add multi-rules management
authorMatteo Nastasi (mop) <>
Thu, 23 Feb 2017 07:01:23 +0000 (08:01 +0100)
committerMatteo Nastasi (mop) <>
Thu, 23 Feb 2017 07:01:23 +0000 (08:01 +0100)
web/briskin5/Obj/rules.phh [new file with mode: 0644]
web/briskin5/Obj/rules_base.phh [new file with mode: 0644]
web/briskin5/Obj/rules_no_draw.phh [new file with mode: 0644]
web/briskin5/Obj/rules_old_rules.phh [new file with mode: 0644]

index a757c09..26dcf35 100644 (file)
@@ -628,15 +628,6 @@ class BriskDB
         $gam_obj = pg_fetch_object($gam_pg, 0);
-        // FIXME
-        $rules_name = "Rules_old_rules";
-        $table->old_reason = ${rules_name}::game_description($gam_obj->act, 'html', $gam_obj->mult,
-                                              $gam_obj->asta_win, ($gam_obj->asta_win != -1 ?
-                                                                   $users[$gam_obj->asta_win]['login'] : ""),
-                                              $gam_obj->friend, ($gam_obj->friend != -1 ?
-                                                                 $users[$gam_obj->friend]['login'] : ""),
-                                              $gam_obj->pnt, $gam_obj->asta_pnt, $gam_obj->tourn_pts);
         // update matches with new ttok and table idx
         $mtc_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %sbin5_matches SET (ttok, tidx) = ('%s', %d) WHERE code = %d RETURNING *;",
                            $G_dbpfx, $sql_ttok, $tidx, $match_code);
@@ -644,6 +635,20 @@ class BriskDB
             log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: update matches table failed", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
             return (FALSE);
+        $mtc_obj = pg_fetch_object($mtc_pg, 0);
+        $old_rules = $table->rules;
+        $rules_name = rules_id2name($mtc_obj->tcode);
+        $table->rules = new $rules_name($table);
+        unset($old_rules);
+        $table->old_reason = ${rules_name}::game_description($gam_obj->act, 'html', $gam_obj->mult,
+                                              $gam_obj->asta_win, ($gam_obj->asta_win != -1 ?
+                                                                   $users[$gam_obj->asta_win]['login'] : ""),
+                                              $gam_obj->friend, ($gam_obj->friend != -1 ?
+                                                                 $users[$gam_obj->friend]['login'] : ""),
+                                              $gam_obj->pnt, $gam_obj->asta_pnt, $gam_obj->tourn_pts);
         return (TRUE);
@@ -716,7 +721,7 @@ class BriskDB
                 // match not exists, insert it
                 // , BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NO_DRAW
                 $mtc_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_matches (ttok, tidx, mazzo_next, mult_next, tcode) VALUES ('%s', %d, %d, %d, %d) RETURNING *;",
-                                   $G_dbpfx, $sql_ttok, $tidx, $table->mazzo, $table->mult, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_OLDRULES);
+                                   $G_dbpfx, $sql_ttok, $tidx, $table->mazzo, $table->mult, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_CURRENT);
                 if (($mtc_pg  = $this->query($mtc_sql)) == FALSE || pg_affected_rows($mtc_pg) != 1) {
                     log_crit(sprintf("bin5_points_save: failed at insert match [%s]", $mtc_sql));
index 106946f..4e5b406 100644 (file)
@@ -30,13 +30,9 @@ define('BIN5_SHM_MAX', (BIN5_SHM_MIN + 1048576));
 define('BIN5_SHM_DLT', 32768);
 define('BIN5_PROXY_PATH', PROXY_PATH."/bin5");
-define('BIN5_RULES_OLDSCHEMA', -1);
-define('BIN5_RULES_FINISH',     0);
-define('BIN5_RULES_ABANDON',    1);
-define('BIN5_RULES_ALLPASS',    2);
-define('BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NO_DRAW',  2);
 $mlang_bin5_bin5 = array(
                          // br, hr, b, /b, win, fri
@@ -115,6 +111,16 @@ $mlang_bin5_bin5 = array(
 $table_wellarr = Array( 'it' => Array ( 'Benvenuto al tavolo. Se almeno tre giocatori non sbloccano l\'uscita cliccando il lucchetto, chi esce non pu&ograve; risedersi a un qualunque tavolo per '.floor(BAN_TIME/60).' minuti.'),
                         'en' => Array ( 'EN Benvenuto al tavolo. Se almeno tre giocatori non sbloccano l\'uscita cliccando il lucchetto, chi esce non pu&ograve; risedersi a un qualunque tavolo per '.floor(BAN_TIME/60).' minuti.') );
