#!/usr/bin/php id = $id; $this->cnt = -1; $this->sock = NULL; } function enable($sock, $sess) { $this->sess = $sess; $this->cnt = 0; $this->sock = $sock; return ($this->id); } function disable() { $this->cnt = -1; $this->sock = NULL; } function is_enable() { return ($this->cnt < 0 ? FALSE : TRUE); } function sock_get() { return $this->sock; } function sock_set($sock) { $this->sock = $sock; } function id_get() { return $this->id; } function sess_get() { return $this->sess; } function cnt_get() { return $this->cnt; } function cnt_inc() { return $this->cnt++; } } function user_get_free($user_arr) { foreach ($user_arr as $i => $user) { if (!$user->is_enable()) { return ($user); } } return FALSE; } function user_get_sess($user_arr, $sess) { foreach ($user_arr as $i => $user) { printf("SESS: [%s] cur: [%s]\n", $user->sess_get(), $sess); if ($user->sess_get() == $sess) { return ($user); } } return FALSE; } function shutta() { log_rd2("SHUTTA [".connection_status()."] !"); } register_shutdown_function(shutta); /* * MAIN */ $shutdown = FALSE; function main() { GLOBAL $G_lang, $mlang_indrd, $is_page_streaming; // GLOBAL $first_loop; GLOBAL $G_with_splash, $G_splash_content, $G_splash_interval, $G_splash_idx; GLOBAL $G_splash_w, $G_splash_h, $G_splash_timeout; $CO_splashdate = "CO_splashdate".$G_splash_idx; GLOBAL $$CO_splashdate; GLOBAL $S_load_stat; GLOBAL $shutdown; $main_loop = TRUE; $user_a = array(); $s2u = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { $user_a[$i] = new SPUser($i, 0, NULL); } $rndstr = ""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < 4096 ; $i++) { $rndstr .= chr(mt_rand(65, 90)); } $FILE_SOCKET = "/tmp/test001.sock"; $UNIX_SOCKET = "unix://$FILE_SOCKET"; $debug = 0; $fixed_fd = 2; $blocking_mode = 0; // 0 for non-blocking if (file_exists($FILE_SOCKET)) { unlink($FILE_SOCKET); } $old_umask = umask(0); if (($list = stream_socket_server($UNIX_SOCKET, $err, $errs)) === FALSE) { exit(11); } umask($old_umask); $socks = array(); if (($in = fopen("php://stdin", "r")) === FALSE) { exit(11); } stream_set_blocking($list, $blocking_mode); # Set the stream to non-blocking while ($main_loop) { echo "IN LOOP\n"; /* Prepare the read array */ if ($shutdown) $read = array_merge(array("$in" => $in), $socks); else $read = array_merge(array("$list" => $list, "$in" => $in), $socks); if ($debug > 1) { printf("PRE_SELECT\n"); print_r($read); } $write = NULL; $except = NULL; $num_changed_sockets = stream_select($read, $write, $except, 5); if ($num_changed_sockets === FALSE) { printf("No data in 5 secs"); } else if ($num_changed_sockets > 0) { printf("num sock %d num_of_socket: %d\n", $num_changed_sockets, count($read)); if ($debug > 1) { print_r($read); } /* At least at one of the sockets something interesting happened */ foreach ($read as $i => $sock) { if ($sock === $list) { printf("NUOVA CONNEX\n"); $new_unix = stream_socket_accept($list); $stream_info = ""; if (($new_socket = ancillary_getstream($new_unix, $stream_info)) !== FALSE) { printf("RECEIVED HEADER:\n%s", $stream_info); $m = spu_process_info($stream_info, $header, $get, $post); printf("M: %s\nHEADER:\n", $m); print_r($header); printf("GET:\n"); print_r($get); printf("POST:\n"); print_r($post); /* TODO: here stuff to decide if it is old or new user */ if (($user_cur = user_get_sess($user_a, $get['sess'])) != FALSE) { /* close the previous socket */ unset($s2u[intval($user_cur->sock_get())]); unset($socks[intval($user_cur->sock_get())]); fclose($user_cur->sock_get()); /* assign the new socket */ $user_cur->sock_set($new_socket); $id = $user_cur->id_get(); $s2u[intval($new_socket)] = $id; $socks[intval($new_socket)] = $new_socket; fwrite($new_socket, $rndstr); fflush($new_socket); } else if (($user_cur = user_get_free($user_a)) != FALSE) { stream_set_blocking($new_socket, $blocking_mode); // Set the stream to non-blocking $socks[intval($new_socket)] = $new_socket; $id = $user_cur->id_get(); $user_a[$id]->enable($new_socket, $get['sess']); printf("s2u: ci passo %d\n", intval($new_socket)); $s2u[intval($new_socket)] = $id; fwrite($new_socket, $rndstr); fflush($new_socket); } else { printf("Too many opened users\n"); fclose($new_socket); } } else { printf("WARNING: ancillary_getstream failed\n"); } } else { if (($buf = fread($sock, 512)) === FALSE) { printf("error read\n"); exit(123); } else if (strlen($buf) === 0) { if ($sock === $list) { printf("Arrivati %d bytes da list\n", strlen($buf)); } else if ($sock === $in) { printf("Arrivati %d bytes da stdin\n", strlen($buf)); } else { unset($socks[intval($sock)]); $user_a[$s2u[intval($sock)]]->disable(); unset($s2u[intval($sock)]); fclose($sock); } if ($debug > 1) { printf("post unset\n"); print_r($socks); } } else { if ($debug > 1) { print_r($read); } if ($sock === $list) { printf("Arrivati %d bytes da list\n", strlen($buf)); } else if ($sock === $in) { printf("Arrivati %d bytes da stdin\n", strlen($buf)); } else { $key = array_search("$sock", $socks); printf("Arrivati %d bytes dalla socket n. %d\n", strlen($buf), $key); } } } } } if (0 == 1) { // WRITE PART EXAMPLE // sleep(3); foreach ($socks as $k => $sock) { fwrite($sock, sprintf("DI QUI CI PASSO [%d]\n", $user_a[$s2u[intval($sock)]]->cnt_inc())); fflush($sock); } } } exit(0); } main(); ?>