db = DBConn::$dbcnnx; } static function &create() { GLOBAL $G_dbauth, $G_false; $ret = &$G_false; if (DBConn::$dbcnnx == FALSE) { if (!(DBConn::$dbcnnx = @pg_connect ($G_dbauth))) { return FALSE; } } $ret = new DBConn(); return $ret; } function db() { return ($this->db); } } class BriskDB { var $dbconn; var $item; var $item_n; function BriskDB($dbconn) { $this->dbconn = $dbconn; } static function &create() { GLOBAL $DOCUMENT_ROOT, $G_dbpfx, $G_false; $dbconn = $G_false; $ret = $G_false; log_main("BriskDB create:start"); do { if (($dbconn = DBConn::create()) == FALSE) break; $ret = new BriskDB($dbconn); } while (0); log_main("BriskDB create:end"); return ($ret); } function users_load() { } function login_exists($login) { GLOBAL $G_dbpfx; /* check the existence of the nick in the BriskDB */ log_main("login_exists: ".$login); $user_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %susers WHERE login = lower('%s') AND (type & CAST (X'%08x' as integer)) = 0;", $G_dbpfx, escsql($login), USER_FLAG_TY_DISABLE); if (($user_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $user_sql)) != FALSE) if (pg_numrows($user_pg) == 1) return TRUE; return FALSE; } function &getrecord_bylogin($login) { GLOBAL $G_false, $G_dbpfx; $user_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %susers WHERE login = lower('%s') AND (type & CAST (X'%08x' as integer)) = 0;", $G_dbpfx, escsql($login), USER_FLAG_TY_DISABLE); if (($user_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $user_sql)) == FALSE) return $ret; if (pg_numrows($user_pg) != 1) return $ret; $user_obj = pg_fetch_object($user_pg, 0); return ($user_obj); } function &login_verify($login, $pass) { GLOBAL $G_dbpfx, $G_false; $ret = &$G_false; log_main("login_verify: ".$login); //O /* check the existence of the nick in the BriskDB */ //O for ($i = 0 ; $i < $this->item_n ; $i++) { //O log_main("login_verify: BEGIN"); if (($user_obj = $this->getrecord_bylogin($login)) == FALSE) return $ret; log_main("login[".$user_obj->code."]: ".$user_obj->login); /* if it exists check for a valid challenge */ if (($a_sem = Challenges::lock_data()) != FALSE) { if (($chals = &Challenges::load_data()) != FALSE) { for ($e = 0 ; $e < $chals->item_n ; $e++) { log_main("challenge[".$e."]: ".$chals->item[$e]->login); if (strcmp($login, $chals->item[$e]->login) == 0) { log_main("login_verify [".$pass."] with [".md5($chals->item[$e]->token.$user_obj->pass)."]"); if (strcmp($pass, md5($chals->item[$e]->token.$user_obj->pass)) == 0) { log_main("login_verify SUCCESS for ".$login); $chals->rem($login); $ret = LoginDBItem::LoginDBItemFromRecord($user_obj); break; } } } // end for ($e = 0 ... } if ($chals->ismod()) { Challenges::save_data(&$chals); } Challenges::unlock_data($a_sem); } //O break; // O } // if (strcasecmp($this->item[$i]->login, ... //O } return ($ret); } function &getitem_bylogin($login, &$id) { GLOBAL $G_false; $ret = &$G_false; $id = -1; log_main("getitem_bylogin: ".$login); if (($user_obj = $this->getrecord_bylogin($login)) == FALSE) return $ret; $id = $user_obj->code; return (LoginDBItem::LoginDBItemFromRecord($user_obj)); } // TODO FOR DB function getmail($login) { log_main("getmail"); if (($ret = $this->getrecord_bylogin($login)) == FALSE) return FALSE; return ($ret->email); } function addusers_from_olddb($olddb, &$cont) { GLOBAL $G_dbpfx; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $olddb->count() ; $i++) { $user_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %susers ( login, pass, email, type) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %d);", $G_dbpfx, escsql(strtolower($olddb->item[$i]->login)), escsql($olddb->item[$i]->pass), escsql($olddb->item[$i]->email), $olddb->item[$i]->type & USER_FLAG_TY_ALL); // if ( ! (($user_pg = pg_exec($dbconn,$order_add_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($order_pg) == 1) ) { if ( ! (($user_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $user_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($user_pg) == 1) ) { $cont .= sprintf("ERROR IN LINE: %s\n", eschtml($user_sql)); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } function &getdbconn() { $ret = $this->dbconn; return ($ret); } // ttok text UNIQUE, // tidx function bin5_points_save($date, $ttok, $tidx, $ucodes, $pts) { GLOBAL $G_dbpfx; $is_trans = FALSE; $ret = FALSE; $n = count($ucodes); /* check the existence of the nick in the BriskDB */ log_main("bin5_points_save: "); do { if (pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), "BEGIN") == FALSE) { break; } $is_trans = TRUE; /* * matches management */ $mtc_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %sbin5_matches WHERE ttok = '%s';", $G_dbpfx, escsql($ttok)); if (($mtc_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $mtc_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($mtc_pg) != 1) { // match not exists, insert it $mtc_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_matches (ttok, tidx) VALUES ('%s', %d) RETURNING *;", $G_dbpfx, escsql($ttok), $tidx); if ( ! (($mtc_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $mtc_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($mtc_pg) == 1) ) { log_crit(sprintf("bin5_points_save: failed at insert match [%s]", $mtc_sql)); break; } } $mtc_obj = pg_fetch_object($mtc_pg,0); /* * games management */ $gam_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_games (mcode, tstamp) VALUES (%d, to_timestamp(%d)) RETURNING *;", $G_dbpfx, $mtc_obj->code, $date); if ( ! (($gam_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $gam_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($gam_pg) == 1) ) { log_crit(sprintf("bin5_points_save: failed at insert game [%s]", $gam_sql)); break; } $gam_obj = pg_fetch_object($gam_pg,0); /* * points management */ for ($i = 0 ; $i < $n ; $i++) { /* put points */ $pts_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_points (gcode, ucode, pts) VALUES (%d, %d, %d);", $G_dbpfx, $gam_obj->code, $ucodes[$i], $pts[$i]); if ( ! (($pts_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $pts_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($pts_pg) == 1) ) { log_crit(sprintf("bin5_points_save: failed at insert point [%s]", $pts_sql)); break; } } if ($i < $n) break; if (pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), "COMMIT") == FALSE) { break; } $is_trans = FALSE; $ret = TRUE; } while (0); if ($is_trans) pg_query($this->dbconn-db(), "ROLLBACK"); return $ret; } } // End class BriskDB class LoginDBOld { var $item; var $item_n; function LoginDBOld($filename) { GLOBAL $DOCUMENT_ROOT; log_main("LoginDBOld create:start"); if (file_exists("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/Etc/".$filename)) { require("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/Etc/".$filename); } else { return (FALSE); } $this->item_n = count($this->item); log_main("LoginDBOld create:end"); } function count() { return ($this->item_n); } } // End class LoginDBOld ?>