+function rules_id2name($id)
+    if ($id == 1)
+        return 'Rules_old_rules';
+    else if ($id == 2)
+        return 'Rules_no_draw';
+    return 'Rules_unknown';
 function multoval($mult)
     GLOBAL $G_lang;
@@ -129,347 +135,6 @@ function multoval($mult)
         return (sprintf(($G_lang == 'en' ? "%d-ple" : "%d-plo"), $mult));
-abstract class Rules {
-    var $table;
-    abstract function engine(&$bri, $curtime, $action, $user);
-    function __construct($table)
-    {
-        $this->table = $table;
-    }
-class Rules_old_rules extends Rules {
-    function __construct($table)
-    {
-        parent::__construct($table);
-    }
-    static function asta2mult($asta_pnt)
-    {
-        if ($asta_pnt > 110)
-            return (6);
-        else if ($asta_pnt > 100)
-            return (5);
-        else if ($asta_pnt > 90)
-            return (4);
-        else if ($asta_pnt > 80)
-            return (3);
-        else if ($asta_pnt > 70)
-            return (2);
-        else
-            return (1);
-    }
-    static function s_multer($mult, $pnt)
-    {
-        return (pow(2, $mult) * static::asta2mult($pnt));
-    }
-    static function s_point_calc($pnt_done, $mult, $pnt_req, $is_allpoints)
-    {
-        return ($pnt_done * static::s_multer($mult, $pnt_req) * ($is_allpoints ? 2 : 1));
-    }
-    function multer($is_new)
-    {
-        if ($is_new) {
-            return (static::s_multer($this->table->mult, $this->table->asta_pnt));
-        }
-        else {
-            return (static::s_multer($this->table->old_mult, $this->table->old_asta_pnt));
-        }
-    }
-    static function game_result($asta_pnt, $pnt)
-    {
-        $sixty = (BIN5_PLAYERS_N == 3 ? 30 : 60);
-        if ($asta_pnt == 61) {
-            if ($pnt > $sixty)
-                return (1);
-            else if ($pnt == $sixty)
-                return (0);
-            else
-                return (-1);
-        }
-        else {
-            if ($pnt >= $asta_pnt)
-                return (1);
-            else
-                return (-1);
-        }
-    }
-    function engine(&$bri, $curtime, $action, $user)
-    {
-        GLOBAL $G_all_points, $G_dbasetype;
-        $table = $this->table;
-        $pnts_sav = array();
-        if ($action == BIN5_RULES_ALLPASS) { // return TRUE if all correct
-            $table->old_act = $action;
-            $table->old_asta_win = -1;
-            $table->old_pnt = 0;
-            $table->mult_inc(1);
-            for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
-                $pnts_sav[$i] = 0;
-            }
-            $game_delta = 1;
-            // $table->game_next(1);
-            $table->game_init(&$bri->user);
-        }
-        else if ($action == BIN5_RULES_ABANDON) { // return TRUE if all correct
-            if (!($user->handpt <= 2)) {
-                return (FALSE);
-            }
-            $table->old_act = $action;
-            log_wr(sprintf("GIOCO FINITO !!!"));
-            $table->old_asta_win = $user->table_pos;
-            $table->old_pnt = 0;
-            $table->mult_inc(1);
-            for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
-                $pnts_sav[$i] = 0;
-            }
-            // Non si cambia mazzo se si abbandona la partita
-            $game_delta = 0;
-            // $table->game_next(0);
-            $table->game_init(&$bri->user);
-        }
-        else if ($action == BIN5_RULES_FINISH) { // return TRUE if all correct
-            $table->old_act = $action;
-            do {
-                $pro = 0;
-                if ($table->asta_pnt == 60)
-                    $table->asta_pnt = 61;
-                $table->old_reason = "";
-                // count points for the temporary 2 teams
-                for ($i = 0 ; $i < (BIN5_CARD_HAND * BIN5_PLAYERS_N) ; $i++) {
-                    $ctt = $table->card[$i]->value % 10;
-                    $own = $table->card[$i]->owner;
-                    if ($own == $table->asta_win || $own == $table->friend)
-                        $pro += $G_all_points[$ctt];
-                }
-                log_wr(sprintf("PRO: [%d]", $pro));
-                // PATTA case !
