define(BRISKIN5_SHM_MAX, (BRISKIN5_SHM_MIN + 1048576));
define(BRISKIN5_SHM_DLT, 32768);
+$table_wellarr = Array ( 'Benvenuto al tavolo. Se almeno tre giocatori non sbloccano l\'uscita cliccando il lucchetto, chi esce non può risedersi a un qualunque tavolo per '.floor(BAN_TIME/60).' minuti.');
class Briskin5 {
var $user;
var $table;
+function calculate_points(&$table)
+ GLOBAL $G_all_points;
+ $pro = 0;
+ if ($table->asta_pnt == 60)
+ $table->asta_pnt = 61;
+ $table->old_reason = "";
+ $table->old_win = $table->asta_win;
+ $table->old_friend = $table->friend;
+ $table->old_asta_pnt = $table->asta_pnt;
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < 40 ; $i++) {
+ $ctt = $table->card[$i]->value % 10;
+ $own = $table->card[$i]->owner;
+ if ($own == $table->asta_win || $own == $table->friend)
+ $pro += $G_all_points[$ctt];
+ }
+ log_wr(sprintf("PRO: [%d]", $pro));
+ if ($table->asta_pnt == 61 && $pro == 60) { // PATTA !
+ $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS] = array();
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++)
+ $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS][$i] = 0;
+ $table->points_n++;
+ $table->old_pnt = $pro;
+ $table->mult *= 2;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($pro >= $table->asta_pnt)
+ $sig = 1;
+ else
+ $sig = -1;
+ $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS] = array();
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) {
+ if ($i == $table->asta_win)
+ $pt = ($i == $table->friend ? 4 : 2);
+ else if ($i == $table->friend)
+ $pt = 1;
+ else
+ $pt = -1;
+ log_wr(sprintf("PRO: pt[%d][%d] = %d", $table->points_n % MAX_POINTS, $i, $pt));
+ $pt = $pt * $sig * $table->mult * ($pro == 120 ? 2 : 1);
+ log_wr(sprintf("PRO:[%d][%d][%d]", $sig, $table->mult, ($pro == 120 ? 2 : 1)));
+ $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS][$i] = $pt;
+ $table->total[$i] += $pt;
+ }
+ $table->points_n++;
+ $table->old_pnt = $pro;
+ $table->mult = 1;
+/* show table
+is_transition (is from room to table ?)
+is_again (is another game)
+Examples of $is_transition, $is_again:
+ from reload of the page: FALSE, FALSE
+ from sitdown in room: TRUE, FALSE
+ from table: asta cmd e tutti passano: TRUE, TRUE
+ from table: fine partita: TRUE, TRUE
+ */
+function show_table(&$room, &$user, $sendstep, $is_transition, $is_again)
+ $table_idx = $user->table;
+ $table = &$room->table[$table_idx];
+ $table_pos = $user->table_pos;
+ $ret = "table_init();";
+ $ret .= $table->exitlock_show(&$room->user, $table_pos);
+ if (!$is_again) {
+ $ret .= sprintf( ' = %d; stat = "%s"; subst = "%s"; table_pos = %d;',
+ $sendstep, $user->stat, $user->subst, $table_pos);
+ log_rd(sprintf( 'SHOW_TABLE: = %d; stat = "%s"; subst = "%s"; table_pos = %d;', $sendstep, $user->stat, $user->subst, $table_pos));
+ $ret .= "background_set();";
+ /* USERS INFO */
+ $itin = ($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH ? "<i>" : "");
+ $itou = ($user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH ? "</i>" : "");
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("myname").innerHTML = "<b>%s%s%s</b>";', $itin, xcape($user->name), $itou);
+ $ret .= sprintf('set_names([%d, "%s"], [%d, "%s"], [%d, "%s"], [%d, "%s"], [%d, "%s"]); ',
+ $room->user[$table->player[($table_pos)%PLAYERS_N]]->flags,
+ xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos)%PLAYERS_N]]->name),
+ $room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+1)%PLAYERS_N]]->flags,
+ xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+1)%PLAYERS_N]]->name),
