'; $G_proxy_white_list = array(); $G_alarm_passwd = "yourpasswd"; $G_is_local = FALSE; $G_black_list = array(); // is the top banner active ? $G_with_topbanner = FALSE; // is the first side banner active ? $G_with_sidebanner = TRUE; // is the second side banner active ? $G_with_sidebanner2 = TRUE; // is poll active ? $G_with_poll = FALSE; $G_with_splash = TRUE; $G_splash_interval = 25200; // 3600 * 7 $G_splash_idx = 3; $G_splash_w = 350; $G_splash_h = 500; $G_splash_timeout = 5000; $G_splash_content = array( 'it' => 'content italico', 'en' => 'content anglofico' ); $G_with_donors = TRUE; $G_donors_cur = 12; $G_donors_all = 50; $G_topbanner = '
Torneo di briscola
chiamata - Milano
'; $G_sidebanner = '
'; $G_sidebanner2 = '
'; $G_poll_name = "calcolo_punteggio"; $G_poll_title = "Vota come calcolare i punteggi!"; $G_poll_entries = array( array( 'id' => 'din', 'cont' => 'Dinner room'), array( 'id' => 'bat', 'cont' => 'Bath room'), array( 'id' => 'coo', 'cont' => 'Cooking room') ); ?>