12 DONE - paste da demauroparavia
13 DONE - recupero partita per re-login con password
14 DONE - problema "|" nei nomi (manca enhance degli script lato server)
15 - problema col treno se mouse sopra mentre stringe (verif)
25 DONE - skin della textarea
27 DONE - init client (read from cookie) - ALWAYS BY SERVER
29 DONE - after cookie check auth-only when no-auth case
30 DONE - aggiungi info accanto a "Chat"
32 DONE - img dei comandi
34 DONE - form per garantire utenti (accoda in un file nel formato corretto)
35 DONE - process request
39 DONE - process form js side
41 DONE - documentazione in help
45 DONE - aggiornare help
46 DONE - overflow management
51 - notify for long pages
54 - silenziastolti vari (fino al buddy import)
55 - restrict challenge per IP
56 - restricted charset for login
65 - studiare un anti-dos
80 DONE - questione "a monte" che:
81 DONE - lascia fuori il bottone
82 DONE - scrive à e compagnia
83 DONE - refresh act_table when unauthorized
84 DONE - problema ghost autenticato (ne prendi il posto ovunque sia)
88 DONE - refactoring of the owner name (auth attr for owner name)
90 DONE - at chat input line
91 DONE - in the chat output line
92 DONE - deauth management
94 DONE - at chat input line
95 DONE - in the chat output line
96 DONE - for user area of other users
97 DONE - deauth management
98 DONE - alart to one user
103 DONE - strong ban: "expire time|IP|session|(nick if authenticated)"
104 DONE - login: se auth - verifica solo gli expire per quel nick
105 DONE - se non auth - verifica gli expire per IP e sessione
106 DONE - riscrivere messaggi
110 DONE - richiede per l' utente un token (tutta la parte backend va un minimo studiata)
111 DONE - lo legge, ci hasha la password
112 DONE - invia la pass al server hashata
114 DONE - check del login e return corretto
115 DONE - oggetto in shm single table con ( "ip", "login", timestamp ) e suo management
116 DONE - rename ghost if logged
117 DONE - onunload_cb e onbeforeunload_cb !!!
118 DONE - da change attrs a change class (input field)
119 DONE - colore del bg per arrivare ad essere omogeneo
120 DONE - cambiare path e file di config
121 DONE - login with or without pass
122 DONE - registered nick notice (METTERE IL MSG NELLA PAG DI LOGIN)
123 DONE - segnalare tavoli solo per auth
124 DONE - rename restriction at auth table
125 DONE - change nick (strcasecmp)
126 DONE - refact js tables to handle flags
127 DONE - room javascript refactoring
129 DONE - work background
130 DONE - reserved tables
137 URGENT - tables spawn
138 DONE - link with photos
139 DONE - top banner in Etc file
140 DONE - spawn of a table
141 DONE - data to cookies (removed table_idx from xhr calls also)
142 DONE - set subst to shutdowner/shutdowned
143 DONE - return to index.php
145 DONE - recover of corrupted table data
146 DONE - closure of a table
147 DONE - flush of the table
148 DONE - security checks for right scope access
149 DONE - garbage collector management
150 DONE - recursive garbage - howto ?
151 DONE - stat & subst in browser
152 DONE - laccwr setting and exit if all players are unactive for some time
153 DONE - the list of test case
155 DONE - remove unused parts
158 DONE - cambiare titolo al tavolo
159 DONE - shutdowning lock tables
161 DONE - public announcements
162 DONE - 10 sec to exit from table
166 TRAIN - DONE - add again in reload
167 DONE - wag_set refact
168 DONE - filtra char speciali per title
169 DONE - chatt_send refact
170 DONE - elenco dei giocatori
171 DONE - documentazione online
172 DONE - timeout management
173 LATER - border color a muzzo
176 NORM - public announcements
177 NORM - 10 sec to exit from table
178 NORM - moving label for tables click
180 ----------------- join -----------------
183 NORM - restart preload img
184 NORM - tools dir with a main and some pages where check briscola tools.
187 NORM - chat vecchie in reload (forse)
192 - user assistant (with button to enable disable)
198 NORM - internationalization
199 NORM - img -> div + css
204 - link to stable/unstable
206 -------------------------------------------------------------------
210 ABORTED - asta: highlight buttons (css hover) - change pointer when over
212 DONE - special chars in js
213 DONE - ban temporaneo dai tavoli
214 DONE - flash player to play sound
215 DONEBUG - (aum. il timeout) - carte giocate che restano girate
216 Sembra non migliorare di molto la cosa, gestita la cache
217 correttamente, sono apposto.
219 DONE - one player reject a game, to less points (<= 2)
221 DONE - test di download per la cache
222 DONE - se passano tutti tranne l'ultimo l'asta va al penultimo.
223 Corretto il codice, occorre verificare se questo
224 ingenera qualche problema.
225 DONE - raddoppiato il numero di righe nella chat
226 DONE - corretto bug del /nick
227 DONE - carosello pubblicitĂ altout
229 DONE - unload of the stream
230 DONE - standup centrati
231 DONE - current player - in info
233 DONE - wellcome lines in the chats (room and table)
234 DONE - wellcome lines in the chats (room and table)
235 DONE - nomi in primo piano se vai sul quadrato
236 DONE - to pass explicit config file to INSTALL.sh
237 DONE - flag to create a config file
238 ABRT - bottoni => immagini
239 DONE - aggiungere bottone al login
240 DONE - nomi in primo piano se vai sul quadrato
241 DONE - installer to set cookie path
243 DONE - automatic and manual logout
244 DONE - cache problems solved via .htaccess
245 DONE - all players out of the auction
246 DONE - time to send cards
247 DONE - hide cards before sends at a new game
248 DONE - well recognization of the browser and O.S.
249 DONE - login consistency !!!!
250 DONE - functionalization of garbage
251 DONE - call garbage function into login
253 DONE - manage the reload from scratch of the table page
255 DONE - sendcard => card_send(idx, ....)
256 DONE - show table for game
257 DONE - points calculation
258 DONE - make-up of the chooser
259 DONE - where place the briscola on the table
261 DONE - show current auction position
262 DONE - table with internal management of the transition between pages.
263 DONE - server side page abort management
264 DONE - cookie problem with Ajax
265 DONE - spostare il tasto "esco"
266 DONE - to pass explicit config file to INSTALL.sh
268 DONE - safety out management
269 DONE - info enhancement and related button (how win the last game and
270 with how much points ?)
281 Page abort (reload on http streaming case)
287 .htaccess AllowOverwrite mode for Cache-Control directive