-                if (static::game_result($table->asta_pnt, $pro) == 0) {
-                    $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS] = array();
-                    for ($i = 0 ; $i < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
-                        $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS][$i] = 0;
-                        $pnts_sav[$i] = 0;
-                    }
-                    $table->points_n++;
-                    $table->old_pnt = $pro;
-                    $table->old_asta_win = $table->asta_win;
-                    $table->mult_inc(1);
-                    break;
-                    }
-                if (static::game_result($table->asta_pnt, $pro) == 1)
-                    $sig = 1;
-                else
-                    $sig = -1;
-                // TAG: POINTS_MANAGEMENT
-                $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS] = array();
-                for ($i = 0 ; $i < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
-                    if ($i == $table->asta_win)
-                        $pnt = ($i == $table->friend ? 4 : 2);
-                    else if ($i == $table->friend)
-                        $pnt = 1;
-                    else
-                        $pnt = -1;
-                    log_wr(sprintf("PRO: pt[%d][%d] = %d", $table->points_n % MAX_POINTS, $i, $pnt));
-                    $pnt_sav = static::s_point_calc($pnt * $sig,           0, $table->asta_pnt, ($pro == 120));
-                    $pnt_tab = static::s_point_calc($pnt * $sig, $table->mult, $table->asta_pnt, ($pro == 120));
-                    $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS][$i] = $pnt_tab;
-                    $table->total[$i] += $pnt_tab;
-                    $pnts_sav[$i] = $pnt_sav;
-                }
-                $table->points_n++;
-                $table->old_pnt = $pro;
-                $table->old_asta_win = $table->asta_win;
-                $table->mult_set(0);
-            } while (0);
-            $game_delta = 1;
-        }
-        else {
-            return (FALSE);
-        }
-        $table->game_next($game_delta);
-        $plist = "$table->table_token|$user->table_orig|$table->player_n";
-        $ucodes = array();
-        $codes = "";
-        for ($i = 0 ; $i < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
-            $user_cur = &$bri->user[$table->player[$i]];
-            /* pro db */
-            $ucodes[$i] = $user_cur->code_get();
-            /* pro log */
-            $plist .= '|'.xcapelt($user_cur->name).'|'.$pnts_sav[$i];
-            $codes .= '|'.xcapelt($user_cur->code_get());
-        }
-        $plist .= $codes;
-        log_legal($curtime, $user->ip, $user, "STAT:BRISKIN5:FINISH_GAME", $plist);
-        $table->old_asta_pnt = $table->asta_pnt;
-        // $table->old_mazzo is managed by ->game_next();
-        // $table->old_mult, $table->old_pnt, $table->old_reason and $table->old_asta_win are specific
-        $table->old_friend = $table->friend;
-        $table->old_tourn_pts = $table->tourn_pts;
-        $table->old_reason = static::game_description($action, 'html', $table->old_mult,
-                                             $table->old_asta_win,
-                                             ($table->old_asta_win != -1 ?
-                                              $bri->user[$table->player[$table->old_asta_win]]->name : ""),
-                                             $table->old_friend,
-                                             ($table->old_friend != -1 ?
-                                              $bri->user[$table->player[$table->old_friend]]->name : ""),
-                                             $table->old_pnt, $table->old_asta_pnt, $table->old_tourn_pts);
-        if ($user->table_orig < TABLES_AUTH_N) {
-            require_once("../Obj/dbase_".$G_dbasetype.".phh");
-            if (($bdb = BriskDB::create()) != FALSE) {
-                $bdb->bin5_points_save($curtime, $table, $user->table_orig, $action, $ucodes, $pnts_sav);
-                unset($bdb);
-            }
-            else {
-                log_points($user->ip, $curtime, $user, "STAT:BRISKIN5:FINISH_GAME", "DATABASE CONNECTION FAILED");
-            }
-            log_points($user->ip, $curtime, $user, "STAT:BRISKIN5:FINISH_GAME", $plist);
-        }
-        $table->game_init(&$bri->user);
-        return (TRUE);
-    }
-    static function game_description($act, $form, $old_mult, $win = -1, $win_name = "?1?", $fri = -1, $fri_name = "?2?",
-                              $old_pnt = -1, $old_asta_pnt = -1, $old_tourn_pts = -1)
-    {
-        GLOBAL $G_lang, $mlang_bin5_bin5;
-        if ($form == 'html') {
-            $tg_br = "<br>";
-            $tg_hr = "<hr>";
-            $tg_bo = "<b>";
-            $tg_bc = "</b>";
-            $win_name = xcape($win_name);
-            $fri_name = xcape($fri_name);
-        }
-        else {
-            $tg_br = " ";
-            $tg_hr = " ";
-            $tg_bo = "";
-            $tg_bc = "";
-        }
-        if ($act == BIN5_RULES_OLDSCHEMA) {
-            return ("");
-        }
-        else if ($act == BIN5_RULES_ALLPASS) {
-            return (sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_alpa'][$G_lang],
-                            $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc));
-        }
-        else if ($act == BIN5_RULES_ABANDON) {
-            return (sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_aban'][$G_lang],
-                            $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
-                            $win_name));
-        }
-        else {
-            $wol = static::game_result($old_asta_pnt, $old_pnt);
