first commit
authorMatteo Nastasi (mop) <>
Thu, 21 Aug 2014 06:58:36 +0000 (08:58 +0200)
committerMatteo Nastasi (mop) <>
Thu, 21 Aug 2014 06:58:36 +0000 (08:58 +0200) [new file with mode: 0755]
web/Obj/curl-de-sac.phh [new file with mode: 0644]
webtest/cds_test01.php [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..e8310bd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+set -x
+# Defaults
+# brisk_debug="0xffff"
+# ftok_path="/home/nastasi/brisk-priv/ftok/brisk"
+# proxy_path="/home/nastasi/brisk-priv/proxy/brisk"
+# sys_user="www-data"
+# legal_path="/home/nastasi/brisk-priv/brisk"
+# prefix_path="/brisk/"
+# brisk_conf="brisk_spu.conf.pho"
+# functions
+function usage () {
+    echo
+    echo "$1 -h"
+    echo "$1 chk                          - run lintian on all ph* files."
+#    echo "$1 pkg                          - build brisk packages."
+    echo "$1 [-w <web_dir>] [-f <conffile>] [-p <outconf>]" # [-W] [-n 3|5] [-t <(n>=4)>] [-T <auth_tab>] [-G <cert_tab>] [-A <apache-conf>] [-a <auth_file_name>] [-U <usock_path>] [-u <sys_user>] [-d <TRUE|FALSE>] [-k <ftok_dir>] [-l <legal_path>] [-y <proxy_path>] [-P <prefix_path>] [-x]"
+#    echo "$1 [-W] [-n 3|5] [-t <(n>=4)>] [-T <auth_tab>] [-G <cert_tab>] [-A <apache-conf>] [-a <auth_file_name>] [-f <conffile>] [-p <outconf>] [-U <usock_path>] [-u <sys_user>] [-d <TRUE|FALSE>] [-w <web_dir>] [-k <ftok_dir>] [-l <legal_path>] [-y <proxy_path>] [-P <prefix_path>] [-x]"
+    echo "$1 [-w <web_dir>]"
+    echo "  -h this help"
+    echo "  -f use this config file"
+    echo "  -p save preferences in the file"
+    # echo "  -W web files only"
+    # echo "  -A apache_conf                  - def. $apache_conf"
+    # echo "  -n number of players            - def. $players_n"
+    # echo "  -t number of tables             - def. $tables_n"
+    # echo "  -T number of auth-only tables   - def. $tables_auth_n"
+    # echo "  -G number of cert-only tables   - def. $tables_cert_n"
+    # echo "  -a authorization file name      - def. \"$brisk_auth_conf\""
+    # echo "  -d activate dabug               - def. $brisk_debug"
+    echo "  -w dir where place the web tree - def. \"$web_path\""
+    # echo "  -k dir where place ftok files   - def. \"$ftok_path\""
+    # echo "  -l dir where save logs          - def. \"$legal_path\""
+    # echo "  -y dir where place proxy files  - def. \"$proxy_path\""
+    # echo "  -P prefix path                  - def. \"$prefix_path\""
+    # echo "  -C config filename              - def. \"$brisk_conf\""
+    # echo "  -U unix socket path             - def. \"$usock_path\""
+    # echo "  -u system user to run brisk dae - def. \"$sys_user\""
+    # echo "  -x copy tests as normal php     - def. \"$test_add\""
+    echo
+function get_param () {
+    echo "X$2" | grep -q "^X$1\$"
+    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+       # echo "DECHE" >&2
+        echo "$3"
+       return 2
+    else
+       # echo "DELA" >&2
+        echo "$2" | cut -c 3-
+        return 1
+    fi
+    return 0
+function searchetc() {
+    local dstart dname pp
+    dstart="$1"
+    dname="$2"
+    pp="$dstart"
+    while [ "$pp" != "/" ]; do
+        if [ -d "$pp/$dname" ]; then
+            echo "$pp/$dname"
+            return 0
+        fi
+        pp="$(dirname "$pp")"
+    done
+    return 1
+#  MAIN
+if [ "$1" = "chk" ]; then
+    set -e
+    oldifs="$IFS"
+    IFS='
+    for i in $(find -name '*.pho' -o -name '*.phh' -o -name '*.php'); do
+        php5 -l $i
+    done
+    taggit="$(git describe --tags | sed 's/^v//g')"
+    tagphp="$(grep "^\$G_curl_de_sac_version = " web/Obj/curl-de-sac.phh | sed 's/^[^"]\+"//g;s/".*//g')"
+    if [ "$taggit" != "$tagphp" ]; then
+        echo
+       echo "WARNING: taggit: [$taggit] tagphp: [$tagphp]"
+        echo
+    fi
+    exit 0
+# before all check errors on the sources
+$0 chk || exit 3
+if [ "$1" = "pkg" ]; then
+    if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
+        tag="$2"
+    else
+        tag="$(git describe)"
+    fi
+    nam1="curl-de-sac_${tag}.tgz"
+    echo "Build packages ${nam1}."
