1) { $a = explode('&', $get_vars[1]); printf("A COUNT: [%s] %d\n", $a[0], count($a)); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($a) ; $i++) { $b = explode('=', $a[$i]); $get[$b[0]] = urldecode($b[1]); } } // POST params management if ($req[0] == 'POST') { if ($header['Content-Type'] != 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' || !isset($header['Content-Length'])) { return FALSE; } $post_len = mb_strlen($line, "latin1"); $a = explode('&', $line); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($a) ; $i++) { $b = explode('=', $a[$i]); $post[$b[0]] = urldecode($b[1]); } printf("INFO: postlen: %d\n", $post_len); } break; } if ($line == "") { $check_post = TRUE; continue; } $split = explode(":", $line, 2); $header[$split[0]] = $split[1]; } return $path; } function gpcs_var($name, $get, $post, $cookie) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$name])) return FALSE; else if (isset($cookie[$name])) return ($cookie[$name]); else if (isset($post[$name])) return ($post[$name]); else if (isset($get[$name])) return ($get[$name]); return FALSE; } function headers_render($header, $len) { $s = ""; $s .= "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"; if (!isset($header['Date'])) $s .= sprintf("Date: %s\r\n", date(DATE_RFC822)); if (!isset($header['Connection'])) $s .= "Connection: close\r\n"; if (!isset($header['Content-Type'])) $s .= "Content-Type: text/html\r\n"; foreach($header as $key => $value) { $s .= sprintf("%s: %s\r\n", $key, $value); } if ($len == -1) { $s .= "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate\r\n"; $s .= "Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT\r\n"; $s .= "Content-Encoding: chunked\r\n"; $s .= "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"; } else if ($len > 0) { $s .= sprintf("Content-Length: %d\r\n", $len); } $s .= "\r\n"; return ($s); } /* * Caching system using ob php system to cache old style pages * to a var and than send it with more calm */ function shutta() { log_rd2("SHUTTA [".connection_status()."] !"); } register_shutdown_function('shutta'); /* * MAIN */ function chunked_content($content) { $content_l = mb_strlen($content, "ASCII"); return (sprintf("%X\r\n%s\r\n", $content_l, $content)); } function chunked_fini() { return sprintf("0\r\n"); } class Sac_a_push { static $fixed_fd = 2; var $file_socket; var $unix_socket; var $socks; var $s2u; var $pages_flush; var $list; var $in; var $debug; var $blocking_mode; var $app; var $bin5; var $curtime; var $rndstr; var $main_loop; function Sac_a_push() { } // Sac_a_push::create("/tmp/brisk.sock", 0, 0 static function create(&$app, $sockname, $debug, $blocking_mode) { $thiz = new Sac_a_push(); $thiz->app = $app; $thiz->file_socket = $sockname; $thiz->unix_socket = "unix://$sockname"; $thiz->debug = $debug; $thiz->socks = array(); $thiz->s2u = array(); $thiz->pages_flush = array(); $thiz->blocking_mode = 0; // 0 for non-blocking $thiz->rndstr = ""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < 4096 ; $i++) { $thiz->rndstr .= chr(mt_rand(65, 90)); } if (file_exists($thiz->file_socket)) { unlink($thiz->file_socket); } $old_umask = umask(0); if (($thiz->list = stream_socket_server($thiz->unix_socket, $err, $errs)) === FALSE) { return (FALSE); } umask($old_umask); stream_set_blocking($thiz->list, $thiz->blocking_mode); # Set the stream to non-blocking if (($thiz->in = fopen("php://stdin", "r")) === FALSE) { return(FALSE); } $thiz->main_loop = FALSE; return ($thiz); } function socks_set($sock, $user) { $id = intval($sock); $this->s2u[$id] = $user; $this->socks[$id] = $sock; } function socks_unset($sock) { $id = intval($sock); unset($this->s2u[$id]); unset($this->socks[$id]); } function pgflush_try_add(&$new_socket, $tout, $header_out, $content) { $pgflush = new PageFlush($new_socket, $this->curtime, $tout, $header_out, $content); if ($pgflush->try_flush($this->curtime) == FALSE) { // Add $pgflush to the pgflush array $this->pgflush_add($pgflush); } } function pgflush_add($pgflush) { array_push($this->pages_flush, $pgflush); } function run() { if ($this->main_loop) { return (FALSE); } $this->main_loop = TRUE; while ($this->main_loop) { $this->curtime = time(); printf("IN LOOP: Current opened: %d pages_flush: %d - ", count($this->socks), count($this->pages_flush)); /* Prepare the read array */ /* // when we manage it ... */ /* if ($shutdown) */ /* $read = array_merge(array("$in" => $in), $socks); */ /* else */ $read = array_merge(array(intval($this->list) => $this->list, intval($this->in) => $this->in), $this->socks); if ($this->debug > 1) { printf("PRE_SELECT\n"); print_r($read); } $write = NULL; $except = NULL; $num_changed_sockets = stream_select($read, $write, $except, 0, 250000); if ($num_changed_sockets == 0) { printf(" no data in 5 secs "); } else if ($num_changed_sockets > 0) { printf("num sock %d num_of_socket: %d\n", $num_changed_sockets, count($read)); if ($this->debug > 1) { print_r($read); } /* At least at one of the sockets something interesting happened */ foreach ($read as $i => $sock) { /* is_resource check is required because there is the possibility that during new request an old connection is closed */ if (!is_resource($sock)) { continue; } if ($sock === $this->list) { printf("NUOVA CONNEX\n"); $new_unix = stream_socket_accept($this->list); $stream_info = ""; $method = ""; $get = array(); $post = array(); $cookie = array(); if (($new_socket = ancillary_getstream($new_unix, $stream_info)) !== FALSE) { printf("NEW_SOCKET: %d\n", intval($new_socket)); stream_set_blocking($new_socket, $this->blocking_mode); // Set the stream to non-blocking printf("RECEIVED HEADER:\n%s", $stream_info); $path = spu_process_info($stream_info, $method, $header, $get, $post, $cookie); printf("PATH: [%s]\n", $path); printf("M: %s\nHEADER:\n", $method); print_r($header); printf("GET:\n"); print_r($get); printf("POST:\n"); print_r($post); printf("COOKIE:\n"); print_r($cookie); $addr = stream_socket_get_name($new_socket, TRUE); $header_out = array(); $subs = SITE_PREFIX."briskin5/"; $subs_l = strlen($subs); $rret = FALSE; if (!strncmp($path, SITE_PREFIX, SITE_PREFIX_LEN)) { $rret = $this->app->request_mgr($this, $header_out, $new_socket, substr($path, SITE_PREFIX_LEN), $addr, $get, $post, $cookie); } if ($rret == FALSE) { // FIXME: manage 404 !!! printf("TODO: fix unknown page\n"); } printf("number of sockets after %d\n", count($this->socks)); } else { printf("WARNING: ancillary_getstream failed\n"); } } else { if (($buf = fread($sock, 512)) === FALSE) { printf("error read\n"); } else if (strlen($buf) === 0) { if ($sock === $this->list) { printf("Arrivati %d bytes da list\n", strlen($buf)); } else if ($sock === $this->in) { printf("Arrivati %d bytes da stdin\n", strlen($buf)); } else { // $user_a[$s2u[intval($sock)]]->disable(); if ($this->s2u[intval($sock)]->rd_socket_get() != NULL) { $this->s2u[intval($sock)]->rd_socket_set(NULL); } unset($this->socks[intval($sock)]); unset($this->s2u[intval($sock)]); fclose($sock); printf("CLOSE ON READ\n"); } if ($this->debug > 1) { printf("post unset\n"); print_r($this->socks); } } else { if ($this->debug > 1) { print_r($read); } if ($sock === $this->list) { printf("Arrivati %d bytes da list\n", strlen($buf)); } else if ($sock === $this->in) { printf("Arrivati %d bytes da stdin\n", strlen($buf)); } else { $key = array_search("$sock", $this->socks); printf("Arrivati %d bytes dalla socket n. %d\n", strlen($buf), $key); } } } } } $this->app->garbage_manager(FALSE); /* manage unfinished pages */ foreach ($this->pages_flush as $k => $pgflush) { if ($pgflush->try_flush($this->curtime) == TRUE) { unset($this->pages_flush[$k]); } } /* manage open streaming */ foreach ($this->socks as $k => $sock) { if (isset($this->s2u[intval($sock)])) { $user = $this->s2u[intval($sock)]; $response = $user->rd_cache_get(); if (($this->curtime - $user->lacc) <= (EXPIRE_TIME_RD / 2)) { $user->ping_req = FALSE; } if ($response == "") { $content = ""; $user->stream_main($content, $get, $post, $cookie); printf("[%s] [%d] [%d]\n", $user->name, $user->lacc, $this->curtime); if ($content == "" && $user->ping_req == FALSE && (($this->curtime - $user->lacc) > (EXPIRE_TIME_RD / 2))) { $content = $user->stream_ping(); $user->ping_req = TRUE; } if ($content == "" && $user->rd_kalive_is_expired($this->curtime)) { $content = $user->stream_keepalive(); } if ($content != "") { $response = chunked_content($content); } } if ($response != "") { // echo "SPIA: [".substr($response, 0, 60)."...]\n"; echo "SPIA: [".$response."...]\n"; $response_l = mb_strlen($response, "ASCII"); $wret = @fwrite($sock, $response); if ($wret < $response_l) { printf("TROUBLE WITH FWRITE: %d\n", $wret); $user->rd_cache_set(mb_substr($response, $wret, $response_l - $wret, "ASCII")); } else { $user->rd_cache_set(""); } fflush($sock); $user->rd_kalive_reset($this->curtime); } // close socket after a while to prevent client memory consumption if ($user->rd_endtime_is_expired($this->curtime)) { if ($this->s2u[intval($sock)]->rd_socket_get() != NULL) { $this->s2u[intval($sock)]->rd_socket_set(NULL); } unset($this->socks[intval($sock)]); unset($this->s2u[intval($sock)]); fclose($sock); printf("CLOSE ON LOOP\n"); } } } // foreach ($this->socks... printf("\n"); } // while (... } // function run(... } ?>