array( 'it' => 'Hai vinto l\'asta.
Scegli il seme:',
'en' => 'You win the auction.
Choose the seed:' ),
'tit_info' => array( 'it' => 'Info',
'en' => 'Info'),
'tit_relo' => array( 'it' => 'Reload',
'en' => 'Reload'),
'tit_out' => array( 'it' => 'Fuori',
'en' => 'Out'),
'tit_pref' => array( 'it' => 'Prefs',
'en' => 'Prefs'),
'itm_ringauc' => array('it' => 'riproduci un suono di notifica alla fine dell\' asta',
'en' => 'play a sound at the end of the auction'),
'btn_update' => array('it' => 'Aggiorna.',
'en' => 'Update.' )
function bin5_index_main($transp_type, $header, &$header_out, $addr, $get, $post, $cookie)
GLOBAL $G_lang, $mlang_bin5_index;
$transp_port = ((array_key_exists("X-Forwarded-Proto", $header) &&
$header["X-Forwarded-Proto"] == "https") ? 443 : 80);
if (($table_idx = gpcs_var('table_idx', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
unset ($table_idx);
if (($laststate = gpcs_var('laststate', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
unset ($laststate);
if (($sess = gpcs_var('sess', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE)
unset ($sess);
fprintf(STDERR, "PREF_DECK SET %s", (isset($cookie['CO_bin5_pref_deck']) ? "YES" : "NO"));
$deck = (isset($cookie['CO_bin5_pref_deck']) ? $cookie['CO_bin5_pref_deck'] : 'xx');
// header('Content-type: text/html; charset="utf-8"',true);