0, 'lL_laccgarb' => 0, 'wU_lacc_upd' => 0, 'wR_garbage' => 0, 'wR_minusone' => 0, 'wR_the_end' => 0 ); $mlang_indrd = array( 'btn_backtotab' => array('it' => ' torna ai tavoli ', 'en' => ' back to tables '), 'btn_btotabsup' => array('it' => ' grazie della donazione, torna ai tavoli ', 'en' => ' thank you for donation, back to tables ') ); class User { var $room; // reference to the room where the user is registered var $idx; // index in the users array when you are in game var $idx_orig; // index in the users array when you aren't in game var $code; // authentication code var $name; // name of the user var $sess; // session of the user var $ip; // ip of the user var $lacc; // last access (for the cleanup) var $laccwr; // last access (for the cleanup) var $bantime; // timeout to temporary ban var $stat; // status (outdoor, room, table, game, ...) var $subst; // substatus for each status var $step; // step of the current status var $trans_step; // step to enable transition between pages (disable == -1) var $rd_socket; // socket handle of push stream var $rd_endtime; // end time for push stream var $rd_stat; // actual status of push stream var $rd_subst; // actual substatus of push stream var $rd_step; // actual step of push stream var $rd_from; // referer var $rd_scristp; // current script step (for each session) var $rd_kalive; // if no message are sent after RD_KEEPALIVE_TOUT secs we send a keepalive from server var $rd_cache; // place where store failed fwrite data var $comm; // commands array // var $asta_card; // // var $asta_pnt; // // var $handpt; // Total card points at the beginning of the current hand. // var $exitislock; // Player can exit from the table ? // FIXME: the table_orig field must be removed after table field verify of index management (in spawned table // it is allways ZERO var $table; // id of the current table when you are in game var $table_orig; // id of the current table when you aren't in game var $table_pos; // idx on the table var $table_token;// token that identify a game on a table var $flags; // Bitfield with: AUTHENTICATE: 0x02 var $the_end; // Flag to change the end of the session var $chat_lst; // Last chat line var $chattime; // Array of chat times var $chat_cur; // Current chat line number var $chat_ban; // Time for ban chat var $chat_dlt; // Delta t for ban var $shm_sz; function User() { } function create(&$room, $idx, $name, $sess, $stat = "", $subst = "", $table = -1, $ip="") { if (($thiz = new User()) == FALSE) return (FALSE); $thiz->room = &$room; $thiz->idx = $idx; $thiz->idx_orig = $idx; $thiz->code = -1; $thiz->name = $name; $thiz->sess = $sess; $thiz->ip = $ip; $thiz->lacc = time(); $thiz->laccwr = time(); $thiz->bantime = 0; $thiz->stat = $stat; $thiz->subst = $subst; $thiz->step = 1; $thiz->trans_step = -1; $thiz->comm = array(); $thiz->rd_socket = NULL; $thiz->rd_endtime = -1; $thiz->rd_stat = -1; $thiz->rd_subst = ""; $thiz->rd_step = -1; $thiz->rd_from = ""; $thiz->rd_scristp = -1; $thiz->rd_kalive = -1; $thiz->rd_cache = ""; $thiz->asta_card = -2; $thiz->asta_pnt = -1; $thiz->handpt = -1; $thiz->exitislock = TRUE; $thiz->flags = 0x00; $thiz->chattime = array_fill(0, CHAT_N, 0); $thiz->chat_cur = 0; $thiz->chat_lst = ""; $thiz->chat_ban = 0; $thiz->chat_dlt = 0; $thiz->table_orig = $table; $thiz->table = $table; $thiz->table_pos = -1; $thiz->table_token= ""; $thiz->shm_sz = SHM_DIMS_U_MIN; return ($thiz); } function copy($from) { $this->idx = $from->idx; $this->idx_orig = $from->idx; $this->code = $from->code; $this->name = $from->name; $this->sess = $from->sess; $this->ip = $from->ip; $this->lacc = $from->lacc; $this->laccwr = $from->laccwr; $this->bantime = $from->bantime; $this->stat = $from->stat; $this->subst = $from->subst; $this->step = $from->step; $this->trans_step = $from->trans_step; $this->comm = array(); $i_start = (1 > ($from->step - COMM_N) ? 