array( 'it' => 'Partite normali', 'en' => 'Normal matches' ), 'special match' => array( 'it' => 'Partite speciali', 'en' => 'Special matches'), 'info_total'=> array( 'it' => 'totali', 'en' => 'En totali') ); ini_set("max_execution_time", "240"); require_once($G_base."Obj/brisk.phh"); require_once($G_base."Obj/user.phh"); require_once($G_base."Obj/auth.phh"); require_once($G_base."Obj/dbase_${G_dbasetype}.phh"); require_once($G_base."briskin5/Obj/briskin5.phh"); require_once($G_base."briskin5/Obj/placing.phh"); require_once($G_base."spush/brisk-spush.phh"); function check_auth() { GLOBAL $G_alarm_passwd, $sess, $_POST, $_SERVER; $socket = FALSE; $ret = FALSE; $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $private = md5($G_alarm_passwd.$ip.$sess); $cmd = array ("cmd" => "userauth", "sess" => $sess, "private" => $private, "the_end" => "true"); $cmd_ser = cmd_serialize($cmd); $cmd_len = mb_strlen($cmd_ser, "ASCII"); do { if (($socket = stream_socket_client("unix://".USOCK_PATH."2")) == FALSE) break; if (($rwr = fwrite($socket, $cmd_ser, $cmd_len)) == FALSE || $rwr != $cmd_len) break; fflush($socket); if (($buf = fread($socket, 4096)) == FALSE) break; $res = cmd_deserialize($buf); if (!isset($res['val']) || $res['val'] != 200) break; $ret = TRUE; } while (0); if ($socket != FALSE) fclose($socket); return ($ret); } function main($action) { GLOBAL $G_dbpfx, $G_alarm_passwd, $f_mailusers, $sess, $_POST, $_SERVER; if (check_auth() == FALSE) { echo "Authentication failed"; exit; } if (isset($f_mailusers)) { $action = "listnew"; } if ($action == "listnew") { echo "pippo"; } else { do { if (($bdb = BriskDB::create()) == FALSE) { log_crit("stat-day: database connection failed"); break; } // retrieve list of active tournaments $usr_sql = sprintf(" SELECT usr.*, guar.login AS guar_login FROM %susers AS usr JOIN %susers AS guar ON guar.code = usr.guar_code WHERE ( (usr.type & (CAST (X'%x' as integer))) = (CAST (X'%x' as integer)) ) AND usr.disa_reas = %d;", $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, USER_FLAG_TY_ALL, USER_FLAG_TY_DISABLE, USER_DIS_REA_NU_TOBECHK); if (($usr_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $usr_sql)) == FALSE) { log_crit("stat-day: select from tournaments failed"); break; } $usr_n = pg_numrows($usr_pg); printf("Number of tournaments: %d\n", $usr_n); $tab_lines = ""; // loop on tournaments for ($i = 0 ; $i < $usr_n ; $i++) { // log_crit("stat-day: LOOP i"); $usr_obj = pg_fetch_object($usr_pg, $i); $tab_lines .= sprintf("%s\n", $usr_obj->code, eschtml($usr_obj->login), eschtml($usr_obj->guar_login)); } ?>
" method="POST">