+ $room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+2)%PLAYERS_N]]->flags,
+ xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+2)%PLAYERS_N]]->name),
+ (PLAYERS_N == 3 ? 0 : $room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+3)%PLAYERS_N]]->flags),
+ (PLAYERS_N == 3 ? "" : xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+3)%PLAYERS_N]]->name)),
+ (PLAYERS_N == 3 ? 0 : $room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+4)%PLAYERS_N]]->flags),
+ (PLAYERS_N == 3 ? "" : xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+4)%PLAYERS_N]]->name)));
+ }
+ if ($is_transition) { // && $user->subst == "asta" superfluo
+ $ret .= show_table_info(&$room, &$table, $table_pos);
+ }
+ if (!$is_again)
+ $ret .= table_wellcome($user);
+ if ($is_transition && !$is_again) { // appena seduti al tavolo, play della mucca
+ $ret .= playsound("cow.mp3");
+ }
+ /* CARDS */
+ if ($is_transition) { // && $user->subst == "asta" superfluo
+ $ret .= "|";
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i++) {
+ for ($e = 0 ; $e < PLAYERS_N ; $e++) {
+ $ct = 0;
+ for ($o = 0 ; $o < 40 && $ct < $i+1 ; $o++) {
+ if ($table->card[$o]->owner == (($e + $table->gstart) % PLAYERS_N)) {
+ $ct++;
+ if ($ct == $i+1)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ log_rd("O ".$o." VAL ".$table->card[$o]->value." Owner: ".$table->card[$o]->owner);
+ $ret .= sprintf( ' card_send(%d,%d,%d,%8.2f,%d);|', ($table->gstart + $e) % PLAYERS_N,
+ $i, ((($e + PLAYERS_N - $table_pos + $table->gstart) % PLAYERS_N) == 0 ?
+ $table->card[$o]->value : -1),
+ ($i == 7 && $e == (PLAYERS_N - 1) ? 1 : 0.5),$i+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $taked = array(0,0,0,0,0);
+ $inhand = array(0,0,0,0,0);
+ $ontabl = array(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1);
+ $cards = array();
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < 40 ; $i++) {
+ if ($table->card[$i]->stat == 'hand') {
+ if ($table->card[$i]->owner == $table_pos) {
+ $cards[$inhand[$table->card[$i]->owner]] = $table->card[$i]->value;
+ }
+ $inhand[$table->card[$i]->owner]++;
+ }
+ else if ($table->card[$i]->stat == 'take') {
+ log_main("Card taked: ".$table->card[$i]->value."OWN: ".$table->card[$i]->owner);
+ $taked[$table->card[$i]->owner]++;
+ }
+ else if ($table->card[$i]->stat == 'table') {
+ $ontabl[$table->card[$i]->owner] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ $logg = "\n";
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+ $logg .= sprintf("INHAND: %d IN TABLE %d TAKED %d\n", $inhand[$i], $ontabl[$i], $taked[$i]);
+ }
+ log_main("Stat table: ".$logg);
+ /* Set ours cards. */
+ $oursarg = "";
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < $inhand[$table_pos] ; $i++)
+ $oursarg .= ($i == 0 ? "" : ", ").$cards[$i];
+ for ($i = $inhand[$table_pos] ; $i < 8 ; $i++)
+ $oursarg .= ($i == 0 ? "" : ", ")."-1";
+ $ret .= sprintf('card_setours(%s);', $oursarg);
+ /* Dispose all cards */
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+ /* Qui sotto al posto di + 1 c'era + ->gstart ... credo in modo errato */
+ $ret .= sprintf('cards_dispose(%d,%d,%d);', $i,
+ $inhand[$i], $taked[$i]);
+ if ($ontabl[$i] != -1) {
+ $ret .= sprintf('card_place(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d);',$i, $inhand[$i],
+ $table->card[$ontabl[$i]]->value,
+ $table->card[$ontabl[$i]]->x, $table->card[$ontabl[$i]]->y);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Show auction */
+ if ($user->subst == 'asta') {
