array( 'it' => 'totali', 'en' => 'En totali') ); ini_set("max_execution_time", "240"); require_once("../Obj/brisk.phh"); require_once("../Obj/user.phh"); require_once("../Obj/auth.phh"); require_once("../Obj/dbase_${G_dbasetype}.phh"); require_once("Obj/briskin5.phh"); require_once("Obj/placing.phh"); function main_pgsql($from, $to) { GLOBAL $G_lang, $G_dbpfx, $mlang_stat_day; $ret = FALSE; $fpexp = FALSE; // log_crit("stat-day: BEGIN"); do { if (($fpexp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/explain.log", 'w')) == FALSE) { log_crit("stat-day: open explain failed"); break; } fprintf($fpexp, "

Minuta delle partite dal (%s) al (%s)

", $from, $to); if (($bdb = BriskDB::create()) == FALSE) { log_crit("stat-day: database connection failed"); break; } //if ($bdb->transaction("BEGIN") == FALSE) { // log_crit("stat-day: begin failed"); // break; //} // retrieve list of active tournaments $trn_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %sbin5_tournaments WHERE active = 1;", $G_dbpfx); if (($trn_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $trn_sql)) == FALSE) { log_crit("stat-day: select from tournaments failed"); break; } $trn_n = pg_numrows($trn_pg); printf("Number of tournaments: %d\n", $trn_n); // loop on tournaments for ($t = 0 ; $t < $trn_n ; $t++) { // log_crit("stat-day: LOOP t"); $trn_obj = pg_fetch_object($trn_pg, $t); $tmt_sql = sprintf(" SELECT m.code AS code, m.ttype AS ttype, m.mazzo_next AS minus_one_is_old FROM %sbin5_matches AS m, %sbin5_games AS g, %sbin5_tournaments AS t WHERE t.code = m.tcode AND m.code = g.mcode AND t.code = %d AND g.tstamp >= '%s' AND g.tstamp < '%s' GROUP BY m.code, minus_one_is_old ORDER BY m.code, minus_one_is_old DESC;", $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $trn_obj->code, $from, $to); // if deletable old matches exists then ... if (($tmt_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $tmt_sql)) == FALSE) { log_crit("stat-day: select from matches failed"); break; } // // store matches before clean them // $tmt_n = pg_numrows($tmt_pg); // get matches if ($tmt_n == 0) continue; printf("[Tournament [%s]], number of matches: %d\n", rules_id2descr($trn_obj->code, $G_lang), $tmt_n); fprintf($fpexp, "


", xcape(ucfirst(rules_id2descr($trn_obj->code, $G_lang)))); // loop on matches for ($m = 0 ; $m < $tmt_n ; $m++) { // log_crit("stat-day: LOOP m"); fprintf($fpexp, "
"); $tmt_obj = pg_fetch_object($tmt_pg, $m); // get users for the match m if (($users = $bdb->users_get($tmt_obj->code, TRUE, ($tmt_obj->minus_one_is_old > -1))) == FALSE) { log_crit(sprintf("stat_day: users_get failed %d", $tmt_obj->code)); break; } $gam_sql = sprintf(" SELECT g.* FROM %sbin5_tournaments AS t, %sbin5_matches AS m, %sbin5_games AS g WHERE t.code = m.tcode AND m.code = g.mcode AND m.code = %d ORDER BY g.tstamp;", $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $tmt_obj->code); if (($gam_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $gam_sql)) == FALSE ) { log_crit("stat-day: gam_sql failed"); break; } // loop on users of the match m for ($u = 0 ; $u < count($users) ; $u++) { // log_crit("stat-day: LOOP u"); if ($u == 0) { fprintf($fpexp, "