-            $noty = "";
-            if ($win != $fri) { // not alone case
-                /* MLANG: "<hr>Nell'ultima mano ha chiamato <b>%s</b>, il socio era <b>%s</b>,<br>", "hanno fatto <b>cappotto</b> EBBRAVI!.<hr>", "dovevano fare <b>%s</b> punti e ne hanno fatti <b>%d</b>: hanno <b>%s</b>.<hr>", "<hr>Nell'ultima mano <b>%s</b> si &egrave; chiamato in mano,<br>", "ha fatto <b>cappotto</b> EBBRAVO!.<hr>", "doveva fare <b>%s</b> punti e ne ha fatti <b>%d</b>: ha <b>%s</b>.<hr>", ($table->old_asta_pnt > 61 ? "almeno ".$table->old_asta_pnt : 'pi&ugrave; di 60'), $table->old_pnt, ($wol == 1 ? "vinto" : ($wol == 0 ? "pareggiato" : "perso" */
-                $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_part'][$G_lang],
-                                 $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
-                                 $win_name,
-                                 $fri_name,
-                                 $old_tourn_pts);
-                if ($old_pnt == 120) {
-                    $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_capp'][$G_lang],
-                                     $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc );
-                }
-                else {
-                    if ($old_asta_pnt > 61) {
-                        $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_alea'][$G_lang],
-                                         $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
-                                         $old_asta_pnt, $old_pnt,
-                                         ($wol == 1 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_win'][$G_lang] :
-                                          ($wol == 0 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_peer'][$G_lang] :
-                                           $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_lost'][$G_lang])));
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_more'][$G_lang],
-                                         $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
-                                         $old_pnt,
-                                         ($wol == 1 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_win'][$G_lang] :
-                                          ($wol == 0 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_peer'][$G_lang] :
-                                           $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_lost'][$G_lang])));
-                    } // else of if ($old_asta_pnt > 61) {
-                } // else of if ($old_pnt == 120) {
-            } // if ($win != $fri) { // not alone case
-            else {
-                $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_alon'][$G_lang],
-                                 $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
-                                 $win_name,
-                                 $old_tourn_pts);
-                if ($old_pnt == 120) {
-                    $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_acap'][$G_lang],
-                                     $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc);
-                }
-                else {
-                    if ($old_asta_pnt > 61) {
-                        $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_aleaa'][$G_lang],
-                                         $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
-                                         $old_asta_pnt, $old_pnt,
-                                         ($wol == 1 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_win'][$G_lang] :
-                                          ($wol == 0 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_peer'][$G_lang] :
-                                           $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_lost'][$G_lang])));
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_morea'][$G_lang],
-                                         $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
-                                         $old_pnt,
-                                         ($wol == 1 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_win'][$G_lang] :
-                                          ($wol == 0 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_peer'][$G_lang] :
-                                           $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_lost'][$G_lang])));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        $old_multer = static::s_multer($old_mult, $old_asta_pnt);
-        if ($old_multer > 1) {
-            $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_omul'][$G_lang],
-                             $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
-                             multoval($old_multer));
-        }
-        $noty .= sprintf('%2$s', $tg_br, $tg_hr);
-        return ($noty);
-    }
-} // class Rules_old_rules
 class Card {
     var $value; /* 0 - 39 card value */
@@ -649,7 +314,7 @@ class Bin5_table extends Table {
         $thiz->card = array();
-        $thiz->mazzo    = rand(0,PLAYERS_N-1);
+        $thiz->mazzo  = rand(0,PLAYERS_N-1);
         $thiz->points = array();
         $thiz->total  = array();
         $thiz->points_n = 0;
@@ -660,8 +325,7 @@ class Bin5_table extends Table {
         $thiz->old_asta_win = -1;
         $thiz->old_reason = "";
-        // FIXME
-        $rules_name = "Rules_old_rules";
+        $rules_name = rules_id2name(BIN5_TOURNAMENT_CURRENT);
         $thiz->rules = new $rules_name($thiz);
         // players are rearranged in an dedicated array
         $thiz->player = array();
@@ -829,6 +493,9 @@ class Bin5_table extends Table {
