrite($fp, sprintf("%ld|%s|%s|%s|\n", $curtime, xcapelt($user->name), xcapelt(urldecode($cli_name)), xcapelt(urldecode($cli_email))));
316 Warrant::unlock_data($wa_lock);
317 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
318 /* MLANG: "<br>Il nominativo è stato inoltrato all\'amministratore.<br><br>Nell\'arco di pochi giorni vi verrà<br><br>notificata l\'avvenuta registrazione." */
319 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify($mlang_indwr['warrrepl'][$G_lang], 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 150);
324 /* MLANG: "<b>E\' occorso un errore durante il salvataggio, riprova o contatta l\'amministratore.</b>" */
325 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['commerr'][$G_lang]);
329 // check existence of username or email
332 if (($bdb = BriskDB::create()) == FALSE)
335 $cli_name = urldecode($cli_name);
336 $cli_email = urldecode($cli_email);
338 // check for already used fields
339 if (($idret = $bdb->check_record_by_login_or_email($cli_name, $cli_email)) != 0) {
340 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV,
341 ($idret == 1 ? "login già in uso" :
342 ($idret == 2 ? "email già utilizzata" : "errore sconosciuto"))
346 $bdb->transaction('BEGIN');
348 // insert the new user disabled with reason NU_MAILED
349 if (($usr_obj = $bdb->user_add($cli_name, 'THE_PASS', $cli_email,
351 USER_DIS_REA_NU_MAILED, $user->code)) == FALSE) {
352 fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: user_add FAILED\n");
355 if (($mail_code = $bdb->mail_reserve_code()) == FALSE) {
356 fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: mail reserve code FAILED\n");
359 $hash = md5($curtime . $G_alarm_passwd . $cli_name . $cli_email);
361 $confirm_page = sprintf("http://%s/%s/mailmgr.php?f_act=checkmail&f_code=%d&f_hash=%s",
362 $G_domain, $G_webbase, $mail_code, $hash);
363 $subj = $mlang_indwr['nu_msubj'][$G_lang];
364 $body_txt = sprintf($mlang_indwr['nu_mtext'][$G_lang],
365 $user->name, $cli_name, $confirm_page);
366 $body_htm = sprintf($mlang_indwr['nu_mhtml'][$G_lang],
367 $user->name, $cli_name, $confirm_page);
369 $mail_item = new MailDBItem($mail_code, $usr_obj->code, MAIL_TYP_CHECK,
370 $curtime, $subj, $body_txt, $body_htm, $hash);
372 if (brisk_mail($cli_email, $subj, $body_txt, $body_htm) == FALSE) {
374 fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: mail send FAILED\n");
378 if ($mail_item->store($bdb) == FALSE) {
380 fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: store mail FAILED\n");
383 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
384 /* MLANG: "<br>Il nominativo è stato inoltrato all\'amministratore.<br><br>Nell\'arco di pochi giorni vi verrà<br><br>notificata l\'avvenuta registrazione." */
385 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify($mlang_indwr['warrrepl'][$G_lang], 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 150);
388 $bdb->transaction('COMMIT');
390 $bdb->transaction('ROLLBACK');
395 /* MLANG: "<b>Per autenticare qualcuno devi a tua volta essere autenticato.</b>" */
396 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['warrmust'][$G_lang]);
399 if ($mesg_to_user != "") {
400 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
402 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= $mesg_to_user;
406 else if ($argz[0] == 'mesgtoadm') {
407 if (($cli_subj = gpcs_var('cli_subj', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
410 if (($cli_mesg = gpcs_var('cli_mesg', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
417 log_wr("INFO:SKIP:argz == mesgtoadm name: [".$user->name."] AUTH: ".($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
418 if ($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH) {
419 if (($wa_lock = Warrant::lock_data(TRUE)) != FALSE) {
420 if (($bdb = BriskDB::create()) != FALSE) {
423 if (($ema = $bdb->getmail($user->name)) != FALSE) {
425 mail("brisk@alternativeoutput.it", urldecode($cli_subj), urldecode($cli_mesg), sprintf("From: %s <%s>", $user->name, $ema));
428 if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/messages.txt", 'a')) != FALSE) {
429 /* Unix time | session | nickname | IP | where was | mesg */
430 fwrite($fp, sprintf("%ld|%s|%s|%s\n", $curtime, $user->name,
431 xcapelt(urldecode($cli_subj)), xcapelt(urldecode($cli_mesg))));
434 Warrant::unlock_data($wa_lock);
435 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
437 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify($mlang_indwr['mesgrepl'][$G_lang], 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 110);
442 /* MLANG: "<b>Il database è temporaneamente irraggiungibile, riprova più tardi o contatta l\'amministratore.</b>" */
443 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['coerrdb'][$G_lang]);
444 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
448 /* MLANG: "<b>E\' occorso un errore durante il salvataggio, riprova o contatta l\'amministratore.</b>" */
449 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['commerr'][$G_lang]);
454 /* MLANG: "<b>Per autenticare qualcuno devi a tua volta essere autenticato.</b>" */
455 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['mesgmust'][$G_lang]);
458 if ($mesg_to_user != "") {
459 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
461 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= $mesg_to_user;
468 else if ($argz[0] == 'poll') {
469 GLOBAL $G_with_poll, $G_poll_name;
470 if (($cli_choose = gpcs_var('cli_choose', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
473 if (($cli_poll_name = gpcs_var('cli_poll_name', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