+ /* show users auction status */
+ $showst = "";
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+ $user_cur = &$room->user[$table->player[$i]];
+ $showst .= sprintf("%s%d", ($i == 0 ? "" : ", "),
+ ($user_cur->asta_card < 9 ? $user_cur->asta_card : $user_cur->asta_pnt));
+ }
+ if (PLAYERS_N == 3)
+ $showst .= ",-2,-2";
+ $ret .= sprintf('show_astat(%s);', $showst);
+ if ($table->asta_win != -1 && $table->asta_win == $table_pos) {
+ /* show card chooser */
+ $ret .= sprintf('choose_seed(%s); $("astalascio").style.visibility = ""; $("asta").style.visibility = "hidden";',
+ $table->asta_card);
+ }
+ else {
+ /* show auction */
+ if ($table_pos == ($table->gstart % PLAYERS_N) &&
+ $table->asta_win == -1)
+ $ret .= sprintf('dispose_asta(%d,%d, %s);',
+ $table->asta_card + 1, $table->asta_pnt+1, ($user->handpt <= 2 ? "true" : "false"));
+ else
+ $ret .= sprintf('dispose_asta(%d,%d, %s);',
+ $table->asta_card + 1, -($table->asta_pnt+1), ($user->handpt <= 2 ? "true" : "false"));
+ }
+ /* Remark */
+ if ($table->asta_win == -1) { // auction case
+ if ($table_pos == ($table->gstart % PLAYERS_N))
+ $ret .= "remark_on();";
+ else
+ $ret .= "remark_off();";
+ }
+ else { // chooseed case
+ if ($table_pos == $table->asta_win)
+ $ret .= "remark_on();";
+ else
+ $ret .= "remark_off();";
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($user->subst == 'game') {
+ if (($table->gstart + $table->turn) % PLAYERS_N == $table_pos)
+ $ret .= "is_my_time = true; remark_on();";
+ else
+ $ret .= "remark_off();";
+ $ret .= briscola_show($room, $table, $user);
+ }
+ return ($ret);
+} // end function show_table(...
+function calculate_winner(&$table)
+ $briontab = FALSE;
+ $ontab = array();
+ $ontid = array();
+ $cur_win = -1;
+ $cur_val = 100;
+ $cur_seed = $table->briscola - ($table->briscola % 10);
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < 40 ; $i++) {
+ if ($table->card[$i]->stat != "table")
+ continue;
+ log_wr(sprintf("Card On table: [%d]", $i));
+ $v = $table->card[$i]->value;
+ $ontab[$table->card[$i]->owner] = $v;
+ $ontid[$table->card[$i]->owner] = $i;
+ /* se briscola setto il flag */
+ if (($v - ($v % 10)) == $cur_seed)
+ $briontab = TRUE;
+ }
+ if ($briontab == FALSE) {
+ $cur_win = $table->gstart;
+ $cur_val = $ontab[$cur_win];
+ $cur_seed = $cur_val - ($cur_val % 10);
+ }
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+ if (($ontab[$i] - ($ontab[$i] % 10)) == $cur_seed) {
+ if ($ontab[$i] < $cur_val) {
+ $cur_val = $ontab[$i];
+ $cur_win = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) {
+ $table->card[$ontid[$i]]->owner = $cur_win;
+ $table->card[$ontid[$i]]->stat = "take"; // Card stat
+ }
+ return ($cur_win);
+function show_table_info(&$room, &$table, $table_pos)
+ $ret = "";
+ $user = &$room->user[$table->player[$table_pos]];
+ $pnt_min = $table->points_n - MAX_POINTS < 0 ? 0 : $table->points_n - MAX_POINTS;
+ $noty = sprintf('<table class=\"points\"><tr><th></th>');
+ // Names.
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++)
+ $noty .= sprintf('<th class=\"td_points\">%s</th>', xcape($room->user[$table->player[$i]]->name));
+ $noty .= sprintf("</tr>");
+ // Points.
+ log_main("show_table_info: pnt_min: ".$pnt_min." Points_n: ".$table->points_n);
+ for ($i = $pnt_min ; $i < $table->points_n ; $i++) {
+ $noty .= sprintf('<tr><th class=\"td_points\">%d</th>', $i+1);
+ for ($e = 0 ; $e < PLAYERS_N ; $e++)
+ $noty .= sprintf('<td class=\"td_points\">%d</td>', $table->points[$i % MAX_POINTS][$e]);
+ $noty .= "</tr>";
+ }
+ // Total points.