Codice: %d (%s - %s), Tavolo: %s%s

\n", $tmt_obj->code, $users[$u]['first'], $users[$u]['last'], $users[$u]['tidx'], ($tmt_obj->ttype > 2 ? " (tavolo per apprendisti)" : "")); fprintf($fpexp, "\n"); } fprintf($fpexp, "", $users[$u]['login']); // note: we are looping on users, order on them not needed $pts_sql = sprintf(" SELECT p.pts AS pts FROM %sbin5_games AS g, %sbin5_points AS p WHERE g.code = p.gcode AND g.mcode = %d AND p.ucode = %d ORDER BY g.tstamp", $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $tmt_obj->code, $users[$u]['code']); // points of the match for each user if (($pts_pg[$u] = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $pts_sql)) == FALSE) { log_crit("stat-day: pts_sql failed"); break; } if ($u == 0) { $num_games = pg_numrows($pts_pg[$u]); } else { if ($num_games != pg_numrows($pts_pg[$u])) { log_crit("stat-day: num_games != pg_numrows"); break; } } } if ($u != BIN5_PLAYERS_N) { log_crit("stat-day: u != BIN5_PLAYERS_N"); break; } if ($tmt_obj->minus_one_is_old != -1) { fprintf($fpexp, "\n"); } // LISTA DELLE VARIE PARTITE $pts_obj = array(); for ($g = 0 ; $g < $num_games ; $g++) { $gam_obj = pg_fetch_object($gam_pg, $g); fprintf($fpexp, ""); $pt_min = 1000; $pt_min_n = 0; $pt_max = -1000; $pt_max_n = 0; for ($u = 0 ; $u < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $u++) { $pts_obj[$u] = pg_fetch_object($pts_pg[$u], $g); if ($pt_min > $pts_obj[$u]->pts) { $pt_min = $pts_obj[$u]->pts; $pt_min_n = 1; } else if ($pt_min == $pts_obj[$u]->pts) { $pt_min_n++; } if ($pt_max < $pts_obj[$u]->pts) { $pt_max = $pts_obj[$u]->pts; $pt_max_n = 1; } else if ($pt_max == $pts_obj[$u]->pts) { $pt_max_n++; } } if ($pt_min_n > 1) { $pt_min = 1000; } if ($pt_max_n > 1) { $pt_max = -1000; } /* cases: pts = 0 -> white pts == pt_min -> red pts == pt_max -> green pts < 0 -> light red pts > 0 -> light green */ for ($u = 0 ; $u < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $u++) { $pts = $pts_obj[$u]->pts; if ($pts == 0) $cla_nam = 'bg_white'; else if ($pts == $pt_min) $cla_nam = 'bg_red'; else if ($pts == $pt_max) $cla_nam = 'bg_green'; else if ($pts < 0) $cla_nam = 'bg_lired'; else if ($pts > 0) $cla_nam = 'bg_ligre'; fprintf($fpexp, "<%s class='%s'>%d", ($tmt_obj->minus_one_is_old == -1 ? "td" : "th"), $cla_nam, pow(2,$gam_obj->mult) * $pts, ($tmt_obj->minus_one_is_old == -1 ? "td" : "th")); } if ($tmt_obj->minus_one_is_old != -1) { $rules_name = rules_id2name($trn_obj->code); fprintf($fpexp, "", $users[$gam_obj->mazzo]['login'], xcape( $rules_name::game_description($gam_obj->act, 'plain', $gam_obj->mult, $gam_obj->asta_win, ($gam_obj->asta_win != -1 ? $users[$gam_obj->asta_win]['login'] : ""), $gam_obj->friend, ($gam_obj->friend != -1 ? $users[$gam_obj->friend]['login'] : ""), $gam_obj->pnt, $gam_obj->asta_pnt, $gam_obj->tourn_pts) ) ); } fprintf($fpexp, "\n"); } // LISTA DEI TOTALI fprintf($fpexp, ""); for ($u = 0 ; $u < BIN5_PLAYERS_N ; $u++) { // NOTE: this part must be revisited when we move to multiple game rules // probably removing the sum and adding another nested iteration on games. $tot_sql = sprintf(" SELECT sum(p.pts * (2^g.mult)) AS pts FROM %sbin5_matches AS m, %sbin5_games AS g, %sbin5_points AS p, %susers AS u WHERE m.code = g.mcode AND g.code = p.gcode AND u.code = p.ucode AND ( (u.type & (CAST (X'00ff0000' as integer))) <> (CAST (X'00800000' as integer)) ) AND m.code = %d AND u.code = %d", $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $tmt_obj->code, $users[$u]['code']); if (($tot_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $tot_sql)) == FALSE ) { break; } $tot_obj = pg_fetch_object($tot_pg, 0); fprintf($fpexp, "", $tot_obj->pts); } if ($tmt_obj->minus_one_is_old != -1) { fprintf($fpexp, "\n", $mlang_stat_day['info_total'][$G_lang]); } fprintf($fpexp, "
\n"); } if ($m < $tmt_n) { log_crit("stat-day: m < tmt_n"); break; } } if ($t < $trn_n) { log_crit(sprintf("stat-day: t < trn_n (%d, %d)", $t, $trn_n)); break; } // if ($bdb->transaction("COMMIT") == FALSE) { // break; // } $ret = (TRUE); } while (0); // if ($ret == FALSE) { // $bdb->transaction("ROLLBACK"); // } if ($fpexp != FALSE) { fclose($fpexp); } return ($ret); } function main() { GLOBAL $G_lang, $G_dbasetype, $G_alarm_passwd, $pazz, $from, $to; if ($pazz != $G_alarm_passwd) { echo "Wrong password
"; mop_flush(); exit; } $fun_name = "main_${G_dbasetype}"; if ($ret = $fun_name($from, $to)) echo "Success.
\n"; else echo "Failed.
\n"; echo "Fine.\n"; mop_flush(); } main(); ?>