1 : ($from->step - COMM_N)); for ($i = $i_start ; $i < $from->step ; $i++) { $ii = $i % COMM_N; if (isset($from->comm[$ii])) { $this->comm[$ii] = $from->comm[$ii]; } } $this->asta_card = $from->asta_card; $this->asta_pnt = $from->asta_pnt; $this->handpt = $from->handpt; $this->exitislock = $from->exitislock; $this->flags = $from->flags; $this->chattime = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < CHAT_N ; $i++) $this->chattime[$i] = $from->chattime[$i]; $this->chat_cur = $from->chat_cur; $this->chat_lst = $from->chat_lst; $this->chat_ban = $from->chat_ban; $this->chat_dlt = $from->chat_dlt; $this->table_orig = $from->table_orig; $this->table = $from->table; $this->table_pos = $from->table_pos; $this->table_token = $from->table_token; $this->the_end = $from->the_end; $this->shm_sz = $from->shm_sz; return (TRUE); } function myclone($from) { if (($thiz = new User()) == FALSE) return (FALSE); $thiz->copy($from); return ($thiz); } function spawn($from, $table, $table_pos) { if (($thiz = new User()) == FALSE) return (FALSE); $thiz->idx = $from->idx; $thiz->idx_orig = $from->idx; $thiz->code = $from->code; $thiz->name = $from->name; $thiz->sess = $from->sess; $thiz->ip = $from->ip; $thiz->lacc = $from->lacc; $thiz->laccwr = $from->laccwr; $thiz->bantime = $from->bantime; $thiz->stat = $from->stat; $thiz->subst = $from->subst; $thiz->step = $from->step; $thiz->trans_step = $from->trans_step; $thiz->comm = array(); /* $i_start = (1 > ($from->step - COMM_N) ? 1 : ($from->step - COMM_N)); for ($i = $i_start ; $i < $from->step ; $i++) { log_wr("TRY PUSH:".$i); $ii = $i % COMM_N; $thiz->comm[$ii] = $from->comm[$ii]; } */ $thiz->asta_card = $from->asta_card; $thiz->asta_pnt = $from->asta_pnt; $thiz->handpt = $from->handpt; $thiz->exitislock = $from->exitislock; $thiz->the_end = $from->the_end; $thiz->flags = $from->flags; $thiz->chattime = array_fill(0, CHAT_N, 0); $thiz->chat_cur = 0; $thiz->chat_lst = ""; $thiz->chat_ban = 0; $thiz->chat_dlt = 0; $thiz->table_orig = $table; $thiz->table = 0; $thiz->table_pos = $table_pos; $thiz->table_token = $from->table_token; $thiz->shm_sz = $from->shm_sz; return ($thiz); } function rd_data_set($curtime, $stat, $subst, $step, $from) { $this->rd_endtime = $curtime + RD_ENDTIME_DELTA; $this->rd_stat = $stat; $this->rd_subst = $subst; $this->rd_step = $step; $this->rd_from = $from; $this->rd_scristp = 0; $this->rd_kalive = $curtime + RD_KEEPALIVE_TOUT; } function rd_socket_get() { return ($this->rd_socket); } function rd_socket_set($sock) { $this->rd_socket = $sock; } function rd_kalive_get() { return ($this->rd_kalive); } function rd_kalive_set($tm) { $this->rd_kalive = $tm; } function rd_kalive_is_expired($tm) { // printf("rd_kalive %d tm %d\n", $this->rd_kalive, $tm); return ($this->rd_kalive < $tm); } function rd_endtime_is_expired($tm) { // printf("rd_endtime %d tm %d\n", $this->rd_kalive, $tm); return ($this->rd_endtime < $tm); } function rd_kalive_reset($tm) { $this->rd_kalive = $tm + RD_KEEPALIVE_TOUT; } function rd_cache_get() { return ($this->rd_cache); } function rd_cache_set($cache) { $this->rd_cache = $cache; } function idx_get() { return ($this->idx); } function code_get() { return ($this->code); } function stat_set($stat) { log_main("sess: [".$this->sess. "] NEW STAT: [".$stat."]"); $this->stat = "$stat"; /* if (validate_sess($this->sess)) { if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) mkdir(PROXY_PATH, 0775, TRUE); $fp = @fopen(PROXY_PATH."/".$this->sess.".stat", 'w'); fwrite($fp, sprintf("%s\n",$this->stat)); fclose($fp); } */ } function step_set($step) { $this->step = $step & 0x7fffffff; return (TRUE); } function step_inc($delta = 1) { $this->step += $delta; /* modularization because unpack() not manage unsigned 32bit int correctly */ $this->step &= 0x7fffffff; return TRUE; } function save_step() { do { if (validate_sess($this->sess) == FALSE) break; if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) mkdir(PROXY_PATH, 0775, TRUE); if (($fp = @fopen(PROXY_PATH."