=== DESCRIPTION === This package allows web developers to use C.N.S. (italian Carta Nazionale dei Servizi) as strong client authentication and encryption, with updates and full management of related Certification Revocation Lists (CRL). === HOWTO === - as user "root" run ./bin/threegates_builder.sh in "out" directory you found a tree that you can tar and explode in / directory - add apache user to "threegates" group - add to the root crontab the line: */10 * * * * /usr/lib/threegates/bin/crl-manager.py - configure apache to manage CA and CRL (an example in root/etc/apache2/sites-available/001-ssl) - add site pages (an example in root/var/www) === SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS === openssl sed php apache2 python === TESTED ON === Debian 6.0.3 - Squeeze === OPEN ISSUES === - change external process management (the current api is deprecated) - build a debian package