+    read -p "Proceed [y/n]: " a
+    if [ "$a" != "y" -a  "$a" != "Y" ]; then
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    git archive --format=tar --prefix=brisk-${tag}/curl-de-sac/ $tag | gzip > ../$nam1
+    cd -
+    exit 0
+if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
+   source "$CONFIG_FILE"
+if [ "x$prefix_path" = "x" ]; then
+   prefix_path="$web_path"
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+    # echo aa $1 xx $2 bb
+    conffile=""
+    case $1 in
+#        -A*) apache_conf="$(get_param "-A" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+        -f*) conffile="$(get_param "-f" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+        -p*) outconf="$(get_param "-p" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -n*) players_n="$(get_param "-n" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -t*) tables_n="$(get_param "-t" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -T*) tables_auth_n="$(get_param "-T" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -G*) tables_cert_n="$(get_param "-G" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -a*) brisk_auth_conf="$(get_param "-a" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -d*) brisk_debug="$(get_param "-d" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+        -w*) web_path="$(get_param "-w" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -k*) ftok_path="$(get_param "-k" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -y*) proxy_path="$(get_param "-y" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -P*) prefix_path="$(get_param "-P" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -C*) brisk_conf="$(get_param "-C" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -l*) legal_path="$(get_param "-l" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -U*) usock_path="$(get_param "-U" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        -u*) sys_user="$(get_param "-u" "$1" "$2")"; sh=$?;;
+#        system) action=system;;
+        -W) web_only="TRUE";;
+        -x) test_add="TRUE";;
+        -h) usage $0; exit 0;;
+       *) usage $0; exit 1;;
+    esac
+    if [ ! -z "$conffile" ]; then
+        if [ ! -f "$conffile" ]; then
+            echo "config file [$conffile] not found"
+           exit 1
+        fi
+        . "$conffile"
+    fi
+    shift $sh
+#  Show parameters
+echo "    outconf:    \"$outconf\""
+# echo "    apache_conf:\"$apache_conf\""
+# echo "    players_n:   $players_n"
+# echo "    tables_n:    $tables_n"
+# echo "    tables_auth_n: $tables_auth_n"
+# echo "    tables_cert_n: $tables_cert_n"
+# echo "    brisk_auth_conf: \"$brisk_auth_conf\""
+# echo "    brisk_debug:\"$brisk_debug\""
+echo "    web_path:   \"$web_path\""
