VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d) RETURNING *;",
$G_dbpfx, escsql(strtolower($login)), escsql($pass), escsql($email),
$type, $disa_reas, $guar_code);
- if ( ! (($usr_pg = $this->query($usr_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($usr_pg) == 1) ) {
+ if (! (($usr_pg = $this->query($usr_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($usr_pg) == 1) ) {
return FALSE;
$usr_obj = pg_fetch_object($usr_pg, 0);
--- /dev/null
+include_once 'Mail.php';
+include_once 'Mail/mime.php';
+$brisk_mail_hp = array( "text_charset" => "utf-8",
+ "html_charset" => "utf-8",
+ "header_charset" => "utf-8",
+ "eol" => "\n" );
+// references: <alfanum-8-chars>@<domain>
+function brisk_mail($to, $subject, $text, $html, $refs)
+ GLOBAL $brisk_mail_hp, $G_admin_mail;
+ $hdrs = array(
+ 'From' => $G_admin_mail,
+ 'Subject' => $subject,
+ 'References' => $refs
+ );
+ $mime = new Mail_mime($brisk_mail_hp);
+ $mime->setTXTBody($text);
+ $mime->setHTMLBody($html);
+ $body = $mime->get();
+ $hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs);
+ $mail = Mail::factory('mail');
+ $mail->send($to, $hdrs, $body);
+ return TRUE;
\ No newline at end of file
'Ciao, sono l\' amministratore del sito di Brisk.
L\' utente \'%s\' ha garantito per te
-con accesso \'%s\' e password \'%s\',
-vai al link: %s/mailmgr.php?id=%s
+con accesso \'%s\' e password \'%s\',
+vai al link: %s/mailmgr.php?id=%s
per confermare il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica.
Una volta verificato ti sarà possibile accedere al sito.
Saluti e buone partite, mop.',
- 'en' => 'EN mtext %s %s %s'),
+ 'en' => 'EN mtext %s %s %s'),
'nu_mhtml' => array( 'it' => 'Ciao, sono l\' amministratore del sito di Brisk.<br><br>
L\' utente \'%s\' ha garantito per te<br>
con accesso \'%s\' e password \'%s\'<br>
<a href="%s/mailmgr.php?id=%s">clicca qui</a> per confermare il tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica.<br><br>
Una volta verificato ti sarà possibile accedere al sito.<br><br>
Saluti e buone partite, mop.<br>',
- 'en' => 'EN mhtml %s %s %s %s'),
+ 'en' => 'EN mhtml %s %s %s %s'),
'nu_gtext' => array( 'it' =>
'Ciao %s, sono l\' amministratore del sito di Brisk.
Grazie dell\' impegno, mop.',
'en' => ''),
- 'nu_ghtml' => array( 'it' =>
+ 'nu_ghtml' => array( 'it' =>
'Ciao %s, sono l\' amministratore del sito di Brisk.<br><br>
Ti volevo avvisare che ho attivato i login di \'%s\' che hai
// insert the new user disabled with reason NU_MAILED
if (($usr_obj = $bdb->user_add($cli_name, $the_pass, $cli_email,
USER_DIS_REA_NU_TOBECHK, $user->code)) == FALSE) {
fprintf(STDERR, "user_add FAILED\n");
$user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
/* MLANG: "<br>Il nominativo è stato inoltrato all\'amministratore.<br><br>Nell\'arco di pochi giorni vi verrà<br><br>notificata l\'avvenuta registrazione." */
$user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify($mlang_indwr['warrrepl'][$G_lang], 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_close'][$G_lang], 400, 150);
$socket = FALSE;
$ret = FALSE;
+ $stp = 0;
$private = md5($G_alarm_passwd.$ip.$sess);
$cmd = array ("cmd" => "userauth", "sess" => $sess, "private" => $private, "the_end" => "true");
$cmd_ser = cmd_serialize($cmd);
$cmd_len = mb_strlen($cmd_ser, "ASCII");
do {
if (($socket = stream_socket_client("unix://".USOCK_PATH."2")) == FALSE)
+ $stp = 1;
if (($rwr = fwrite($socket, $cmd_ser, $cmd_len)) == FALSE
|| $rwr != $cmd_len)
+ $stp = 2;
if (($buf = fread($socket, 4096)) == FALSE)
$res = cmd_deserialize($buf);
+ $stp = 3;
if (!isset($res['val']) || $res['val'] != 200)
$ret = TRUE;
+ $stp = 4;
} while (0);
if ($socket != FALSE)
+ if ($stp < 4) {
+ echo "STP: $stp<br>";
+ }
return ($ret);
-function main($action) {
+function main() {
GLOBAL $G_dbpfx, $G_alarm_passwd, $f_mailusers, $sess, $_POST, $_SERVER;
if (check_auth() == FALSE) {
- if (isset($f_mailusers)) {
- $action = "listnew";
+ if (isset($_POST['f_accept'])) {
+ $action = "accept";
+ else if (isset($_POST['f_delete'])) {
+ $action = "delete";
+ }
+ if ($action == "accept") {
+ if (($bdb = BriskDB::create()) == FALSE) {
+ log_crit("stat-day: database connection failed");
+ break;
+ }
+ foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
+ if (substr($key, 0, 9) != "f_newuser")
+ continue;
+ $id = (int)substr($key, 9);
+ if ($id <= 0)
+ continue;
- if ($action == "listnew") {
- echo "pippo";
+ // retrieve list of active tournaments
+ $usr_sql = sprintf("
+SELECT usr.*, guar.login AS guar_login
+ FROM %susers AS usr
+ JOIN %susers AS guar ON guar.code = usr.guar_code
+ WHERE ( (usr.type & (CAST (X'%x' as integer))) = (CAST (X'%x' as integer)) )
+ AND usr.disa_reas = %d AND usr.code = %d;",
+ $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx,
+ if (($usr_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $usr_sql)) == FALSE) {
+ log_crit("stat-day: select from tournaments failed");
+ break;
+ }
+ $usr_obj = pg_fetch_object($usr_pg, 0);
+ printf("KEY: %s: %s %s<br>\n", $id, $value, $usr_obj->login);
+ // change state
+ // send mail
+ // populate
+ }
+ exit;
else {
do {
if (($bdb = BriskDB::create()) == FALSE) {
log_crit("stat-day: database connection failed");
// retrieve list of active tournaments
$usr_sql = sprintf("
SELECT usr.*, guar.login AS guar_login
$usr_n = pg_numrows($usr_pg);
- printf("Number of tournaments: %d\n", $usr_n);
$tab_lines = "";
- // loop on tournaments
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $usr_n ; $i++) {
- // log_crit("stat-day: LOOP i");
$usr_obj = pg_fetch_object($usr_pg, $i);
$tab_lines .= sprintf("<tr><td><input name=\"f_newuser%d\" type=\"checkbox\" CHECKED></td><td>%s</td><td></td></tr>\n",
echo $tab_lines;
-<input type="submit" name="f_mailusers" value="Done">
+<input type="submit" name="f_accept" value="Accept">
+<input type="submit" name="f_delete" value="Delete">
} while(FALSE);
-if (!isset($f_action)) {
- $action = FALSE;
\ No newline at end of file