0, 'R_garbage' => 0, 'U_heavy' => 0, 'R_minusone' => 0, 'R_the_end' => 0 ); $mlang_indrd = array( 'btn_backtotab' => array('it' => ' torna ai tavoli ', 'en' => ' back to tables '), 'btn_btotabsup' => array('it' => ' grazie della donazione, torna ai tavoli ', 'en' => ' thank you for donation, back to tables ') ); // Use of proxies isn't allowed. // if (is_proxy()) { // sleep(5); // exit; //} log_load("index_rd.php"); $first_loop = TRUE; $the_end = FALSE; if (DEBUGGING == "local" && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') { echo "Debugging time!"; exit; } function shutta() { log_rd2("SHUTTA!".connection_status()); } register_shutdown_function(shutta); function unrecerror() { GLOBAL $is_page_streaming; $is_page_streaming = TRUE; log_rd2("UNREC_ERROR:".var_export(debug_backtrace())); return (sprintf('the_end=true; window.onunload = null; window.onbeforeunload = null; document.location.assign("index.php");')); } function page_sync($sess, $page, $table_idx, $table_token) { GLOBAL $is_page_streaming; log_rd2("page_sync:".var_export(debug_backtrace())); $is_page_streaming = TRUE; log_rd2("PAGE_SYNC"); return (sprintf('createCookie("table_idx", %d, 24*365, cookiepath); createCookie("table_token", "%s", 24*365, cookiepath); the_end=true; window.onunload = null; window.onbeforeunload = null; document.location.assign("%s");', $table_idx, $table_token, $page)); } function maincheck($sess, $cur_stat, $cur_subst, $cur_step, &$new_stat, &$new_subst, &$new_step) { GLOBAL $G_lang, $mlang_indrd, $is_page_streaming, $first_loop; GLOBAL $G_with_splash, $G_splash_content, $G_splash_interval, $G_splash_idx; GLOBAL $G_splash_w, $G_splash_h, $G_splash_timeout; $CO_splashdate = "CO_splashdate".$G_splash_idx; GLOBAL $$CO_splashdate; GLOBAL $S_load_stat; log_rd("maincheck begin"); $ret = FALSE; $room = FALSE; $user = FALSE; $curtime = time(); if (($proxy_step = User::step_get($sess)) == FALSE) { log_only2("R"); return (FALSE); } // log_rd2("M"); /* Sync check (read only without modifications */ ignore_user_abort(TRUE); if ($first_loop == TRUE) { if (($sem = Room::lock_data()) != FALSE) { // Aggiorna l'expire time lato server $S_load_stat['U_first_loop']++; if (($user = User::load_data($proxy_step['i'], $sess)) == FALSE) { Room::unlock_data(); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); return (unrecerror()); } $user->lacc = $curtime; User::save_data($user, $user->idx); if (Room::garbage_time_is_expired($curtime)) { log_only("F"); $S_load_stat['R_garbage']++; if (($room = Room::load_data()) != FALSE) { log_main("pre garbage_manager TRE"); $room->garbage_manager(FALSE); Room::save_data($room); unset($room); } } log_lock("U"); Room::unlock_data($sem); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); } // if (($sem = Room::lock_data()) != FALSE) { else { // wait 20 secs, then restart the xhr ignore_user_abort(FALSE); return ("sleep(gst,20000);|xhr_rd_abort(xhr_rd);"); } $first_loop = FALSE; } // if ($first_loop == TRUE) { if ($cur_step == $proxy_step['s']) { log_lock("P"); return (FALSE); } else { log_only2("R"); } if ($user == FALSE) { do { ignore_user_abort(TRUE); if (($sem = Room::lock_data()) == FALSE) break; log_lock("P"); $S_load_stat['U_heavy']++; if (($user = User::load_data($proxy_step['i'], $sess)) == FALSE) { break; } } while (0); if ($sem != FALSE) Room::unlock_data($sem); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); if ($user == FALSE) { return (unrecerror()); } } /* Nothing changed, return. */ if ($cur_step == $user->step) return (FALSE); log_rd2("do other cur_stat[".$cur_stat."] user->stat[".$user->stat."] cur_step[".$cur_step."] user_step[".$user->step."]"); if ($cur_step == -1) { /* * if $cur_step == -1 load the current state from the main struct */ ignore_user_abort(TRUE); $sem = Room::lock_data(); $room = Room::load_data(); $S_load_stat['R_minusone']++; /* unset the $user var to reload it from main structure */ unset($user); if (($user = $room->get_user($sess, $idx)) == FALSE) { Room::unlock_data($sem); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); return (unrecerror()); } if ($user->the_end) { log_rd2("main_check: the end".var_export(debug_backtrace())); $is_page_streaming = TRUE; } if ($user->trans_step != -1) { log_rd2("TRANS USATO ".$user->trans_step); $cur_step = $user->trans_step; $user->trans_step = -1; Room::save_data($room); Room::unlock_data($sem); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); } else { log_rd2("TRANS NON ATTIVATO"); // ARRAY_POP DISABLED // log_rd2("TRANS NON ATTIVATO, clean del comm array"); // while (($el = array_pop($user->comm)) != NULL) { // log_rd2("clean element [".