--- /dev/null
+function A(a, b) {
+ this.a_dyn = "A DYN";
+ this.a = a;
+ this.b = b;
+A.prototype = {
+ a_stat: "A STAT",
+ a_func: function () {
+ console.log("a_func run");
+ },
+ aa_func: function () {
+ console.log("aa_func run in A class");
+ }
+function B(a, b) {
+ this.b_dyn = "B DYN";
+ A.call(this, a, b);
+B.prototype = {
+ b_stat: "B STAT",
+ a_func: function () {
+ console.log("a_func run from B");
+ console.log("and now try to call the super method");
+ this.callSuper("a_func");
+ },
+ b_func: function () {
+ console.log("b_func run");
+ }
+function C() {
+ this.c_dyn = "C DYN";
+C.prototype = {
+ c_stat: "C STAT",
+ aa_func: function () {
+ console.log("aa_func run in C class");
+ },
+ c_func: function () {
+ console.log("c_func run");
+ }
+Extends(B, A);
+function print_dynstat(inst, name)
+ for (i = 0 ; i < inst.length ; i++) {
+ console.log(name[i]+".a_dyn: "+inst[i].a_dyn);
+ console.log(name[i]+".a_stat: "+inst[i].a_stat);
+ if (name[i][0] == 'b') {
+ console.log(name[i]+".b_dyn: "+inst[i].b_dyn);
+ console.log(name[i]+".b_stat: "+inst[i].b_stat);
+ }
+ if (name[i][0] == 'c') {
+ console.log(name[i]+".c_dyn: "+inst[i].c_dyn);
+ console.log(name[i]+".c_stat: "+inst[i].c_stat);
+ }
+ }
+window.onload = function () {
+ show_class(A);
+ show_class(B);
+ show_class(C);
+ a1 = new A(1,2);
+ a2 = new A(3,4);
+ b1 = new B(5,6);
+ c1 = new C();
+ arr_inst = [ a1 , a2 , b1 , c1 ];
+ arr_name = [ "a1", "a2", "b1", "c1" ];
+ print_dynstat(arr_inst, arr_name);
+ console.log("---");
+ console.log("ACTION: a1.a_stat = \"CHANGED\";");
+ a1.a_stat = "CHANGED";
+ print_dynstat(arr_inst, arr_name);
+ console.log("---");
+ console.log("ACTION: A.prototype.a_stat = \"PROTO CHANGED\"");
+ A.prototype.a_stat = "PROTO CHANGED";
+ print_dynstat(arr_inst, arr_name);
+ console.log("---");
+ console.log("ACTION: ExtendsInst(c1, A, [1, 33])");
+ var ext = ExtendsInst(c1, A, [1, 33]);
+ console.log("ExtInst: "+(ext == true ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
+// } function azaz() {
+ print_dynstat(arr_inst, arr_name);
+ console.log("---");
+ console.log("ACTION: B.prototype.a_stat = \"PROTO CHANGED\"");
+ B.prototype.a_stat = "PROTO CHANGED";
+ print_dynstat(arr_inst, arr_name);
+ console.log("---");
+ console.log("ACTION: A.prototype.a_stat = \"PROTO CHANGED 2\"");
+ console.log("ACTION: C.prototype.c_stat = \"PROTO CHANGED 2\"");
+ A.prototype.a_stat = "PROTO CHANGED 2";
+ C.prototype.c_stat = "PROTO CHANGED 2";
+ print_dynstat(arr_inst, arr_name);
+ console.log("---");
+ console.log("=== INSTANCE b1 ===");
+ show_inst(b1);
+ console.log("=== INSTANCE b1.a_func() ===");
+ b1.a_func();
+ console.log("=== INSTANCE b1.b_func() ===");
+ b1.b_func();
+ console.log("---");
+ console.log("=== INSTANCE c1 ===");
+ show_inst(c1);
+ console.log("=== INSTANCE c1.a_func() ===");
+ c1.a_func();
+ console.log("=== INSTANCE c1.aa_func() ===");
+ c1.aa_func();
+ console.log("=== INSTANCE c1.callSuper aa_func() ===");
+ c1.callSuper("aa_func");
+ console.log("=== INSTANCE c1.c_func() ===");
+ c1.c_func();
\ No newline at end of file