484 DONE - ci sono poll attivi ?
485 - verifica che il poll_name del client sia uguale a quello sul server
487 DONE - apro file r+ con fallback in w+
488 DONE - vedo se ha già votato
489 DONE - se si: messaggio di voto già dato
490 se no: accetto il voto e lo segno; messaggio
496 log_wr("INFO:SKIP:argz == poll name: [".$cli_poll_name."] AUTH: ".($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
497 if (($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH) != USER_FLAG_AUTH) {
498 // MLANG: <b>Per partecipare al sondaggio devi essere autenticato.</b>
499 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['pollmust'][$G_lang]);
504 if ($G_with_poll == FALSE && $G_poll_name != FALSE && $G_poll_name != "") {
505 $mesg_to_user = show_notify($mlang_indwr['pollnone'][$G_lang], 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 110);
510 if ($cli_choose == "" || !isset($cli_choose)) {
511 $mesg_to_user = show_notify($mlang_indwr['pollchoo'][$G_lang], 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 110);
516 if (($poll_lock = Poll::lock_data(TRUE)) == FALSE) {
517 /* MLANG: "<b>E\' occorso un errore durante il salvataggio, riprova o contatta l\'amministratore.</b>" */
518 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['commerr'][$G_lang]);
523 if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/".$G_poll_name.".txt", 'r+')) == FALSE)
524 $fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/".$G_poll_name.".txt", 'w+');
527 $mesg_to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");', $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['commerr'][$G_lang]);
538 $bf = fgets($fp, 4096);
539 log_wr("poll: cp3.1");
540 $arli = csplitter($bf, '|');
541 if (count($arli) == 0)
543 log_wr("poll: cp3.2");
544 if (strcasecmp($arli[1], $user->name) == 0) {
545 $mesg_to_user = show_notify($mlang_indwr['pollagai'][$G_lang], 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 110);
557 /* Unix time | nickname | choose */
558 fwrite($fp, sprintf("%ld|%s|%s\n", $curtime, xcapelt($user->name), xcapelt(urldecode($cli_choose))));
560 $mesg_to_user = show_notify($mlang_indwr['pollrec'][$G_lang], 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 110);
568 if ($poll_lock != FALSE)
569 Poll::unlock_data($poll_lock);
571 if ($mesg_to_user != "") {
572 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
574 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= $mesg_to_user;
586 else if ($user->stat == 'room') {
587 $user->laccwr = time();
589 if ($argz[0] == 'help') {
590 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
591 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_help[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], 600, 500);
593 log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
597 else if ($argz[0] == 'passwdhowto') {
598 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
599 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_passwdhowto[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], 600, 500);
601 log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
605 else if ($argz[0] == 'splash') {
606 GLOBAL $G_with_splash, $G_splash_content, $G_splash_interval, $G_splash_idx;
607 GLOBAL $G_splash_w, $G_splash_h, $G_splash_timeout;
608 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
610 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify_ex(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_splash_content[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], $G_splash_w, $G_splash_h, true, 0);
612 log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
615 else if ($argz[0] == 'about') {
616 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
617 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_about[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], 400, 200);
619 log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
623 else if ($argz[0] == 'placing') {
624 require_once("briskin5/Obj/briskin5.phh");
625 require_once("briskin5/Obj/placing.phh");
627 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
628 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify_ex(str_replace("\n", " ", placings_show($user)), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], 800, 600, TRUE, 0);
630 log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
633 else if ($argz[0] == 'roadmap') {
634 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
635 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_roadmap[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], 400, 200);