$el."]"); // } // // $user->step_inc(COMM_N + 1); // Room::save_data($room); // // $new_step = $user->step; Room::unlock_data($sem); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); } } /* this part I suppose is read only on $room structure */ if ($cur_step == -1) { log_rd2("PRE-NEWSTAT: ".$user->stat); if ($user->stat == 'room') { log_rd("roomma ".$user->step); $curtime = time(); if ($G_with_splash && ($$CO_splashdate < $curtime - $G_splash_interval || $$CO_splashdate > $curtime)) { $is_super = $user->flags & USER_FLAG_TY_SUPER; $ret .= show_notify_ex(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_splash_content[$G_lang]), ($is_super ? 0 : $G_splash_timeout), $mlang_indrd[($is_super ? 'btn_btotabsup' : 'btn_backtotab')][$G_lang], $G_splash_w, $G_splash_h, true, ($is_super ? 0 : $G_splash_timeout)); $ret .= sprintf('|createCookie("CO_splashdate%d", %d, 24*365, cookiepath);', $G_splash_idx, $curtime); } $ret .= $room->show_room($user->step, $user); // TODO uncomment and test /* NOTE the sets went common */ $new_stat = $user->stat; $new_subst = $user->subst; $new_step = $user->step; } /*************** * * * TABLE * * * ***************/ else if ($user->stat == 'table') { log_load("RESYNC"); return (page_sync($user->sess, "briskin5/index.php", $user->table, $user->table_token)); } log_rd2("NEWSTAT: ".$user->stat); } else { // TODO: verify if we can use only $user struct ignore_user_abort(TRUE); $sem = Room::lock_data(); $S_load_stat['U_heavy']++; if (($user = User::load_data($proxy_step['i'], $sess)) == FALSE) { Room::unlock_data(); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); return (unrecerror()); } if ($cur_step < $user->step) { do { if ($cur_step + COMM_N < $user->step) { if (($cur_stat != $user->stat)) { $to_stat = $user->stat; Room::unlock_data($sem); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); log_load("RESYNC"); return (page_sync($user->sess, ($to_stat == "table" ? "briskin5/index.php" : "index.php"), $user->table, $user->table_token)); } log_rd2("lost history, refresh from scratch"); $new_step = -1; break; } for ($i = $cur_step ; $i < $user->step ; $i++) { log_rd2("ADDED TO THE STREAM: ".$user->comm[$i % COMM_N]); $ret .= $user->comm[$i % COMM_N]; } $new_stat = $user->stat; $new_subst = $user->subst; $new_step = $user->step; } while (0); log_mop($user->step, 'index_rd.php: after ret set'); if ($user->the_end == TRUE) { log_rd2("LOGOUT BYE BYE!!"); log_auth($user->sess, "Explicit logout."); $S_load_stat['R_the_end']++; $room = Room::load_data(); unset($user); if (($user = $room->get_user($sess, $idx)) == FALSE) { Room::unlock_data($sem); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); return (unrecerror()); } $user->reset(); if ($user->subst == 'sitdown') { log_load("ROOM WAKEUP"); $room->room_wakeup($user); } else if ($user->subst == 'standup') $room->room_outstandup($user); else log_rd2("LOGOUT FROM WHAT ???"); Room::save_data($room); } } Room::unlock_data($sem); ignore_user_abort(FALSE); } return ($ret); } /* * MAIN */ /* FROM THE EXTERN sess stat step */ $is_page_streaming = (stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "MSIE") || stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "CHROME") ? TRUE : FALSE); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past header('Content-type: application/xml; charset="utf-8"',true); // header('Content-type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"',true); // header('Content-type: text/html; charset="utf-8"',true); if (!isset($myfrom)) $myfrom = ""; if (!isset($subst)) $subst = ""; log_rd2("FROM OUTSIDE - STAT: ".$stat." SUBST: ".$subst." STEP: ".$step." MYFROM: ".$myfrom. "IS_PAGE:" . $is_page_streaming); $endtime = time() + STREAM_TIMEOUT; $old_stat = $stat; $old_subst = $subst; $old_step = $ext_step = $step; for ($i = 0 ; time() < $endtime ; $i++) { // log_rd("PRE MAIN ".$step);; $pre_main = gettimeofday(TRUE); if (($ret = maincheck($sess, $old_stat, $old_subst, $old_step, &$stat, &$subst, &$step)) != FALSE) { echo '@BEGIN@'; // log_rd2(sprintf("\nSESS: [%s]\nOLD_STAT: [%s] OLD_SUBST: [%s] OLD_STEP: [%s] \nSTAT: [%s] SUBST: [%s] STEP: [%s] \nCOMM: [%s]\n", $sess, $old_stat, $old_subst, $old_step, $stat, $subst, $step, $ret)); echo "$ret"; echo ' @END@'; log_send("IS_PAGE: ".($is_page_streaming == TRUE ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")."EXT_STEP: ".$ext_step." ENDTIME: [".$endtime."] ".$ret); flush(); log_mop(0, 'index_rd.php: after flush (begin: '.sprintf("%f", $pre_main).')'); if ($is_page_streaming) break; } $old_stat = $stat; $old_subst = $subst; $old_step = $step; // log_rd("POST MAIN ".$step);; usleep(400000); if (($i % 10) == 0) { // log_rd2("TIME: ".time()); echo '_'; flush(); } } $s = "[".$sess."] index_rd.php stats: "; foreach ($S_load_stat as $key => $value) { $s .= sprintf("%s: %d - ", $key, $value); } log_crit($s); ?>