+ "brisk_conf" config paramiter added.
+ "challenges" ftok tree entry added.
+ Background changed.
+ Notify enhanced.
+ Optional password added (with challenge and pseudo db server-side).
+ Authentication only table added.
+ User flags (authentication and other) added.
+ Client side room rendering refactored.
+ Unmediate exit managed (with "onbeforeunload" and "onunload")
+ Reserved tables
0.14.0 ("spawn" branch) - xx/06/2008
White space between logo and tables under IE 6 & 7 bug fixed.
Creation of tmpfs subdirs if not exists fixed.
+ ===
+ DONE righe troncate
+ problema col treno se mouse sopra mentre stringe (verif)
- login
- se pass:
- richiede per l' utente un token (tutta la parte backend va un minimo studiata)
- lo legge, ci hasha la password
- invia la pass al server hashata
- se non pass:
- check del login e return corretto
- oggetto in shm single table con ( "ip", "login", timestamp ) e suo management
+ DONE se pass:
+ DONE richiede per l' utente un token (tutta la parte backend va un minimo studiata)
+ DONE lo legge, ci hasha la password
+ DONE invia la pass al server hashata
+ DONE se non pass:
+ DONE check del login e return corretto
+ DONE oggetto in shm single table con ( "ip", "login", timestamp ) e suo management
+ DONE rename ghost if logged
+ DONE onunload_cb e onbeforeunload_cb !!!
+ DONE da change attrs a change class (input field)
+ DONE colore del bg per arrivare ad essere omogeneo
+ DONE cambiare path e file di config
+ DONE login with or without pass
+ DONE registered nick notice (METTERE IL MSG NELLA PAG DI LOGIN)
+ DONE segnalare tavoli solo per auth
+ rename restriction at auth table
+ restrict challenge per IP
+ refact js tables to handle flags
- login modify
- - db (fake)
- - display auth
+ DONE - db (fake)
+ DONE - display auth
+ - manage preferences
- db (minimal)
- db admin page
- user db admin
- - work background
- - reserved tables
+ - use db
+ - admin db
+ DONE - work background
+ DONE - reserved tables
- minor
- - auth after login
+ - strong ban: "expire time|IP|session|(nick if authenticated)"
+ login: se auth - verifica solo gli expire per quel nick
+ se non auth - verifica gli expire per IP e sessione
+ change nick (strcasecmp)
+ restricted charset
DONE - room javascript refactoring
+ minor
+ -----
+ - auth after login
BRISK2 (spawn)