headerOriginRequired = false; $this->headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired = false; $this->headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired = false; $this->sendingContinuous = false; $this->sendingContinuous = false; $this->partialMessage = ""; $this->hasSentClose = false; } protected function extractHeaders($message) { $header = array('fin' => $message[0] & chr(128), 'rsv1' => $message[0] & chr(64), 'rsv2' => $message[0] & chr(32), 'rsv3' => $message[0] & chr(16), 'opcode' => ord($message[0]) & 15, 'hasmask' => $message[1] & chr(128), 'length' => 0, 'mask' => ""); $header['length'] = (ord($message[1]) >= 128) ? ord($message[1]) - 128 : ord($message[1]); if ($header['length'] == 126) { if ($header['hasmask']) { $header['mask'] = $message[4] . $message[5] . $message[6] . $message[7]; } $header['length'] = ord($message[2]) * 256 + ord($message[3]); } elseif ($header['length'] == 127) { if ($header['hasmask']) { $header['mask'] = $message[10] . $message[11] . $message[12] . $message[13]; } $header['length'] = ord($message[2]) * 65536 * 65536 * 65536 * 256 + ord($message[3]) * 65536 * 65536 * 65536 + ord($message[4]) * 65536 * 65536 * 256 + ord($message[5]) * 65536 * 65536 + ord($message[6]) * 65536 * 256 + ord($message[7]) * 65536 + ord($message[8]) * 256 + ord($message[9]); } elseif ($header['hasmask']) { $header['mask'] = $message[2] . $message[3] . $message[4] . $message[5]; } //echo $this->strtohex($message); //$this->printHeaders($header); return $header; } protected function extractPayload($message,$headers) { $offset = 2; if ($headers['hasmask']) { $offset += 4; } if ($headers['length'] > 65535) { $offset += 8; } elseif ($headers['length'] > 125) { $offset += 2; } return substr($message,$offset); } protected function applyMask($headers,$payload) { $effectiveMask = ""; if ($headers['hasmask']) { $mask = $headers['mask']; } else { return $payload; } while (mb_strlen($effectiveMask, "ASCII") < mb_strlen($payload, "ASCII")) { $effectiveMask .= $mask; } while (mb_strlen($effectiveMask, "ASCII") > mb_strlen($payload, "ASCII")) { $effectiveMask = substr($effectiveMask,0,-1); } return $effectiveMask ^ $payload; } protected function checkRSVBits($headers,$user) { // override this method if you are using an extension where the RSV bits are used. if (ord($headers['rsv1']) + ord($headers['rsv2']) + ord($headers['rsv3']) > 0) { //$this->disconnect($user); // todo: fail connection return true; } return false; } protected function strtohex($str) { $strout = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($str, "ASCII"); $i++) { $strout .= (ord($str[$i])<16) ? "0" . dechex(ord($str[$i])) : dechex(ord($str[$i])); $strout .= " "; if ($i%32 == 7) { $strout .= ": "; } if ($i%32 == 15) { $strout .= ": "; } if ($i%32 == 23) { $strout .= ": "; } if ($i%32 == 31) { $strout .= "\n"; } } return $strout . "\n"; } function chunk($step, $cont) { // fprintf(STDERR, "CHUNK: [%s]\n", $cont); return $this->frame('@BEGIN@'.$cont.'@END@'); // , 'text', TRUE); } protected function frame($message, $messageType='text', $messageContinues=false) { switch ($messageType) { case 'continuous': $b1 = 0; break; case 'text': $b1 = ($this->sendingContinuous) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'binary': $b1 = ($this->sendingContinuous) ? 0 : 2; break; case 'close': $b1 = 8; break; case 'ping': $b1 = 9; break; case 'pong': $b1 = 10; break; } if ($messageContinues) { $this->sendingContinuous = true; } else { $b1 += 128; $this->sendingContinuous = false; } $length = mb_strlen($message, "ASCII"); $lengthField = ""; if ($length < 126) { $b2 = $length; } elseif ($length <= 65536) { $b2 = 126; $hexLength = dechex($length); //$this->stdout("Hex Length: $hexLength"); if (mb_strlen($hexLength, "ASCII")%2 == 1) { $hexLength = '0' . $hexLength; } $n = mb_strlen($hexLength, "ASCII") - 2; for ($i = $n; $i >= 0; $i=$i-2) { $lengthField = chr(hexdec(substr($hexLength, $i, 2))) . $lengthField; } while (mb_strlen($lengthField, "ASCII") < 2) { $lengthField = chr(0) . $lengthField; } } else { $b2 = 127; $hexLength = dechex($length); if (mb_strlen($hexLength, "ASCII")%2 == 1) { $hexLength = '0' . $hexLength; } $n = mb_strlen($hexLength, "ASCII") - 2; for ($i = $n; $i >= 0; $i=$i-2) { $lengthField = chr(hexdec(substr($hexLength, $i, 2))) . $lengthField; } while (mb_strlen($lengthField, "ASCII") < 8) { $lengthField = chr(0) . $lengthField; } } return chr($b1) . chr($b2) . $lengthField . $message; } protected function deframe($message) { //echo $this->strtohex($message); $headers = $this->extractHeaders($message); $pongReply = false; $willClose = false; switch($headers['opcode']) { case 0: case 1: case 2: break; case 8: // todo: close the connection $this->hasSentClose = true; return ""; case 9: $pongReply = true; case 10: break; default: //$this->disconnect($user); // todo: fail connection $willClose = true; break; } if ($this->handlingPartialPacket) { $message = $this->partialBuffer . $message; $this->handlingPartialPacket = false; return $this->deframe($message); } if ($this->checkRSVBits($headers,$this)) { return false; } if ($willClose) { // todo: fail the connection return false; } $payload = $this->partialMessage . $this->extractPayload($message,$headers); if ($pongReply) { $reply = $this->frame($payload,$this,'pong'); // TODO FIXME ALL socket_write management socket_write($user->socket,$reply,mb_strlen($reply, "ASCII")); return false; } if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { if ($headers['length'] > mb_strlen($payload, "ASCII")) { $this->handlingPartialPacket = true; $this->partialBuffer = $message; return false; } } else { if ($headers['length'] > mb_strlen($payload, "ASCII")) { $this->handlingPartialPacket = true; $this->partialBuffer = $message; return false; } } $payload = $this->applyMask($headers,$payload); if ($headers['fin']) { $this->partialMessage = ""; return $payload; } $this->partialMessage = $payload; return false; } protected function checkHost($hostName) { return true; // Override and return false if the host is not one that you would expect. // Ex: You only want to accept hosts from the my-domain.com domain, // but you receive a host from malicious-site.com instead. } protected function checkOrigin($origin) { return true; // Override and return false if the origin is not one that you would expect. } protected function checkWebsocProtocol($protocol) { return true; // Override and return false if a protocol is not found that you would expect. } protected function checkWebsocExtensions($extensions) { return true; // Override and return false if an extension is not found that you would expect. } protected function processProtocol($protocol) { return ""; // return either "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: SelectedProtocolFromClientList\r\n" or return an empty string. // The carriage return/newline combo must appear at the end of a non-empty string, and must not // appear at the beginning of the string nor in an otherwise empty string, or it will be considered part of // the response body, which will trigger an error in the client as it will not be formatted correctly. } protected function processExtensions($extensions) { return ""; // return either "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: SelectedExtensions\r\n" or return an empty string. } function init($enc, $headers, &$headers_out, $init_string, $base, $step) { if (0) { // TODO: what is ? if (isset($headers['get'])) { $this->requestedResource = $headers['get']; } else { // todo: fail the connection $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "405 Method Not Allowed"; } } if (!isset($headers['Host']) || !$this->checkHost($headers['Host'])) { // error_log('bad 1'); $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "400 Bad Request"; } if (!isset($headers['Upgrade']) || strtolower($headers['Upgrade']) != 'websocket') { // error_log('bad 2 ' . $headers['Upgrade']); $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "400 Bad Request"; } if (!isset($headers['Connection']) || strpos(strtolower($headers['Connection']), 'upgrade') === FALSE) { // error_log('bad 3'); $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "400 Bad Request"; } if (!isset($headers['Sec-Websocket-Key'])) { // error_log('bad 4'); $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "400 Bad Request"; } else { } if (!isset($headers['Sec-Websocket-Version']) || strtolower($headers['Sec-Websocket-Version']) != 13) { $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "426 Upgrade Required"; $headers_out['Sec-WebSocketVersion'] = "13"; } if ( ($this->headerOriginRequired && !isset($headers['Origin']) ) || ($this->headerOriginRequired && !$this->checkOrigin($headers['Origin'])) ) { $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "403 Forbidden"; } if ( ($this->headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired && !isset($headers['Sec-Websocket-Protocol'])) || ($this->headerSecWebSocketProtocolRequired && !