DONE . user policy acceptance (db field)
DONE . show licence ([show me later, yes, no]/[yes, no])
DONE . switch-off date
+ DONE . manage accept
+ . manage refuse
+ . WIP disable user reason integer field and remove SUSPEND state (db, php)
. checkbox for anonimous users with message when not checked
- . disable user reason integer field and remove SUSPEND state (db, php)
. opt - button on when arrived to the bottom of the licence
. opt - download licence
. min - check licence version between config file and licence file
+define('LICMGR_CHO_ACCEPT', 0);
+define('LICMGR_CHO_REFUSE', 1);
+define('LICMGR_CHO_AFTER', 2);
function index_wr_main(&$room, $remote_addr_full, $get, $post, $cookie)
GLOBAL $G_shutdown, $G_black_list, $G_lang, $G_room_help, $G_room_about, $G_room_passwdhowto, $mlang_indwr;
+ GLOBAL $G_lice_vers;
$remote_addr = addrtoipv4($remote_addr_full);
$room->chatt_send(&$user, xcapemesg($mesg));
else if ($argz[0] == 'licencemgr') {
- $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
+ // check IF is authnticated user, both licences version matches
+ if ($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH && count($argz) == 5) {
+ $f_type = $argz[1]; $f_code = $argz[2];
+ $f_lice_curr = $argz[3]; $f_lice_vers = $argz[4];
- $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(xcape("FIN QUI |"."${argz[1]}"."|"."${argz[2]}"."|"."${argz[3]}"."|"."${argz[4]}"), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], 400, 200);
+ $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; ";
+ $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(xcape("FIN QUIZ |"."${argz[1]}"."|"."${argz[2]}"."|"."${argz[3]}"."|"."${argz[4]}"."|".$res), 0, $mlang_indwr['btn_backtotab'][$G_lang], 400, 200);
+ log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
+ $user->step_inc();
- log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]);
- $user->step_inc();
+ if ("$f_lice_curr" == $user->rec->lice_vers_get() &&
+ "$f_lice_vers" == "$G_lice_vers") {
+ if ("$f_type" == "soft" || "$f_type" == "hard") {
+ $res = 100;
+ switch ($f_code) {
+ $user->rec->lice_vers_set($G_lice_vers);
+ $res = $user->licence_store();
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
* *