+# echo "    ftok_path:  \"$ftok_path\""
+# echo "    legal_path: \"$legal_path\""
+# echo "    proxy_path: \"$proxy_path\""
+# echo "    prefix_path:\"$prefix_path\""
+# echo "    brisk_conf: \"$brisk_conf\""
+# echo "    usock_path: \"$usock_path\""
+# echo "    sys_user:   \"$sys_user\""
+# echo "    web_only:   \"$web_only\""
+# echo "    test_add:   \"$test_add\""
+if [ ! -z "$outconf" ]; then
+  ( 
+    echo "#"
+    echo "#  Produced automatically by"
+    echo "#"
+    # echo "apache_conf=$apache_conf"
+    # echo "players_n=$players_n"
+    # echo "tables_n=$tables_n"
+    # echo "tables_auth_n=$tables_auth_n"
+    # echo "tables_cert_n=$tables_cert_n"
+    # echo "brisk_auth_conf=\"$brisk_auth_conf\""
+    # echo "brisk_debug=\"$brisk_debug\""
+    echo "web_path=\"$web_path\""
+    # echo "ftok_path=\"$ftok_path\""
+    # echo "proxy_path=\"$proxy_path\""
+    # echo "legal_path=\"$legal_path\""
+    # echo "prefix_path=\"$prefix_path\""
+    # echo "brisk_conf=\"$brisk_conf\""
+    # echo "usock_path=\"$usock_path\""
+    # echo "sys_user=\"$sys_user\""
+    # echo "web_only=\"$web_only\""
+    # echo "test_add=\"$test_add\""
+  ) > "$outconf"
+if [ "$action" = "system" -a 1 -eq 0 ]; then
+    scrname="$(echo "$prefix_path" | sed 's@^/@@g;s@/$@@g;s@/@_@g;')"
+    echo
+    echo "script name:  [$scrname]"
+    echo "brisk path:   [$web_path]"
+    echo "private path: [$legal_path]"
+    echo "system user:  [$sys_user]"
+    echo
+    read -p "press enter to continue" sure
+    cp bin/
+    sed -i "s@^BPATH=.*@BPATH=\"${web_path}\"@g;s@^PPATH=.*@PPATH=\"${legal_path}\"@g;s@^SSUFF=.*@SSUFF=\"${scrname}\"@g;s@^BUSER=.*@BUSER=\"${sys_user}\"@g"
+    su -c "cp /etc/init.d/${scrname}"
+    rm
+    echo
+    echo "... DONE."
+    echo "DON'T FORGET: after the first installation you MUST configure your run-levels accordingly"
+    echo
+    echo "Example: su -c 'update-rc.d $scrname defaults'"
+    echo
+    exit 0
+#  Pre-check
+# check for etc path existence
+dsta="$(dirname "$web_path")"
+etc_path="$(searchetc "$dsta" Etc)"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo "Etc directory not found"
+    exit 1
+#  Installation
+# ftokk_path="${ftok_path}k"
+if [ "$web_only" != "TRUE" ]; then
+   # here code una tantum
+   :
+install -d ${web_path}
+for i in $(find web -type d | sed 's/^....//g'); do
+    install -d ${web_path}/$i 
+for i in $(find web -name '.htaccess' -o -name '*.php' -o -name '*.phh' -o -name '*.pho' -o -name '*.css' -o -name '*.js' -o -name '*.mp3' -o -name '*.swf' -o -name 'terms-of-service*' | sed 's/^....//g'); do
+    install -m 644 "web/$i" "${web_path}/$i"
+if [ "$test_add" = "TRUE" ]; then