     function match_continue(&$bri, $user, $match_id_s)
+        //
+        //  Rules: update version following loaded tcode
+        //
         $ret = FALSE;
         $curtime = time();
@@ -920,6 +587,10 @@ class Bin5_table extends Table {
+            /* update rules engine */
+            $rules_name = rules_id2name($match_data['tcode']);
+            $this->rules = new $rules_name($this);
             /* bunch and multiplier status set */
             $this->mazzo = $match_data['mazzo_next'];
             $this->mult  = $match_data['mult_next'];
@@ -2133,16 +1804,6 @@ function briscola_show($bri, $table, $user)
     return ($ret);
-function game_result_new($asta_pnt, $pnt)
-    if ($pnt >= $asta_pnt)
-        return (1);
-    else
-        return (-1);
 function log_points($remote_addr, $curtime, $user, $where, $mesg)
     if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/points.log", 'a')) != FALSE) {
diff --git a/web/briskin5/Obj/rules.phh b/web/briskin5/Obj/rules.phh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ce9e8f2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ *  brisk - rules.phh
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2017 Matteo Nastasi
+ *                          mailto:
+ *                        
+ *                          web:
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details. You should have received a
+ * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if
+ * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc, 59 Temple Place -
+ * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ */
+define('BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NO_DRAW',  2);
+define('BIN5_RULES_OLDSCHEMA', -1);
+define('BIN5_RULES_FINISH',     0);
+define('BIN5_RULES_ABANDON',    1);
+define('BIN5_RULES_ALLPASS',    2);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/briskin5/Obj/rules_base.phh b/web/briskin5/Obj/rules_base.phh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..779e3af
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ *  brisk - rules.phh
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2017 Matteo Nastasi
+ *                          mailto:
+ *                        
+ *                          web:
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details. You should have received a
+ * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if
+ * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc, 59 Temple Place -
+ * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ */
+abstract class Rules {
+    var $table;
+    abstract function engine(&$bri, $curtime, $action, $user);
+    function __construct($table)
+    {
+        $this->table = $table;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/briskin5/Obj/rules_no_draw.phh b/web/briskin5/Obj/rules_no_draw.phh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8b4121c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ *  brisk - rules_no_draw.phh
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2017 Matteo Nastasi
+ *                          mailto:
+ *                        
+ *                          web:
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details. You should have received a
+ * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if
+ * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc, 59 Temple Place -
+ * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ */
+class Rules_no_draw extends Rules_old_rules {
+    function __construct($table)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($table);
+    }
+    static function game_result($asta_pnt, $pnt)
+    {
+        if ($pnt >= $asta_pnt)
+            return (1);
+        else
+            return (-1);
+    }
+} // class Rules_no_draw
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/web/briskin5/Obj/rules_old_rules.phh b/web/briskin5/Obj/rules_old_rules.phh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a44cf3f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ *  brisk - rules_old_rules.phh
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2017 Matteo Nastasi
+ *                          mailto:
+ *                        
+ *                          web:
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details. You should have received a
+ * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if
+ * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc, 59 Temple Place -
+ * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ */
+class Rules_old_rules extends Rules {
+    function __construct($table)
+    {
+        parent::__construct($table);
+    }
+    static function asta2mult($asta_pnt)
+    {
+        if ($asta_pnt > 110)
+            return (6);
+        else if ($asta_pnt > 100)
+            return (5);
+        else if ($asta_pnt > 90)
+            return (4);
+        else if ($asta_pnt > 80)
+            return (3);
+        else if ($asta_pnt > 70)
+            return (2);
+        else
+            return (1);
+    }
+    static function s_multer($mult, $pnt)
+    {
+        return (pow(2, $mult) * static::asta2mult($pnt));
+    }
+    static function s_point_calc($pnt_done, $mult, $pnt_req, $is_allpoints)
+    {
+        return ($pnt_done * static::s_multer($mult, $pnt_req) * ($is_allpoints ? 2 : 1));
+    }
+    function multer($is_new)
+    {
+        if ($is_new) {
+            return (static::s_multer($this->table->mult, $this->table->asta_pnt));
+        }
+        else {
+            return (static::s_multer($this->table->old_mult, $this->table->old_asta_pnt));
+        }
+    }
+    static function game_result($asta_pnt, $pnt)
+    {
+        $sixty = (BIN5_PLAYERS_N == 3 ? 30 : 60);
+        if ($asta_pnt == 61) {
+            if ($pnt > $sixty)
