config = array(); $this->lastLog = ""; //set default headers $this->scan_headers = array( 'HTTP_VIA', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED', 'HTTP_FORWARDED', 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR_IP', 'VIA', 'X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'FORWARDED_FOR', 'X_FORWARDED', 'FORWARDED', 'CLIENT_IP', 'FORWARDED_FOR_IP', 'HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION' ); } /* function exists_in_rbl($remote) verify if an host is into a proxy black list or not */ function exists_in_rbl($remote) { $rbls = array('', ''); // $remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // $remote = ''; // $remote = ''; if (preg_match("/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)/", $remote, $matches)) { foreach ($rbls as $rbl) { $rblhost = $matches[4] . "." . $matches[3] . "." . $matches[2] . "." . $matches[1] . "." . $rbl; $resolved = gethostbyname($rblhost); // echo "RBL ".$rblhost."
"; if ($resolved != $rblhost) { return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } /** * VOID setHeader( STRING $trigger ) * Set new header trigger... */ function setHeader($trigger){ $this->scan_headers[] = $trigger; } /** * ARRAY $triggers = getHeaders( VOID ) * Get all triggers in one array */ function getHeaders(){ return $this->scan_headers; } /** * VOID setConfig( STRING $key, STRING $value) * Set config line... */ function setConfig($key,$value){ $this->config[$key] = $value; } /** * MIXED $config = getConfig( [STRING $key] ) * Get all config in one array, or only one config value as a string. */ function getConfig($key=''){ if($key) return $this->config[$key]; else return $this->config; } /** * STRING $log = getLog( VOID ) * Get last logged information. Only works AFTER calling detect()! */ function getLog(){ return $this->lastLog; } /** * BOOL $proxy = detect( $addr ) * Start detection and return TRUE if a proxy server is detected... */ function detect($addr){ GLOBAL $G_proxy_white_list; $log = ""; foreach($G_proxy_white_list as $authproxy) { if ($addr == $authproxy) return (FALSE); } if ($this->exists_in_rbl($addr) == TRUE) return (TRUE); // //scan all headers // foreach($this->scan_headers as $i){ // //proxy detected? lets log... // if($_SERVER[$i]) // $log.= "trigger $i: ".$_SERVER[$i]."\n"; // } //let's do something... if($log){ $log = $this->lastLog = date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\nDetected proxy server: ".gethostbyaddr($addr)." ({$addr})\n".$log; //mail message if($this->getConfig('MAIL_ALERT_TO')) mail($this->getConfig('MAIL_ALERT_TO'),"Proxy detected at {$addr}",$log); //write to file $f = $this->getConfig('LOG_FILE'); if($f){ if(is_writable($f)){ $fp = fopen($f,'a'); fwrite($fp,"$log\n"); fclose($fp); }else{ die("Fatal Error: Couldn't write to file: '$f'
Please check if the path exists and is writable for the webserver or php..."); } } //done return TRUE; } //nope, no proxy was logged... return FALSE; } } //init class function is_proxy($addr) { /* FIXME: test to verify reasons of poor multitasking performances */ return (FALSE); /* FIXME: end */ $proxy = new proxy_detector(); //start detect if($proxy->detect($addr)) { //returned TRUE, lets die... echo "

Accesso attaverso proxy non consentito.

"; echo "Se state utilizzando un proxy privato e volete che sia autorizzato mandate il suo indirizzo IP (".$addr.") e il suo proprietario all'indirizzo di posta elettronica

"; //parse logged info echo nl2br($proxy->getLog()); //some credits... // echo "
proxy detector v0.1 - ©2006"; //and do nothing anymore! (but not in my example) return (TRUE); } else return (FALSE); } ?>