$this->checkWebsocProtocol($headers['Sec-Websocket-Protocol']))) { // error_log('bad 5'); $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "400 Bad Request"; } if ( ($this->headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired && !isset($headers['Sec-Websocket-Extensions'])) || ($this->headerSecWebSocketExtensionsRequired && !$this->checkWebsocExtensions($headers['Sec-Websocket-Extensions'])) ) { // error_log('bad 6'); $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "400 Bad Request"; } if (isset($headers_out['HTTP-Response'])) { // TODO: check return management return (FALSE); } // TODO: verify both variables // here there is a change of the socket status from start to handshaked // th headers are saved too but without any further access so we skip it $inno = 'x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw=='; $outo = sha1($inno . $this->magicGUID); $rawToken = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $rawToken .= chr(hexdec(substr($outo,$i*2, 2))); } $outo = base64_encode($rawToken); $webSocketKeyHash = sha1($headers['Sec-Websocket-Key'] . $this->magicGUID); $rawToken = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $rawToken .= chr(hexdec(substr($webSocketKeyHash,$i*2, 2))); } $handshakeToken = base64_encode($rawToken); $subProtocol = (isset($headers['Sec-Websocket-Protocol'])) ? $this->processProtocol($headers['Sec-Websocket-Protocol']) : ""; $extensions = (isset($headers['Sec-Websocket-Extensions'])) ? $this->processExtensions($headers['Sec-Websocket-Extensions']) : ""; $headers_out['HTTP-Response'] = "101 Switching Protocols"; $headers_out['Upgrade'] = 'websocket'; $headers_out['Connection'] = 'Upgrade'; $headers_out['Sec-WebSocket-Accept'] = "$handshakeToken$subProtocol$extensions"; return (""); } static function close() { return(chr(0x88).chr(0x02).chr(0xe8).chr(0x03)); } static function fini($init_string, $base, $blockerr) { return (sprintf('@BEGIN@ %s window.onbeforeunload = null; window.onunload = null; document.location.assign("%sindex.php"); @END@', ($blockerr ? 'xstm.stop(); ' : ''), $base).self::close()); } function is_chunked() { return FALSE; } } class Transport_xhr { function Transport_xhr() { } function init($enc, $header, &$header_out, $init_string, $base, $step) { $ret = sprintf("@BEGIN@ /* %s */ @END@", $init_string); if ($enc != 'plain') $header_out['Content-Encoding'] = $enc; $header_out['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'; // HTTP/1.1 $header_out['Expires'] = 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'; // Date in the past $header_out['Content-type'] = 'application/xml; charset="utf-8"'; return ($ret); } function close() { return ""; } static function fini($init_string, $base, $blockerr) { return (sprintf('@BEGIN@ %s window.onbeforeunload = null; window.onunload = null; document.location.assign("%sindex.php"); @END@', ($blockerr ? 'xstm.stop(); ' : ''), $base)); return (""); } function chunk($step, $cont) { // fprintf(STDERR, "CHUNK: [%s]\n", $cont); return ("@BEGIN@".$cont."@END@"); } function is_chunked() { return TRUE; } } class Transport_iframe { function Transport_iframe() { } function init($enc, $header, &$header_out, $init_string, $base, $step) { $ret = ""; if ($enc != 'plain') $header_out['Content-Encoding'] = $enc; $header_out['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'; // HTTP/1.1 $header_out['Expires'] = 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'; // Date in the past $header_out['Content-type'] = 'text/html; charset="utf-8"'; $ret .= sprintf(" "); $ret .= sprintf("\n", $init_string); return ($ret); } function close() { return ""; } static function fini($init_string, $base, $blockerr) { $ret = ""; $ret .= sprintf(" "); $ret .= sprintf("\n", $init_string); $ret .= sprintf("", 0, escpush($blockerr) ); return ($ret); } function chunk($step, $cont) { // fprintf(STDERR, "CHUNK: [%s]\n", $cont); if ($cont == NULL) { return sprintf("", $step); } else { return sprintf("", $step, escpush($cont) ); } } function is_chunked() { return TRUE; } } class Transport_htmlfile extends Transport_iframe { } class Transport { function Transport() { } static function create($transp) { if ($transp == 'websocket') { return new Transport_websocket(); } else if ($transp == 'xhr') { return new Transport_xhr(); } else if ($transp == 'htmlfile') { return new Transport_htmlfile(); } else { return new Transport_iframe(); } } static function gettype($transp) { if ($transp == 'websocket' || $transp == 'xhr' || $transp == 'htmlfile') { return "Transport_".$transp; } else { return 'Transport_iframe'; } } } ?>