2012-04-25 Matteo Nastasi... clean of string stream added (we still need <script... master
2012-04-25 Matteo Nastasi... hs attribute ctx_new_len removed and typo fixed ctx_new...
2012-04-25 Matteo Nastasi... fixed trivial conflicts
2012-04-25 Matteo Nastasi... ctx_old attribute removed (we will use ctx_old_len... iframe-check
2012-04-25 Matteo Nastasi... gst status object and sess-ion value passed to http_str...
2012-04-25 Matteo Nastasi... ctx_new moved and $st added to manage status value
2012-04-25 Matteo Nastasi... test-commons.php added
2012-04-25 Matteo Nastasi... php log added
2012-04-19 Matteo Nastasi... full url bug (ffox 3.5 was affected) for forever iframe...
2012-04-18 Matteo Nastasi... add session management and step passed to the streamer
2012-04-18 Matteo Nastasi... cookie mgmt functions and url_append_args func facility...
2012-04-17 Matteo Nastasi... more readable log, start/stop button added, many body...
2012-04-11 Matteo Nastasi... moved script hunks after body tag to allow chrome working
2012-04-11 Matteo Nastasi... ctx_new moved inside iframe to avoid inconsistencies...
2012-04-07 Matteo Nastasi... workaround implemented to avoid IE7 scope reset
2012-04-07 Matteo Nastasi... updated with 'ready' trick to workaround windows scope...
2012-04-02 Matteo Nastasi... console argument passed to http_streaming constructor
2012-04-02 Matteo Nastasi... xynt-console enhanced to allow multiple instaces of it
2012-04-01 Matteo Nastasi... first http-streaming with iframe working on ff and ie
2011-12-14 Matteo Nastasi... images for draggable wall added
2011-12-14 Matteo Nastasi... first working version of streaming for windows iframe...
2011-12-14 Matteo Nastasi... png installation added
2011-12-14 Matteo Nastasi... windows don't like spaces in win id
2011-12-13 Matteo Nastasi... position of drag icon fixed
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... installer added
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... mplanner.html removed
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... .gitignore added
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... prova.html removed
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... js path changed in web/test-base.html
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... dir tree refactored
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... removed CR from end of lines of xynt-dd.js
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... Drag class renamed to xynt_dd and inherit from xynt_con...
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... class xynt_connect finished
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... added new closure to cristalize the function name of...
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... some debugging statements removed
2011-12-07 Matteo Nastasi... moved js code from html to js files
2011-12-05 Matteo Nastasi... first semi-working version of test-div-coord.html page
2011-12-01 Matteo Nastasi... console surrogate added
2011-11-25 Matteo Nastasirenamed test-base.html to base-test.html
2011-11-25 Matteo Nastasiupdated some notes
2011-11-24 Matteo Nastasibase-test.js added
2011-11-24 Matteo Nastasiremoved temporary test file
2011-11-24 Matteo Nastasiremoved unusefull dom elements
2011-11-24 Matteo Nastasinormalization of filenames
2011-11-24 Matteo Nastasirenamed js in test_base.html
2011-11-24 Matteo NastasiExtendsInst function added to extends a previous object
2011-11-24 Matteo Nastasimore complete print_dynstat in xynt-base-test4.js
2011-11-23 Matteo NastasiExtens and ExtensInst completed
2011-11-21 Matteo Nastasiclassified dd and finalized multi-inheritance
2011-11-16 Matteo Nastasirenamed tmp var in more explicative inh(erit)
2011-11-16 Matteo Nastasicheck on the is_last condition fixed
2011-11-15 Matteo Nastasifirst multiple inheritance working
2011-11-15 Matteo Nastasifirst simple inheritance function
2011-11-11 Matteo Nastasiconnect function added to add the current node to the...
2011-11-11 Matteo Nastasitasks_list object created without 'clip' object
2011-11-11 Matteo Nastasifirst commit