+                return (1);
+            else if ($pnt == $sixty)
+                return (0);
+            else
+                return (-1);
+        }
+        else {
+            if ($pnt >= $asta_pnt)
+                return (1);
+            else
+                return (-1);
+        }
+    }
+    function engine(&$bri, $curtime, $action, $user)
+    {
+        GLOBAL $G_all_points, $G_dbasetype;
+        $table = $this->table;
+        $pnts_sav = array();
+        if ($action == BIN5_RULES_ALLPASS) { // return TRUE if all correct
+            $table->old_act = $action;
+            $table->old_asta_win = -1;
+            $table->old_pnt = 0;
+            $table->mult_inc(1);
+            for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+                $pnts_sav[$i] = 0;
+            }
+            $game_delta = 1;
+            // $table->game_next(1);
+            $table->game_init(&$bri->user);
+        }
+        else if ($action == BIN5_RULES_ABANDON) { // return TRUE if all correct
+            if (!($user->handpt <= 2)) {
+                return (FALSE);
+            }
+            $table->old_act = $action;
+            log_wr(sprintf("GIOCO FINITO !!!"));
+            $table->old_asta_win = $user->table_pos;
+            $table->old_pnt = 0;
+            $table->mult_inc(1);
+            for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+                $pnts_sav[$i] = 0;
+            }
+            // Non si cambia mazzo se si abbandona la partita
+            $game_delta = 0;
+            // $table->game_next(0);
+            $table->game_init(&$bri->user);
+        }
+        else if ($action == BIN5_RULES_FINISH) { // return TRUE if all correct
+            $table->old_act = $action;
+            do {
+                $pro = 0;
+                if ($table->asta_pnt == 60)
+                    $table->asta_pnt = 61;
+                $table->old_reason = "";
+                // count points for the temporary 2 teams
+                for ($i = 0 ; $i < (BIN5_CARD_HAND * BIN5_PLAYERS_N) ; $i++) {
+                    $ctt = $table->card[$i]->value % 10;
+                    $own = $table->card[$i]->owner;
+                    if ($own == $table->asta_win || $own == $table->friend)
+                        $pro += $G_all_points[$ctt];
+                }
+                log_wr(sprintf("PRO: [%d]", $pro));
+                // PATTA case !
+                if (static::game_result($table->asta_pnt, $pro) == 0) {
+                    $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS] = array();
+                    for ($i = 0 ; $i < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+                        $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS][$i] = 0;
+                        $pnts_sav[$i] = 0;
+                    }
+                    $table->points_n++;
+                    $table->old_pnt = $pro;
+                    $table->old_asta_win = $table->asta_win;
+                    $table->mult_inc(1);
+                    break;
+                    }
+                if (static::game_result($table->asta_pnt, $pro) == 1)
+                    $sig = 1;
+                else
+                    $sig = -1;
+                // TAG: POINTS_MANAGEMENT
+                $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS] = array();
+                for ($i = 0 ; $i < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+                    if ($i == $table->asta_win)
+                        $pnt = ($i == $table->friend ? 4 : 2);
+                    else if ($i == $table->friend)
+                        $pnt = 1;
+                    else
+                        $pnt = -1;
+                    log_wr(sprintf("PRO: pt[%d][%d] = %d", $table->points_n % MAX_POINTS, $i, $pnt));
+                    $pnt_sav = static::s_point_calc($pnt * $sig,           0, $table->asta_pnt, ($pro == 120));
+                    $pnt_tab = static::s_point_calc($pnt * $sig, $table->mult, $table->asta_pnt, ($pro == 120));
+                    $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS][$i] = $pnt_tab;
+                    $table->total[$i] += $pnt_tab;
+                    $pnts_sav[$i] = $pnt_sav;
+                }
+                $table->points_n++;
+                $table->old_pnt = $pro;
+                $table->old_asta_win = $table->asta_win;
+                $table->mult_set(0);
+            } while (0);
+            $game_delta = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            return (FALSE);
+        }
+        $table->game_next($game_delta);
+        $plist = "$table->table_token|$user->table_orig|$table->player_n";
+        $ucodes = array();
+        $codes = "";
+        for ($i = 0 ; $i < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+            $user_cur = &$bri->user[$table->player[$i]];
+            /* pro db */
+            $ucodes[$i] = $user_cur->code_get();
+            /* pro log */
+            $plist .= '|'.xcapelt($user_cur->name).'|'.$pnts_sav[$i];
+            $codes .= '|'.xcapelt($user_cur->code_get());
+        }
+        $plist .= $codes;
+        log_legal($curtime, $user->ip, $user, "STAT:BRISKIN5:FINISH_GAME", $plist);
+        $table->old_asta_pnt = $table->asta_pnt;
+        // $table->old_mazzo is managed by ->game_next();
+        // $table->old_mult, $table->old_pnt, $table->old_reason and $table->old_asta_win are specific
+        $table->old_friend = $table->friend;
+        $table->old_tourn_pts = $table->tourn_pts;
+        $table->old_reason = static::game_description($action, 'html', $table->old_mult,
+                                             $table->old_asta_win,
+                                             ($table->old_asta_win != -1 ?
