- BUG - "lascio" forgotten icon and bad text fixed.
- auth user replaced with new login
- nick command restricted inside auth tables.
- alarm message to single user.
- act_content totally refactored.
- new field $idx in table class.
- variable enabled topbanner.
- rendering for auth names refactored.
- "brisk_conf" config paramiter added.
- "challenges" ftok tree entry added.
- Background changed.
- Notify enhanced.
- Optional password added (with challenge and pseudo db server-side).
- Authentication only table added.
- User flags (authentication and other) added.
- Client side room rendering refactored.
- Unmediate exit managed (with "onbeforeunload" and "onunload")
- Reserved tables
+ ENH heartbit refactored (js)
+ ENH watchdog added (js+php)
+ ENH log_legal refactored, if auth added (php)
+ ENH reload button added (js+php)
+ BUG recovery lost game for auth user in room (php)
+ ENH notify object refactored
+ ENH /autentica command added to avoid mail spuffing
+ ENH /st commands to set user status (icons)
+ ENH strong ban added (hardbans).
+ ENH web of trust docs added.
+ BUG "lascio" forgotten icon and bad text fixed.
+ ENH "brisk_conf" config paramiter added.
+ ENH "challenges" ftok tree entry added.
+ MOD background changed.
+ ENH notify enhanced.
+ ENH unmediate exit managed (with "onbeforeunload" and "onunload").
+ ENH user flags (authentication and other) added.
+ ENH rendering for auth names refactored.
+ ENH optional password added (with challenge and pseudo db server-side).
+ ENH auth user replaced with new login.
+ ENH client side room rendering refactored.
+ ENH variable enabled topbanner.
+ ENH new field $idx in table class.
+ ENH authentication only table added.
+ ENH nick command restricted inside auth tables.
+ ENH act_content totally refactored.
+ ENH alarm message to single user.
+ ENH reserved tables.