/".$this->sess.".step", 'w')) == FALSE) break; fwrite($fp, pack("LL",$this->step, $this->idx)); fclose($fp); log_main("step_set [".$this->sess. "] [".$this->step."]"); return (TRUE); } while (0); return (FALSE); } static function load_step($sess) { $fp = FALSE; do { if (validate_sess($sess) == FALSE) break; if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) mkdir(PROXY_PATH, 0775, TRUE); if (($fp = @fopen(PROXY_PATH."/".$sess.".step", 'rb')) == FALSE) break; if (($s = fread($fp, 8)) == FALSE) break; if (mb_strlen($s, "ASCII") != 8) break; $arr = unpack('Ls/Li', $s); fclose($fp); // log_rd2("A0: ".$arr[0]." A1: ".$arr[1]); return ($arr); } while (0); if ($fp != FALSE) fclose($fp); log_rd2("STEP_GET [".$sess."]: return false "); return (FALSE); } static function unproxy_step($sess) { log_rd2("UNPROXY: ".PROXY_PATH."/".$sess.".step"); if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) return; @unlink(PROXY_PATH."/".$sess.".step"); } function reset() { $curtime = time(); log_legal($curtime, 'xxx', $this, "STAT:LOGOUT", ''); $tmp_sess = $this->sess; $this->sess = ""; self::unproxy_step($tmp_sess); $this->name = ""; // OK here while (array_pop($this->comm) != NULL); $this->step = 0; $this->chattime = array_fill(0, CHAT_N, 0); $this->chat_cur = 0; $this->chat_lst = ""; $this->chat_ban = 0; $this->chat_dlt = 0; $this->the_end = FALSE; } static function load_data($id, $sess) { log_main("load_data: id [".$id."] sess [".($sess == FALSE ? "FALSE" : $sess)."] "); do { if (($tok = @ftok(FTOK_PATH."/user".$id, "B")) == -1) { log_main("ftok failed"); break; } if (($shm_sz = sharedmem_sz($tok)) == -1) { log_main("shmop_open failed"); } if ($shm_sz == -1) $shm_sz = SHM_DIMS_U_MIN; if ($shm = shm_attach($tok, $shm_sz)) { if (($user = @shm_get_var($shm, $tok)) == FALSE) { break; } if ($sess != FALSE && $user->sess != $sess) { break; } log_only("user == ".($user == FALSE ? "FALSE" : "TRUE")." user === ".($user === FALSE ? "FALSE" : "TRUE")." user isset ".(isset($user) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); if ($user == FALSE) { log_only("INIT MAIN DATA"); // SHSPLIT FIXME: init_data for User class ?? $user = self::create($id, "", ""); if (@shm_put_var($shm, $tok, $user) == FALSE) { log_only("PUT_VAR FALLITA ".strlen(serialize($user))); log_only(serialize($user)); } log_shme("User::save_data2"); } else { if ($sess != FALSE) { /* * NOTE: this part is for check only, theoretically * user->step anch proxy_step are set allways at the same value */ $old_step = $user->step; $arr = self::load_step($sess); $user->step = $arr['s']; if ($old_step != $user->step) { log_crit("steps are diffetents User->step ".$user->step." Old_step: ".$old_step); } } } $user->shm_sz = $shm_sz; shm_detach($shm); } // // SHSPLIT: load users from the shared memory // return ($user); } while (0); return (FALSE); } static function save_data($user, $id) { GLOBAL $sess; $shm = FALSE; if (($tok = @ftok(FTOK_PATH."/user".$id, "B")) == -1) { return (FALSE); } while ($user->shm_sz < SHM_DIMS_U_MAX) { if (($shm = shm_attach($tok, $user->shm_sz)) == FALSE) break; // log_only("PUT_VAR DI ".strlen(serialize($user))); if (@shm_put_var($shm, $tok, $user) != FALSE) { shm_detach($shm); if ($user->sess != "") $user->save_step(); log_shme("User::save_data"); log_main("User[".$id."] saved."); return (TRUE); } if (shm_remove($shm) === FALSE) { log_only("REMOVE FALLITA"); break; } shm_detach($shm); $user->shm_sz += SHM_DIMS_U_DLT; } if ($shm) shm_detach($shm); return (FALSE); } function myname_innerHTML() { $class_id = ($this->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH) + 1; return (sprintf('$("myname").innerHTML = "%s";', $class_id, xcape($this->name,ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8"))); } /* INDEX_RD_IFRA PORT */ static function blocking_error($is_unrecoverable) { GLOBAL $is_page_streaming; $is_page_streaming = TRUE; log_crit("BLOCKING_ERROR UNREC: ".