637 log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
641 else if ($argz[0] == 'whysupport') {
642 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
643 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_whysupport[$G_lang]), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], 400, 200);
645 log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
649 else if ($argz[0] == 'chatt') {
650 $brisk->chatt_send(&$user, xcapemesg($mesg));
652 else if ($argz[0] == 'tosmgr') {
653 // check IF is authnticated user, both terms of service versions matches
654 if ($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH && count($argz) == 5) {
655 $f_type = $argz[1]; $f_code = $argz[2];
656 $f_tos_curr = $argz[3]; $f_tos_vers = $argz[4];
658 if ("$f_tos_curr" == $user->rec->tos_vers_get() &&
659 "$f_tos_vers" == "$G_tos_vers") {
660 if ("$f_type" == "soft" || "$f_type" == "hard") {
664 $user->rec->tos_vers_set($G_tos_vers);
665 $res = $user->tos_store();
668 $user->flags_set(USER_FLAG_TY_DISABLE, USER_FLAG_TY_ALL);
669 $user->rec->disa_reas_set(USER_DIS_REA_LICENCE);
670 $res = $user->state_store();
672 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = $user->blocking_error(TRUE);
673 $user->the_end = TRUE;
681 /**********************
685 **********************/
686 else if ($user->subst == 'standup') {
687 if ($argz[0] == 'sitdown') {
688 log_wr("SITDOWN command");
690 if ($user->the_end == TRUE) {
691 log_wr("INFO:SKIP:argz == sitdown && ->the_end == TRUE => ignore request.");
696 $table_idx = (int)$argz[1];
697 $table = &$brisk->table[$table_idx];
699 $not_allowed_msg = "";
701 $not_allowed_msg = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");',
702 $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['shutmsg'][$G_lang]);
704 else if ($table->wakeup_time > $curtime) {
705 $not_allowed_msg = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s%d%s");',
706 $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['tabwait_a'][$G_lang],
707 $table->wakeup_time - $curtime, $mlang_indwr['tabwait_b'][$G_lang]);
709 else if ($table->auth_only && (($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH) == 0)) {
710 $not_allowed_msg = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"],"%s");',
711 $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['mustauth'][$G_lang]);
713 else if ($user->flags & USER_FLAG_TY_FIRONLY && $table->player_n > 0) {
714 $not_allowed_msg = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "%s"], "%s");',
715 $dt, NICKSERV, $mlang_indwr['mustfirst'][$G_lang]);
717 if ($not_allowed_msg != "") {
718 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ".$not_allowed_msg;
723 /* TODO: refact to a function */
724 // if ($user->bantime > $user->laccwr) {
725 require_once("Obj/hardban.phh");
727 if (($bantime = Hardbans::check(($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH ? $user->name : FALSE),
728 $user->ip, $user->sess)) != -1) {
729 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
730 /* MLANG: "<br>Ti sei alzato da un tavolo senza il consenso degli altri giocatori. <br><br>Dovrai aspettare ancora ".secstoword($user->bantime - $user->laccwr)." prima di poterti sedere nuovamente.", "resta in piedi.", "<br>Tu o qualcuno col tuo stesso indirizzo IP si è alzato da un tavolo senza il consenso degli altri giocatori.<br><br>Dovrai aspettare ancora ".secstoword($bantime - $user->laccwr)." prima di poterti sedere nuovamente.<br><br>Se non sei stato tu ad alzarti e possiedi un login con password, autenticandoti con quello, potrai accedere." */
731 if ($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH) {
732 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify($mlang_indwr['badwake_a'][$G_lang].secstoword($user->bantime - $user->laccwr).$mlang_indwr['badwake_b'][$G_lang], 2000, $mlang_indwr['btn_stays'][$G_lang], 400, 100);
735 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify($mlang_indwr['badsit_a'][$G_lang].secstoword($bantime - $user->laccwr).$mlang_indwr['badsit_a'][$G_lang], 2000, $mlang_indwr['btn_stays'][$G_lang], 400, 180);
741 if ($table->player_n == PLAYERS_N) {
742 log_wr("WARN:FSM: Sitdown unreachable, table full.");
747 $user->subst = "sitdown";
748 $user->table = $table_idx;
749 $user->table_pos = $table->user_add($idx);
751 log_wr("MOP before");
753 if ($table->player_n == PLAYERS_N) {
754 require_once("briskin5/Obj/briskin5.phh");
757 // Start game for this table.