+    for i in $(find webtest -name '.htaccess' -o -name '*.php' -o -name '*.phh' -o -name '*.pho' -o -name '*.css' -o -name '*.js' -o -name '*.mp3' -o -name '*.swf' -o -name 'terms-of-service*' | sed 's/^........//g'); do
+        install -m 644 "webtest/$i" "${web_path}/$i"
+    done
+# # .js substitutions
+# sed -i "s/PLAYERS_N *= *[0-9]\+/PLAYERS_N = $players_n/g" $(find ${web_path} -type f -name '*.js' -exec grep -l 'PLAYERS_N *= *[0-9]\+' {} \;)
+# sed -i "s/^var G_send_time *= *[0-9]\+/var G_send_time = $send_time/g" $(find ${web_path} -type f -name '*.js' -exec grep -l '^var G_send_time *= *[0-9]\+' {} \;)
+# # .ph[pho] substitutions
+# sed -i "s/define *( *'PLAYERS_N', *[0-9]\+ *)/define('PLAYERS_N', $players_n)/g" $(find ${web_path} -type f -name '*.ph*' -exec grep -l "define *( *'PLAYERS_N', *[0-9]\+ *)" {} \;)
+# sed -i "s/define *( *'BIN5_PLAYERS_N', *[0-9]\+ *)/define('BIN5_PLAYERS_N', $players_n)/g" $(find ${web_path} -type f -name '*.ph*' -exec grep -l "define *( *'BIN5_PLAYERS_N', *[0-9]\+ *)" {} \;)
+# sed -i "s@define *( *'FTOK_PATH',[^)]*)@define('FTOK_PATH', \"$ftok_path\")@g" $(find ${web_path} -type f -name '*.ph*' -exec grep -l "define *( *'FTOK_PATH',[^)]*)" {} \;)
+# sed -i "s@define *( *'SITE_PREFIX',[^)]*)@define('SITE_PREFIX', \"$prefix_path\")@g;
+# s@define *( *'SITE_PREFIX_LEN',[^)]*)@define('SITE_PREFIX_LEN', $prefix_path_len)@g" ${web_path}/Obj/sac-a-push.phh
+# sed -i "s@define *( *'USOCK_PATH',[^)]*)@define('USOCK_PATH', \"$usock_path\")@g" ${web_path}/spush/brisk-spush.phh
+# sed -i "s@define *( *'TABLES_N',[^)]*)@define('TABLES_N', $tables_n)@g;
+# s@define *( *'TABLES_AUTH_N',[^)]*)@define('TABLES_AUTH_N', $tables_auth_n)@g;
+# s@define *( *'TABLES_CERT_N',[^)]*)@define('TABLES_CERT_N', $tables_cert_n)@g;
+# s@define *( *'BRISK_DEBUG',[^)]*)@define('BRISK_DEBUG', $brisk_debug)@g;
+# s@define *( *'LEGAL_PATH',[^)]*)@define('LEGAL_PATH', \"$legal_path\")@g;
+# s@define *( *'PROXY_PATH',[^)]*)@define('PROXY_PATH', \"$proxy_path\")@g;
+# s@define *( *'BRISK_CONF',[^)]*)@define('BRISK_CONF', \"$brisk_conf\")@g;" ${web_path}/Obj/brisk.phh
+# sed -i "s@define *( *'BRISK_AUTH_CONF',[^)]*)@define('BRISK_AUTH_CONF', \"$brisk_auth_conf\")@g" ${web_path}/Obj/auth.phh
+# sed -i "s@var \+cookiepath \+= \+\"[^\"]*\";@var cookiepath = \"$prefix_path\";@g" ${web_path}/commons.js
+# sed -i "s@\( \+cookiepath *: *\)\"[^\"]*\" *,@\1 \"$prefix_path\",@g" ${web_path}/xynt-streaming.js
+# document_root="$(grep DocumentRoot "${apache_conf}"  | grep -v '^[   ]*#' | awk '{ print $2 }')"
+# sed -i "s@^\(\$DOCUMENT_ROOT *= *[\"']\)[^\"']*\([\"']\)@\1$document_root\2@g" ${web_path}/spush/*.ph*
+# # config file installation or diff
+# if [ -f "$etc_path/$brisk_conf" ]; then
+#     echo "Config file $etc_path/$brisk_conf exists."