($is_unrecoverable ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); return (sprintf(($is_unrecoverable ? 'hstm.stop(); ' : '').'window.onbeforeunload = null; window.onunload = null; document.location.assign("index.php");')); } // FIXME TO SUPPORT iframe static function page_sync($sess, $page, $table_idx, $table_token) { GLOBAL $is_page_streaming; log_rd2("page_sync:".var_export(debug_backtrace())); $is_page_streaming = TRUE; log_rd2("PAGE_SYNC"); return (sprintf('createCookie("table_idx", %d, 24*365, cookiepath); createCookie("table_token", "%s", 24*365, cookiepath); hstm.stop(); window.onunload = null; window.onbeforeunload = null; document.location.assign("%s");', $table_idx, $table_token, $page)); } function maincheck($cur_stat, $cur_subst, $cur_step, &$new_stat, &$new_subst, &$new_step, $splashdate) { GLOBAL $G_lang, $mlang_indrd, $is_page_streaming; // GLOBAL $first_loop; GLOBAL $G_with_splash, $G_splash_content, $G_splash_interval, $G_splash_idx; GLOBAL $G_splash_w, $G_splash_h, $G_splash_timeout; $CO_splashdate = "CO_splashdate".$G_splash_idx; $$CO_splashdate = $splashdate; GLOBAL $S_load_stat; log_rd("maincheck begin"); $ret = FALSE; $curtime = time(); if ((($curtime - $this->lacc) > STREAM_TIMEOUT) || Room::garbage_time_is_expired($curtime)) { $S_load_stat['lL_laccgarb']++; if (($curtime - $this->lacc) >= STREAM_TIMEOUT) { $S_load_stat['wU_lacc_upd']++; $this->lacc = $curtime; } if (Room::garbage_time_is_expired($curtime)) { log_only("F"); $S_load_stat['wR_garbage']++; log_main("pre garbage_manager TRE"); $this->room->garbage_manager(FALSE); } } /* Nothing changed, return. */ if ($cur_step == $this->step) return (FALSE); log_rd2("do other cur_stat[".$cur_stat."] user->stat[".$this->stat."] cur_step[".$cur_step."] user_step[".$this->step."]"); if ($cur_step == -1) { /* * if $cur_step == -1 load the current state from the main struct */ $S_load_stat['wR_minusone']++; if ($this->the_end == TRUE) { log_rd2("main_check: the end".var_export(debug_backtrace())); $is_page_streaming = TRUE; } if ($this->trans_step != -1) { log_rd2("TRANS USATO ".$this->trans_step); $cur_step = $this->trans_step; $this->trans_step = -1; } else { log_rd2("TRANS NON ATTIVATO"); } } /* this part I suppose is read only on $this->room structure */ if ($cur_step == -1) { log_rd2("PRE-NEWSTAT: ".$this->stat); if ($this->stat == 'room') { log_rd("roomma ".$this->step); $curtime = time(); if ($G_with_splash && ($$CO_splashdate < $curtime - $G_splash_interval || $$CO_splashdate > $curtime)) { $is_super = $this->flags & USER_FLAG_TY_SUPER; $ret .= show_notify_ex(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_splash_content[$G_lang]), ($is_super ? 0 : $G_splash_timeout), $mlang_indrd[($is_super ? 'btn_btotabsup' : 'btn_backtotab')][$G_lang], $G_splash_w, $G_splash_h, true, ($is_super ? 0 : $G_splash_timeout)); $ret .= sprintf('|createCookie("CO_splashdate%d", %d, 24*365, cookiepath);', $G_splash_idx, $curtime); } $ret .= $this->room->show_room($this->step, $this); // TODO uncomment and test /* NOTE the sets went common */ $new_stat = $this->stat; $new_subst = $this->subst; $new_step = $this->step; } /*************** * * * TABLE * * * ***************/ else if ($this->stat == 'table') { log_load("RESYNC"); return (self::page_sync($this->sess, "briskin5/index.php", $this->table, $this->table_token)); } log_rd2("NEWSTAT: ".