return ($this->dbconn);
+ // return array of array('code', 'login' [, 'first', 'last', 'tidx']) ordered by table position
+ function users_get($match_code, $with_minmaxtidx, $is_newmatch)
+ {
+ GLOBAL $G_dbpfx;
+ if ($is_newmatch) { // is new
+ $usr_sql = sprintf("SELECT u.code AS code, u.login AS login%s
+ FROM %sbin5_matches AS m, %sbin5_games AS g, %sbin5_points AS p,
+ %susers AS u, %sbin5_table_orders AS o
+ WHERE m.code = g.mcode AND g.code = p.gcode AND u.code = p.ucode
+ AND m.code = o.mcode AND u.code = o.ucode AND m.code = %d
+ GROUP BY u.code, u.login%s, o.pos
+ ORDER BY o.pos;",
+ ($with_minmaxtidx ? ", min(g.tstamp) AS first, max(g.tstamp) AS last, m.tidx AS tidx" : ""),
+ $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $match_code,
+ ($with_minmaxtidx ? ", m.tidx" : ""));
+ }
+ else { // is old
+ $usr_sql = sprintf("SELECT u.code AS code, u.login AS login%s
+ FROM %sbin5_matches AS m, %sbin5_games AS g, %sbin5_points AS p, %susers AS u
+ WHERE m.code = g.mcode AND g.code = p.gcode AND u.code = p.ucode AND m.code = %d
+ GROUP BY u.code, u.login%s;",
+ ($with_minmaxtidx ? ", min(g.tstamp) AS first, max(g.tstamp) AS last, m.tidx AS tidx" : ""),
+ $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $match_code,
+ ($with_minmaxtidx ? ", m.tidx" : ""));
+ }
+ if (($usr_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $usr_sql)) == FALSE ) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: pg_query usr_sql failed [%s]", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $usr_sql));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $usr_n = pg_numrows($usr_pg);
+ if ($usr_n != BIN5_PLAYERS_N) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: wrong number of players [%s] %d", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $usr_sql, $usr_n));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $users = array();
+ if ($with_minmaxtidx)
+ $fields = array('code', 'login', 'first', 'last', 'tidx');
+ else
+ $fields = array('code', 'login');
+ for ($u = 0 ; $u < $usr_n ; $u++) {
+ $usr_obj = pg_fetch_object($usr_pg, $u);
+ fprintf(STDERR, "GOGORO [%s]\n", print_r($usr_obj, TRUE));
+ $users[$u] = array();
+ foreach($fields as $field) {
+ $users[$u][$field] = $usr_obj->$field;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($users);
+ }
+ // out: tab->{points,points_n,old_reason}, in: tab->ttok
+ function match_continue($match_code, $table, $tidx)
+ {
+ GLOBAL $G_dbpfx;
+ if (($users = $this->users_get($match_code, FALSE /*without minmaxidx*/, TRUE /*new game*/)) == FALSE) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: retrieve users fails", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $num_sql = sprintf("SELECT count(*) AS points_n FROM %sbin5_games WHERE mcode = %d;", $G_dbpfx, $match_code);
+ if (($num_pg = $this->query($num_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($num_pg) != 1) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: get games number fails", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $num_obj = pg_fetch_object($num_pg, 0);
+ $table->points_n = $num_obj->points_n;
+ $tot_sql = sprintf("SELECT sum(p.pts) AS pts
+ FROM %sbin5_games AS g, %sbin5_points AS p, %susers AS u,
+ %sbin5_table_orders AS o
+ WHERE g.mcode = %d AND g.code = p.gcode AND p.ucode = u.code
+ AND p.ucode = o.ucode AND g.mcode = o.mcode
+ GROUP BY p.ucode, o.pos
+ ORDER BY o.pos;",
+ $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $match_code);
+ if (($tot_pg = pg_query($this->dbconn->db(), $tot_sql)) == FALSE
+ || pg_numrows($tot_pg) != BIN5_PLAYERS_N) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: get games totals fails", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ $u = 0;
+ foreach ($users as $user) {
+ $pts_sql = sprintf("SELECT p.pts AS pts
+ FROM %sbin5_points as p, %sbin5_games as g
+ WHERE p.gcode = g.code AND g.mcode = %d AND p.ucode = %d
+ ORDER BY g.code ASC
+ LIMIT %d OFFSET %d;",
+ $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $match_code, $user['code'],
+ ($num_obj->points_n < MAX_POINTS ? 0 : $num_obj->points_n - MAX_POINTS));
+ // points of the match for each user
+ if (($pts_pg = $this->query($pts_sql)) == FALSE) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: get points fails", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $pts_n = pg_numrows($pts_pg);
+ if ($pts_n > $table->points_n) {
+ // inconsistent scenario number of points great than number of games
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: number of points great than number of games", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ for ($i = 0 , $ct = $table->points_n - $pts_n; $ct < $table->points_n ; $ct++, $i++) {
+ $pts_obj = pg_fetch_object($pts_pg, $i);
+ $table->points[$ct % MAX_POINTS][$u] = $pts_obj->pts;
+ }
+ $tot_obj = pg_fetch_object($tot_pg, $u);
+ $table->total[$u] = $tot_obj->pts;
+ $u++;
+ }
+ $gam_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %sbin5_games WHERE mcode = %d ORDER BY code DESC LIMIT 1;", $G_dbpfx, $match_code);
+ if (($gam_pg = $this->query($gam_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($gam_pg) != 1) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s::%s: get last game fails", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $gam_obj = pg_fetch_object($gam_pg, 0);
+ $table->old_reason = game_description($gam_obj->act, 'html', $gam_obj->mult,
+ $gam_obj->asta_win, $users[$gam_obj->asta_win]['login'],
+ $gam_obj->friend, $users[$gam_obj->friend]['login'],
+ $gam_obj->pnt, $gam_obj->asta_pnt);
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ function match_order_get(&$match_data, $match_code, $exp_num)
+ {
+ GLOBAL $G_dbpfx;
+ $ord_sql = sprintf("SELECT ucode FROM %sbin5_table_orders WHERE mcode = %d ORDER BY pos ASC;",
+ $G_dbpfx, $match_code);
+ if (($ord_pg = $this->query($ord_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($ord_pg) != $exp_num) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s: fails for id or users number", __FUNCTION__));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $ucodes = array();
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < $exp_num ; $i++) {
+ $ord_obj = pg_fetch_object($ord_pg, $i);
+ $ucodes[$i] = $ord_obj->ucode;
+ }
+ if ($match_data !== NULL) {
+ $mtdt_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %sbin5_matches WHERE code = %d;",
+ $G_dbpfx, $match_code);
+ if (($mtdt_pg = $this->query($mtdt_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($mtdt_pg) != 1) {
+ log_crit(sprintf("%s: fails retrieve match_data values [%d]", __FUNCTION__, $match_code));
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $mtdt_obj = pg_fetch_object($mtdt_pg, 0);
+ foreach (array('ttok', 'tidx', 'mult_next', 'mazzo_next', 'tcode') as $match_name) {
+ $match_data[$match_name] = $mtdt_obj->$match_name;
+ }
+ }
+ return ($ucodes);
+ }
// ttok text UNIQUE,
// tidx
function bin5_points_save($date, $table, $tidx, $action, $ucodes, $pts)