+                                              $bri->user[$table->player[$table->old_asta_win]]->name : ""),
+                                             $table->old_friend,
+                                             ($table->old_friend != -1 ?
+                                              $bri->user[$table->player[$table->old_friend]]->name : ""),
+                                             $table->old_pnt, $table->old_asta_pnt, $table->old_tourn_pts);
+        if ($user->table_orig < TABLES_AUTH_N) {
+            require_once("../Obj/dbase_".$G_dbasetype.".phh");
+            if (($bdb = BriskDB::create()) != FALSE) {
+                $bdb->bin5_points_save($curtime, $table, $user->table_orig, $action, $ucodes, $pnts_sav);
+                unset($bdb);
+            }
+            else {
+                log_points($user->ip, $curtime, $user, "STAT:BRISKIN5:FINISH_GAME", "DATABASE CONNECTION FAILED");
+            }
+            log_points($user->ip, $curtime, $user, "STAT:BRISKIN5:FINISH_GAME", $plist);
+        }
+        $table->game_init(&$bri->user);
+        return (TRUE);
+    }
+    static function game_description($act, $form, $old_mult, $win = -1, $win_name = "?1?", $fri = -1, $fri_name = "?2?",
+                              $old_pnt = -1, $old_asta_pnt = -1, $old_tourn_pts = -1)
+    {
+        GLOBAL $G_lang, $mlang_bin5_bin5;
+        if ($form == 'html') {
+            $tg_br = "<br>";
+            $tg_hr = "<hr>";
+            $tg_bo = "<b>";
+            $tg_bc = "</b>";
+            $win_name = xcape($win_name);
+            $fri_name = xcape($fri_name);
+        }
+        else {
+            $tg_br = " ";
+            $tg_hr = " ";
+            $tg_bo = "";
+            $tg_bc = "";
+        }
+        if ($act == BIN5_RULES_OLDSCHEMA) {
+            return ("");
+        }
+        else if ($act == BIN5_RULES_ALLPASS) {
+            return (sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_alpa'][$G_lang],
+                            $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc));
+        }
+        else if ($act == BIN5_RULES_ABANDON) {
+            return (sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_aban'][$G_lang],
+                            $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
+                            $win_name));
+        }
+        else {
+            $wol = static::game_result($old_asta_pnt, $old_pnt);
+            $noty = "";
+            if ($win != $fri) { // not alone case
+                /* MLANG: "<hr>Nell'ultima mano ha chiamato <b>%s</b>, il socio era <b>%s</b>,<br>", "hanno fatto <b>cappotto</b> EBBRAVI!.<hr>", "dovevano fare <b>%s</b> punti e ne hanno fatti <b>%d</b>: hanno <b>%s</b>.<hr>", "<hr>Nell'ultima mano <b>%s</b> si &egrave; chiamato in mano,<br>", "ha fatto <b>cappotto</b> EBBRAVO!.<hr>", "doveva fare <b>%s</b> punti e ne ha fatti <b>%d</b>: ha <b>%s</b>.<hr>", ($table->old_asta_pnt > 61 ? "almeno ".$table->old_asta_pnt : 'pi&ugrave; di 60'), $table->old_pnt, ($wol == 1 ? "vinto" : ($wol == 0 ? "pareggiato" : "perso" */
+                $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_part'][$G_lang],
+                                 $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
+                                 $win_name,
+                                 $fri_name,
+                                 $old_tourn_pts);
+                if ($old_pnt == 120) {
+                    $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_capp'][$G_lang],
+                                     $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc );
+                }
+                else {
+                    if ($old_asta_pnt > 61) {
+                        $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_alea'][$G_lang],
+                                         $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
+                                         $old_asta_pnt, $old_pnt,
+                                         ($wol == 1 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_win'][$G_lang] :
+                                          ($wol == 0 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_peer'][$G_lang] :
+                                           $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_lost'][$G_lang])));
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_more'][$G_lang],
+                                         $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
+                                         $old_pnt,
+                                         ($wol == 1 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_win'][$G_lang] :
+                                          ($wol == 0 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_peer'][$G_lang] :
+                                           $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_lost'][$G_lang])));
+                    } // else of if ($old_asta_pnt > 61) {
+                } // else of if ($old_pnt == 120) {
+            } // if ($win != $fri) { // not alone case
+            else {
+                $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_alon'][$G_lang],
+                                 $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
+                                 $win_name,
+                                 $old_tourn_pts);
+                if ($old_pnt == 120) {
+                    $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_acap'][$G_lang],