$this->stat); } /* if ($cur_step == -1) { */ else { /* $sem = Room::lock_data(FALSE); */ $S_load_stat['rU_heavy']++; if ($cur_step < $this->step) { do { if ($cur_step + COMM_N < $this->step) { if (($cur_stat != $this->stat)) { $to_stat = $this->stat; /* Room::unlock_data($sem); */ log_load("RESYNC"); return (self::page_sync($this->sess, ($to_stat == "table" ? "briskin5/index.php" : "index.php"), $this->table, $this->table_token)); } log_rd2("lost history, refresh from scratch"); $new_step = -1; break; } for ($i = $cur_step ; $i < $this->step ; $i++) { $ii = $i % COMM_N; log_rd2("ADDED TO THE STREAM: ".$this->comm[$ii]); $ret .= $this->comm[$ii]; } $new_stat = $this->stat; $new_subst = $this->subst; $new_step = $this->step; } while (0); log_rd2($this->step, 'index_rd.php: after ret set'); if ($this->the_end == TRUE) { log_rd2("LOGOUT BYE BYE!!"); log_auth($this->sess, "Explicit logout."); if ($this->the_end == TRUE) { $this->reset(); if ($this->subst == 'sitdown') { log_load("ROOM WAKEUP"); $this->room->room_wakeup($this); } else if ($this->subst == 'standup') $this->room->room_outstandup($this); else log_rd2("LOGOUT FROM WHAT ???"); } /* if ($this->the_end == TRUE) { ... */ } /* if ($this->the_end == TRUE) { ... */ } /* if ($cur_step < $this->step) { */ /* Room::unlock_data($sem); */ } /* else of if ($cur_step == -1) { */ return ($ret); } // function maincheck (... static function stream_fini($is_unrecoverable) { GLOBAL $G_four_rnd_string; // IF IFRAME THEN: $body = ""; $body .= sprintf("
"); $body .= sprintf("\n", $G_four_rnd_string); $body .= sprintf("", 0, escpush(self::blocking_error($is_unrecoverable)) ); // ELSE IF XHR THEN: // return (self::blocking_error($is_unrecoverable)); return ($body); } /* * MAIN */ /* FROM THE EXTERN sess stat step */ function stream_init(&$header_out, &$body, $get, $post, $cookie) { GLOBAL $G_four_rnd_string; $curtime = time(); $is_page_streaming = FALSE; // (webservers_exceeded() || stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0)") || stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "MSIE") || stristr($HTTP_USER_AGENT, "CHROME") ? TRUE : FALSE); $header_out['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'; // HTTP/1.1 $header_out['Expires'] = 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'; // Date in the past $header_out['Content-type'] = 'text/html; charset="utf-8"'; log_load("index_rd_ifra_init.php"); if (($from = gpcs_var('from', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE) $from = ""; if (($stat = gpcs_var('stat', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE) $stat = ""; if (($subst = gpcs_var('subst', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE) $subst = ""; if (($step = gpcs_var('step', $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE) unset($step); $this->rd_data_set($curtime, $stat, $subst, $step, $from); $body .= sprintf(" "); $body .= sprintf("\n", $G_four_rnd_string); return TRUE; } function stream_main(&$body, $get, $post, $cookie) { GLOBAL $is_page_streaming, $G_splash_idx; // FIXME: only to test fwrite // GLOBAL $G_four_rnd_string; $CO_splashdate = "CO_splashdate".$G_splash_idx; if (($splashdate = gpcs_var("$CO_splashdate", $get, $post, $cookie)) === FALSE) $splashdate = ""; $is_page_streaming = FALSE; log_rd2("FROM OUTSIDE - STAT: ".$this->rd_stat." SUBST: ".$this->rd_subst." STEP: ".$this->rd_step." FROM: ".$this->rd_from. "IS_PAGE:" . $is_page_streaming); $pre_main = gettimeofday(TRUE); $old_stat = $this->rd_stat; $old_subst = $this->rd_subst; $old_step = $this->rd_step; if (($ret = maincheck($this, $old_stat, $old_subst, $old_step, $this->rd_stat, $this->rd_subst, $this->rd_step, $splashdate)) != FALSE) { $body .= sprintf("", $this->rd_scristp++, escpush($ret) ); log_rd2(0, 'index_rd.php: after mop_flush (begin: '.sprintf("%f", $pre_main).')'); if ($is_page_streaming) return TRUE; } return TRUE; } function stream_keepalive() { return (sprintf("", $this->rd_scristp++)); } } // end class User ?>