'content italico', 'en' => 'content anglofico' ); // to use more then one splash content (to be reviewed) $G_splash_contents = array( "a", "b"); $G_splash_cont_idx = 0; // (must be moved outside) // donometer related variables $G_with_donors = TRUE; $G_donors_cur = 12; $G_donors_all = 50; $G_room_roadmap = '
'; // is the top banner active ? $G_with_topbanner = FALSE; $G_topbanner = '
Torneo di briscola
chiamata - Milano
'; $G_sidebanner_idx = array( 0, 1, 0 ); // sidebanners array $G_sidebanner = array( array('link' => 'http://www.alternativeoutput.it/brisk/bm33/', 'title' => '3° BriskMeeting \'Isola delle Femmine\' - Sabato 11 Ottobre 2014 - Palermo (PA)', 'icon_big' => 'bm33/img/bm33_500.jpg' // 'type' => 'meeting' or 'event' // (default meeting with the correct icon) // 'icon' => 'img/brisk_meeting60.gif' // (default is the regulare meeting icon) // 'dx' // 'dy' // displacement of the big image ), array('link' => 'https://www.facebook.com/events/525109597594103/', 'title' => 'BriskMeeting Busseto - Terra di Verdi - Sabato 4 Ottobre - Busseto (Parma)', 'icon_big' => 'bm32/img/splash.jpg' ) ); // is poll active ? $G_with_poll = FALSE; $G_poll_name = "calcolo_punteggio"; $G_poll_title = "Vota come calcolare i punteggi!"; $G_poll_entries = array( array( 'id' => 'din', 'cont' => 'Dinner room'), array( 'id' => 'bat', 'cont' => 'Bath room'), array( 'id' => 'coo', 'cont' => 'Cooking room') ); $G_ban_list = array(); // each element in the form "IP/" i.e. "" $G_black_list = array(); // each element in the form "IP/" i.e. "" // this is the prefix path to remove from backtrace $G_btrace_pref_sub = "/home/nastasi/web/"; // where documents are stored $G_doc_path = "Obj/doc/"; // licence related stuff $G_tos_vers = "1.2"; $G_tos_fname = "terms-of-service_V%s_%s.txt"; // USE date +%s -d 'Wed Nov 20 18:35:41 CET 2013' to calculate $G_tos_dthard = 1384968941; $G_tos_dtsoft = 1384968941; $G_tos_idx = 1; ?>