transaction("BEGIN") == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: begin failed"); break; } $mtc_sql = sprintf("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %sbin5_temp_matches ON COMMIT DROP AS SELECT m.code, max(g.tstamp) AS tstamp FROM %sbin5_matches as m, %sbin5_games as g WHERE (m.tcode = %d OR m.tcode = %d) AND m.code = g.mcode GROUP BY m.code, m.ttok", $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_OLDRULES, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NO_DRAW); if (pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $mtc_sql) == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: temporary matches table creation [$mtc_sql] failed"); break; } $tmt_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %sbin5_temp_matches WHERE tstamp < to_timestamp(%d)", $G_dbpfx, $curtime - TRI_LIMIT); // if deletable old matches exists then ... if (($tmt_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $tmt_sql)) != FALSE) { // // store matches before clean them // $fname = sprintf("%s/pts_archive%s.log", LEGAL_PATH, date("Ymd", $curtime)); if (($fp = @fopen($fname, 'a')) == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: log file [$fname] open failed"); break; } $tmt_n = pg_numrows($tmt_pg); // get matches for ($m = 0 ; $m < $tmt_n ; $m++) { $tmt_obj = pg_fetch_object($tmt_pg, $m); $mtc_sql = sprintf("SELECT * from %sbin5_matches WHERE code = %d", $G_dbpfx, $tmt_obj->code); if (($mtc_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $mtc_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($mtc_pg) != 1) { log_crit("statadm: matches row select failed"); break; } $mtc_obj = pg_fetch_object($mtc_pg, 0); if (fwrite($fp, sprintf("M|%d|%s|%d|%d|\n", $mtc_obj->code, xcapelt($mtc_obj->ttok), $mtc_obj->tidx, $mtc_obj->tcode)) == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: log file [$fname] write match failed"); break; } // get games associated to each match $gam_sql = sprintf("SELECT code, mcode, EXTRACT(epoch FROM tstamp) AS tstamp FROM %sbin5_games WHERE mcode = %d ORDER BY tstamp", $G_dbpfx, $mtc_obj->code); if (($gam_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $gam_sql)) == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: games row select failed"); break; } $gam_n = pg_numrows($gam_pg); for ($g = 0 ; $g < $gam_n ; $g++) { $gam_obj = pg_fetch_object($gam_pg, $g); if (fwrite($fp, sprintf("G|%d|%d|%d|\n", $gam_obj->mcode, $gam_obj->code, $gam_obj->tstamp)) == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: log file [$fname] write game failed"); break; } $pts_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %sbin5_points WHERE gcode = %d", $G_dbpfx, $gam_obj->code); if (($pts_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $pts_sql)) == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: points row select [$pts_sql] failed"); break; } $pts_n = pg_numrows($pts_pg); for ($p = 0 ; $p < $pts_n ; $p++) { $pts_obj = pg_fetch_object($pts_pg, $p); if (fwrite($fp, sprintf("P|%d|%d|%d|\n", $pts_obj->gcode, $pts_obj->ucode, $pts_obj->pts)) == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: log file [$fname] write pts failed"); break; } } if ($p < $pts_n) break; } if ($g < $gam_n) break; // delete match and all it's childs (games and points) $del_sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM %sbin5_matches WHERE code = %d", $G_dbpfx, $tmt_obj->code); if (($del_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(),$del_sql)) == FALSE || pg_affected_rows($del_pg) != 1) { log_crit("statadm: matches row deletion failed"); break; } } if ($m < $tmt_n) break; } // if (($tmt_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbco... // GEN: Truncate table (postgresql extension, in other SQL you must user unqualified DELETE $tru_sql = sprintf("TRUNCATE %sbin5_places;", $G_dbpfx); if (pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $tru_sql) == FALSE) { log_crit("statadm: truncate failed"); break; } for ($dtime = 0 ; $dtime < count($limi) ; $dtime++) { $old_score = array( 1000000000, 1000000000); $old_gam = array( -1, -1); $rank = array( 0, 0); // TAG: POINTS_MANAGEMENT $pla_sql = sprintf("SELECT (float4(sum(p.pts)) * 100.0 ) / float4(count(p.pts)) as score, sum(p.pts) as points, count(p.pts) as games, u.code as ucode, u.login as login FROM %sbin5_points as p, %sbin5_games as g, %sbin5_matches as m, %susers as u WHERE m.ttype <= 2 AND (m.tcode = %d OR m.tcode = %d) AND m.code = g.mcode AND ( (u.type & (CAST (X'ff0000' as integer))) <> (CAST (X'800000' as integer)) ) AND g.tstamp > to_timestamp(%d) AND g.tstamp <= to_timestamp(%d) AND p.ucode = u.code AND p.gcode = g.code AND p.pts != 0 GROUP BY u.code, u.login ORDER BY (float4(sum(p.pts)) * 100.0 ) / float4(count(p.pts)) DESC, count(p.pts) DESC", $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_OLDRULES, BIN5_TOURNAMENT_NO_DRAW, $curtime - $limi[$dtime], $curtime); // log_crit("statadm: INFO: [$pla_sql]"); if (($pla_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $pla_sql)) == FALSE) { // no point found, abort log_crit("statadm: main placement select failed [$pla_sql]"); break; } for ($i = 0 ; $i < pg_numrows($pla_pg) ; $i++) { $pla_obj = pg_fetch_object($pla_pg,$i); if ($pla_obj->games < $ming[$dtime]) continue; if ($pla_obj->games < $maxg[$dtime]) $subty = 0; else $subty = 1; $ty = ($dtime * 2) + $subty; if ($pla_obj->games != $old_gam[$subty] || $pla_obj->score != $old_score[$subty]) { $rank[$subty]++; } $new_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_places (type, rank, ucode, login, pts, games, score) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d, %f);", $G_dbpfx, $ty, $rank[$subty], $pla_obj->ucode, escsql($pla_obj->login), $pla_obj->points, $pla_obj->games, $pla_obj->score); if ( ! (($new_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $new_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($new_pg) == 1) ) { log_crit("statadm: new place insert failed: ".print_r($pla_obj, TRUE)); break; } $old_gam[$subty] = $pla_obj->games; $old_score[$subty] = $pla_obj->score; } // for ($i = 0 ; $i < pg_numrows($pla_pg) ; $i++) { if ($i < pg_numrows($pla_pg)) { break; } } // for ($dtime = 0 ; $dtime < count($limi) ; $dtime++) { if ($dtime < count($limi)) { break; } $mti_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %sbin5_places_mtime SET mtime = (to_timestamp(%d)) WHERE code = 0;", $G_dbpfx, $curtime); if ( ! (($mti_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $mti_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($mti_pg) == 1) ) { log_crit("statadm: new mtime insert failed."); break; } if ($bdb->transaction("COMMIT") == FALSE) { break; } return (TRUE); } while (0); $bdb->transaction("ROLLBACK"); return (FALSE); } function main() { GLOBAL $G_dbasetype, $G_alarm_passwd, $pazz; echo "Inizio.
"; mop_flush(); if ($pazz != $G_alarm_passwd) { echo "Wrong password
"; mop_flush(); exit; } $fun_name = "main_${G_dbasetype}"; $ctime = time(); if (BIN5_PLAYERS_N != 5) $curtime = $ctime; else $curtime = ((int)($ctime / (24 * 3600))) * 24 * 3600 - (((int)substr(date("O", $ctime), 0, -2)) * 3600); if ($ret = $fun_name($curtime)) echo "Success.
\n"; else echo "Failed.
\n"; echo "Fine.\n"; mop_flush(); } main(); ?>