il client aspetta 3 secondi, e poi da 10 a N ogni secondo, (status sempre verde)."); // trim(mb_convert_case($split[0], MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8')) function headers_render($header, $len) { $cookies = ""; if (isset($header['Cookies'])) { $cookies = $header['Cookies']->render(); unset($header['Cookies']); } if (isset($header['Location'])) { header(sprintf("HTTP/1.1 302 OK\r\n%sLocation: %s", $cookies, $header['Location'])); } else if (isset($header['HTTP-Response'])) { header(sprintf("HTTP/1.1 %s", $header['HTTP-Response'])); foreach($header as $key => $value) { if (strtolower($key) == "http-response") continue; header(sprintf("%s: %s", $key, $value)); } if ($len >= 0) { header(sprintf("Content-Length: %ld", $len)); } } else { header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"); if (!isset($header['Date'])) header(sprintf("Date: %s", date(DATE_RFC822))); if (!isset($header['Connection'])) header("Connection: close"); if (!isset($header['Content-Type'])) header("Content-Type: text/html"); foreach($header as $key => $value) { header(sprintf("%s: %s", $key, $value)); } if ($len >= 0) { header(sprintf("Content-Length: %d", $len)); } else { header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); if (!isset($header['Content-Encoding'])) { header("Content-Encoding: chunked"); } header("Transfer-Encoding: chunked"); } header($cookies); } return (TRUE); } $transs = array( "iframe", "websocket", "xhr", "htmlfile" ); if (!isset($f_trans)) $f_trans = $transs[0]; if (!isset($f_test)) $f_test = 1; function mop_flush() { for ($i = 0; $i < ob_get_level(); $i++) ob_end_flush(); ob_implicit_flush(1); flush(); } $escpush_from = array("\\", "\""); $escpush_to = array("\\\\", "\\\""); function escpush($s) { GLOBAL $escpush_from, $escpush_to; return str_replace($escpush_from, $escpush_to, $s); } function xcape($s) { $from = array ( '\\', '@', '|' ); $to = array ( '\\\\', '@', '¦' ); return (str_replace($from, $to, htmlentities($s,ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8"))); } if (isset($isstream) && $isstream == "true") { require_once("Obj/transports.phh"); if (isset($transp) && $transp == "websocket") { $trobj = new Transport_websocket(); } else if (isset($transp) && $transp == "xhr") { $trobj = new Transport_xhr(); } else if (isset($transp) && $transp == "htmlfile") { $trobj = new Transport_htmlfile(); } else { $trobj = new Transport_iframe(); } $headers_out = array(); $init_string = ""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < 4096 ; $i++) { if (($i % 128) == 0) $init_string .= " "; else $init_string .= chr(mt_rand(65, 90)); } $headers_in = getallheaders(); $headers = array(); foreach ($headers_in as $header_in => $value) { $headers[mb_convert_case($header_in, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8')] = $value; } $fp = fopen("/tmp/xynt.log", "a+"); fprintf($fp, "here we are\n"); fclose($fp); $body = $trobj->init("plain", $headers, $headers_out, $init_string, "", "0"); if ($body === FALSE) { $fp = fopen("/tmp/xynt.log", "a+"); fprintf($fp, "init failed\n"); fclose($fp); } else { $fp = fopen("/tmp/xynt.log", "a+"); fprintf($fp, "after_init [%s] [%s]\n", $transp, print_r($headers_out, TRUE)); fprintf($fp, "body [%s][%d]\n", $body, mb_strlen($body, "ASCII")); fclose($fp); } if (isset($transp) && $transp == "websocket") { header_remove('Connection'); header_remove('Content-Encoding'); header_remove('Content-Type'); header_remove('Date'); header_remove('Keep-Alive'); header_remove('Server'); header_remove('Transfer-Encoding'); header_remove('Vary'); header_remove('X-Powered-By'); headers_render($headers_out, 100); } $lnz = 0; print($body); $lnz += mb_strlen($body, "ASCII"); mop_flush(); switch ($f_test) { case 1: // from 1 to 9 into the innerHTML and than close for ($i = 1 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { $chunk = $trobj->chunk($i, sprintf("\$('container').innerHTML = '%d';", $i)); print($chunk); mop_flush(); sleep(1); } break; case 2: // from 1 to 9 into the innerHTML and than close for ($i = 1 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { $chunk = $trobj->chunk($i, sprintf("; \$('container').innerHTML =;")); print($chunk); $lnz += mb_strlen($chunk, "ASCII"); mop_flush(); sleep(1); } break; case 3: // from 1 to 9 with 60 secs after 8, the client js api must restart stream after 12 secs for ($i = 1 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { $chunk = $trobj->chunk($i, sprintf("\$('container').innerHTML = '%d';", $i)); print($chunk); mop_flush(); sleep(1); if ($i == 8) sleep(60); } break; case 4: // from 1 to 9 into the innerHTML and than close for ($i = 1 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { if ($i != 5) { $chunk = $trobj->chunk($i, sprintf("\$('container').innerHTML = '%d';", $i)); } else { $chunk = $trobj->chunk($i, sprintf("\$('container').innerHTML = '%d';|sleep(gst,3000);", $i)); } print($chunk); mop_flush(); sleep(1); } break; case 5: // from 1 to 9 into the innerHTML and than close $cont = array('@BEGIN@', '@END@', '@BEGIN@ sleep(1); @END@'); for ($i = 1 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { switch($i) { case 6: case 7: case 8: $chunk = $trobj->chunk($i, sprintf("\$('container').innerHTML = '%s';", xcape($cont[$i - 6]))); break; default: $chunk = $trobj->chunk($i, sprintf("\$('container').innerHTML = '%d';", $i)); break; } print($chunk); mop_flush(); if ($i < 9) sleep(1); } break; case 6: // from 1 to 9 into the innerHTML and than close if ($step == 8) { $chunk = $trobj->chunk(1, sprintf("; \$('container').innerHTML =;")); print($chunk); // without this usleep the delay is doubled in iframe stream because // no transp.xynt_streaming back-set is performed usleep(250000); mop_flush(); } else { for ($i = 1 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { $chunk = $trobj->chunk($i, sprintf("; \$('container').innerHTML =;")); print($chunk); mop_flush(); if ($i < 9) sleep(1); } } break; } print($trobj->close()); mop_flush(); exit; } ?> XYNT TEST01
"); for ($test = 1 ; $test <= count($desc) ; $test++) { printf(""); foreach ($transs as $trans) { printf("Test %s %02d", $trans, $test, $trans, $test); } printf("\n"); } printf(""); printf("
Test: %d
", $f_trans, $f_test); ?>
Counter: BEGIN