+                                     $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc);
+                }
+                else {
+                    if ($old_asta_pnt > 61) {
+                        $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_aleaa'][$G_lang],
+                                         $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
+                                         $old_asta_pnt, $old_pnt,
+                                         ($wol == 1 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_win'][$G_lang] :
+                                          ($wol == 0 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_peer'][$G_lang] :
+                                           $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_lost'][$G_lang])));
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_morea'][$G_lang],
+                                         $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
+                                         $old_pnt,
+                                         ($wol == 1 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_win'][$G_lang] :
+                                          ($wol == 0 ? $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_peer'][$G_lang] :
+                                           $mlang_bin5_bin5['info_lost'][$G_lang])));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $old_multer = static::s_multer($old_mult, $old_asta_pnt);
+        if ($old_multer > 1) {
+            $noty .= sprintf($mlang_bin5_bin5['info_omul'][$G_lang],
+                             $tg_br, $tg_hr, $tg_bo, $tg_bc,
+                             multoval($old_multer));
+        }
+        $noty .= sprintf('%2$s', $tg_br, $tg_hr);
+        return ($noty);
+    }
+} // class Rules_old_rules
\ No newline at end of file
index a9fcdee..5f62596 100644 (file)
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ SELECT m.code AS code, m.mazzo_next as minus_one_is_old
             printf("[Tournament [%s]], number of matches: %d\n", $mlang_stat_day[$trn_obj->name][$G_lang], $tmt_n);
-            fprintf($fpexp, "<h3>%s</h3>", $mlang_stat_day[$trn_obj->name][$G_lang]);
+            fprintf($fpexp, "<h2 style=\"padding: 8px; background-color: pink;\">%s</h2>", $mlang_stat_day[$trn_obj->name][$G_lang]);
             // loop on matches
             for ($m = 0 ; $m < $tmt_n ; $m++) {
index e88a9f9..2e702c7 100644 (file)
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ function main_pgsql($curtime)
         $mtc_sql = sprintf("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %sbin5_temp_matches ON COMMIT DROP AS SELECT m.code, max(g.tstamp) AS tstamp 
                             FROM %sbin5_matches as m, %sbin5_games as g 
-                            WHERE m.tcode = %d AND m.code = g.mcode GROUP BY m.code, m.ttok",
-                           $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NORMAL);
+                            WHERE (m.tcode = %d OR m.tcode = %d) AND m.code = g.mcode GROUP BY m.code, m.ttok",
+                           $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_OLDRULES, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NO_DRAW);
         if (pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $mtc_sql) == FALSE) {
             log_crit("statadm: temporary matches table creation [$mtc_sql] failed");
@@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ function main_pgsql($curtime)
                 $mtc_obj = pg_fetch_object($mtc_pg, 0);
-                if (fwrite($fp, sprintf("M|%d|%s|%d|\n", $mtc_obj->code, xcapelt($mtc_obj->ttok), $mtc_obj->tidx)) == FALSE) {
+                if (fwrite($fp, sprintf("M|%d|%s|%d|%d|\n", $mtc_obj->code, xcapelt($mtc_obj->ttok),
+                                        $mtc_obj->tidx, $mtc_obj->tcode)) == FALSE) {
                     log_crit("statadm: log file [$fname] write match failed");
@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ function main_pgsql($curtime)
             // TAG: POINTS_MANAGEMENT
             $pla_sql = sprintf("SELECT (float4(sum(p.pts)) * 100.0 ) /  float4(count(p.pts)) as score, sum(p.pts) as points, count(p.pts) as games, u.code as ucode, u.login as login
                                 FROM %sbin5_points as p, %sbin5_games as g, %sbin5_matches as m, %susers as u 
-                                WHERE m.tcode = %d AND m.code = g.mcode AND
+                                WHERE (m.tcode = %d OR m.tcode = %d) AND m.code = g.mcode AND
                                       ( (u.type & (CAST (X'ff0000' as integer))) <> (CAST (X'800000' as integer)) ) AND
                                       g.tstamp > to_timestamp(%d) AND g.tstamp <= to_timestamp(%d) AND
                                       p.ucode = u.code AND p.gcode = g.code AND
@@ -345,7 +346,8 @@ function main_pgsql($curtime)
                                 GROUP BY u.code, u.login
                                 ORDER BY (float4(sum(p.pts)) * 100.0 ) /  float4(count(p.pts)) DESC, 
                                          count(p.pts) DESC",
-                               $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NORMAL,
+                               $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx,
+                               BIN5_TOURNAMENT_OLDRULES, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NO_DRAW,
                                $curtime - $limi[$dtime], $curtime);
             // log_crit("statadm: INFO: [$pla_sql]");