758 log_wr("Start game!");
764 // Create new spawned table
765 // $bin5_sem = Bin5::lock_data(TRUE, $table_idx);
766 $table_token = uniqid("");
767 $brisk->table[$table_idx]->table_token = $table_token;
768 $brisk->table[$table_idx]->table_start = $curtime;
770 $plist = "$table_token|$user->table|$table->player_n";
771 for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) {
772 $plist .= '|'.$brisk->user[$table->player[$i]]->sess;
774 log_legal($curtime, $user->ip, $user, "STAT:CREATE_GAME", $plist);
776 log_wr("pre new Bin5");
777 if (($bin5 = new Bin5($brisk, $table_idx, $table_token, $get, $post, $cookie)) == FALSE)
778 log_wr("bri create: FALSE");
780 log_wr("bri create: ".serialize($bin5));
782 log_wr("pre init table");
784 $bin5_table = $bin5->table[0];
785 $bin5_table->init($bin5->user);
786 $bin5_table->game_init($bin5->user);
788 // Init spawned users.
790 // MULTIGAME: here init of selected game instead of hardcabled briskin5 init (look subst status)
792 log_wr("game_init after");
793 for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) {
794 $bin5_user_cur = $bin5->user[$i];
795 $user_cur = $brisk->user[$table->player[$i]];
797 $bin5_user_cur->laccwr = $curtime;
798 $bin5_user_cur->trans_step = $user_cur->step + 1;
799 $bin5_user_cur->comm[$bin5_user_cur->step % COMM_N] = "";
800 $bin5_user_cur->step_inc();
801 $bin5_user_cur->comm[$bin5_user_cur->step % COMM_N] = show_table(&$bin5,&$bin5_user_cur,$bin5_user_cur->step+1,TRUE, FALSE);
802 $bin5_user_cur->step_inc();
804 log_wr("TRY PRESAVE: ".$bin5_user_cur->step." TRANS STEP: ".$bin5_user_cur->trans_step);
810 while (array_pop($user_cur->comm) != NULL);
812 $user_cur->trans_step = $user_cur->step + 1;
813 $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = sprintf('gst.st_loc++; gst.st=%d; createCookie("table_idx", %d, 24*365, cookiepath); createCookie("table_token", "%s", 24*365, cookiepath); createCookie("lang", "%s", 24*365, cookiepath); xstm.stop(); window.onunload = null ; window.onbeforeunload = null ; document.location.assign("briskin5/index.php");|', $user_cur->step+1, $table_idx, $table_token, $G_lang);
814 log_wr("TRANS ATTIVATO");
816 $user_cur->stat_set('table');
817 $user_cur->subst = 'asta';
818 $user_cur->laccwr = $curtime;
819 $user_cur->step_inc();
821 log_wr("presave bri");
822 $brisk->match_add($table_idx, $bin5);
823 log_wr("postsave bri");
826 $brisk->room_sitdown($user, $table_idx);
828 log_wr("MOP finish");
830 else if ($argz[0] == 'logout') {
831 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
832 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= 'postact_logout();';
833 $user->the_end = TRUE;
837 /**********************
841 **********************/
842 else if ($user->subst == 'sitdown') {
843 if ($argz[0] == 'wakeup') {
844 $brisk->room_wakeup($user);
846 else if ($argz[0] == 'logout') {
847 $brisk->room_wakeup($user);
848 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = "gst.st = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
849 $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= 'postact_logout();';
850 $user->the_end = TRUE;
855 log_wr("before save data");
856 // Brisk::save_data($brisk);
857 log_wr($user->step, 'index_wr.php: after save_data()');
859 /* Brisk::unlock_data($sem); */