+#     echo "=== Dump the diff. ==="
+#     # diff -u "$etc_path/$brisk_conf" "${web_path}""/Obj/brisk.conf-templ.pho"
+#     diff -u <(cat "$etc_path/$brisk_conf" | egrep -v '^//|^#' | grep '\$[a-zA-Z_ ]\+=' | sed 's/ \+= .*/ = /g' | sort | uniq) <(cat "${web_path}""/Obj/brisk.conf-templ.pho" | egrep -v '^//|^#' | grep '\$[a-zA-Z_ ]\+=' | sed 's/ \+= .*/ = /g' | sort | uniq )
+#     echo "===   End dump.    ==="
+# else
+#     echo "Config file $etc_path/$brisk_conf not exists."
+#     echo "Install a template."
+#     cp  "${web_path}""/Obj/brisk.conf-templ.pho" "$etc_path/$brisk_conf"
+# fi
+if [ -f WARNING.txt ]; then
+    echo ; echo "    ==== WARNING ===="
+    echo
+    cat WARNING.txt
+    echo
+exit 0
diff --git a/web/Obj/curl-de-sac.phh b/web/Obj/curl-de-sac.phh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..409d1f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ *  curl-de-sac - curl-de-sac.phh
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C)      2014 Matteo Nastasi
+ *                          mailto:
+ *                        
+ *                          web:
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * General Public License for more details. You should have received a
+ * copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if
+ * not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc, 59 Temple Place -
+ * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ */
+$G_curl_de_sac_version = "0.1";
+class CDS_cmd_cls {
+    var $name;
+    var $tout;
+    function CDS_cmd_cls($name, $tout)
+    {
+        $this->name = $name;
+        $this->tout = $tout;
+    }
+    function cb()
+    {
+        print "THIS MUST BE IMPLEMENTED";
+        exit(123);
+    }
+class Curl_de_sac {
+    var $mh;
+    var $cmd_cls;
+    function Curl_de_sac() {
+        $this->mh = curl_multi_init();
+        $this->cmd_cls = array();
+    }
+    function cmd_register($cmd_cls)
+    {
+        if (get_class($cmd_cls) != 'CDS_cmd_cls' || is_subclass_of($cmd_cls, 'CDS_cmd_cls') == FALSE)
+            return FALSE;
+        if (isset($this->cmd_cls[$cmd_cls->name]))
+            return FALSE;
+        $this->cmd[$cmd_cls->name] = $cmd_cls;
+        return TRUE;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/webtest/cds_test01.php b/webtest/cds_test01.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b5931b9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+class short_cmd_cls extends CDS_cmd_cls {
+    function short_cmd_cls() 
+    {
+        parent::__construct("short", 10);
+    }
+    function cb()
+    {
+        printf("short_cb:\n");
+    }
+class long_cmd_cls extends CDS_cmd_cls {
+    function long_cmd_cls() 
+    {
+        parent::__construct("long", 15);
+    }
+    function cb()
+    {
+        printf("long_cb:\n");
+    }
+function main()
+    // create cds
+    $cds = new Curl_de_sac();
+    // create cds_cmd 1
+    $cmd_cls1 = new short_cmd_cls();
+    // registrer cds_cmd 1
+    if (($cds->cmd_register($cmd_cls1)) == FALSE) {
+        fprintf(STDERR, "cmd_cls1 registration failed\n");
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // create cds_cmd 2
+    $cmd_cls2 = new long_cmd_cls();
+    // register cds_cmd 2
+    if (($cds->cmd_register($cmd_cls2)) == FALSE) {
+        fprintf(STDERR, "cmd_cls2 registration failed\n");
+        exit(2);
+    }
+    // register cds_cmd 2 (retry)
+    if (($cds->cmd_register($cmd_cls2)) != FALSE) {
+        fprintf(STDERR, "cmd_cls2 re-registration success\n");
+        exit(3);
+    }
+    // start loop
+    //   print status
+    //   if input data execute some command
+    //   if end => clean exit
+    exit(0);
\ No newline at end of file