+ $noty .= '<tr><th class=\"td_points\">Tot.</th>';
+ for ($e = 0 ; $e < PLAYERS_N ; $e++)
+ $noty .= sprintf('<td class=\"td_points\">%d</td>', $table->total[$e]);
+ $noty .= "</tr></table>";
+ if ($table->old_reason != "") {
+ $noty .= sprintf("<hr><b>%s</b><br>", xcape($table->old_reason));
+ }
+ if ($table->old_win != -1) {
+ $win = $table->player[$table->old_win];
+ $fri = $table->player[$table->old_friend];
+ $wol = game_result($table->old_asta_pnt, $table->old_pnt);
+ if ($win != $fri) {
+ /* MLANG: "<hr>Nell'ultima mano ha chiamato <b>%s</b>, il socio era <b>%s</b>,<br>", "hanno fatto <b>cappotto</b> EBBRAVI!.<hr>", "dovevano fare <b>%s</b> punti e ne hanno fatti <b>%d</b>: hanno <b>%s</b>.<hr>", "<hr>Nell'ultima mano <b>%s</b> si è chiamato in mano,<br>", "ha fatto <b>cappotto</b> EBBRAVO!.<hr>", "doveva fare <b>%s</b> punti e ne ha fatti <b>%d</b>: ha <b>%s</b>.<hr>", ($table->old_asta_pnt > 61 ? "almeno ".$table->old_asta_pnt : 'più di 60'), $table->old_pnt, ($wol == 1 ? "vinto" : ($wol == 0 ? "pareggiato" : "perso" */
+ $noty .= sprintf("<hr>Nell'ultima mano ha chiamato <b>%s</b>, il socio era <b>%s</b>,<br>",
+ xcape($room->user[$win]->name),
+ xcape($room->user[$fri]->name));
+ if ($table->old_pnt == 120) {
+ $noty .= sprintf("hanno fatto <b>cappotto</b> EBBRAVI!.<hr>");
+ }
+ else {
+ $noty .= sprintf("dovevano fare <b>%s</b> punti e ne hanno fatti <b>%d</b>: hanno <b>%s</b>.<hr>",
+ ($table->old_asta_pnt > 61 ? "almeno ".$table->old_asta_pnt :
+ 'più di 60'), $table->old_pnt,
+ ($wol == 1 ? "vinto" : ($wol == 0 ? "pareggiato" : "perso")));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $noty .= sprintf("<hr>Nell'ultima mano <b>%s</b> si è chiamato in mano,<br>",
+ xcape($room->user[$win]->name));
+ if ($table->old_pnt == 120) {
+ $noty .= sprintf("ha fatto <b>cappotto</b> EBBRAVO!.<hr>");
+ }
+ else {
+ $noty .= sprintf("doveva fare <b>%s</b> punti e ne ha fatti <b>%d</b>: ha <b>%s</b>.<hr>",
+ ($table->old_asta_pnt > 61 ? "almeno ".$table->old_asta_pnt :
+ 'più di 60'), $table->old_pnt,
+ ($wol == 1 ? "vinto" : ($wol == 0 ? "pareggiato" : "perso")));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* MLANG: "Fai <b>tu</b> il mazzo,", "Il mazzo a <b>$unam</b>," */
+ if ($table->mazzo == $table_pos)
+ $noty .= "Fai <b>tu</b> il mazzo,";
+ else {
+ $unam = xcape($room->user[$table->player[$table->mazzo]]->name);
+ $noty .= "Il mazzo a <b>$unam</b>,";
+ }
+ if ($user->subst == 'asta') {
+ if ($table->asta_win == -1) // auction case
+ $curplayer = $table->gstart % PLAYERS_N;
+ else
+ $curplayer = $table->asta_win;
+ }
+ else if ($user->subst == 'game') {
+ $curplayer = ($table->gstart + $table->turn) % PLAYERS_N;
+ }
+ /* MLANG: " tocca a <b>te</b> giocare.", " tocca a <b>$unam</b> giocare.", " La partita vale <b>%s</b>.", "torna alla partita" */
+ if ($curplayer == $table_pos) {
+ $noty .= " tocca a <b>te</b> giocare.";
+ }
+ else {
+ $unam = xcape($room->user[$table->player[$curplayer]]->name);
+ $noty .= " tocca a <b>$unam</b> giocare.";
+ }
+ if ($table->mult > 1) {
+ $noty .= sprintf(" La partita vale <b>%s</b>.", multoval($table->mult));
+ }
+ $noty .= "<hr><br>";
+ $ret .= show_notify($noty, 3000, "torna alla partita", 500, 400);
+ /* NOTE: show_notify($noty, 3000, "torna alla partita", 500,
+ * 130 + ($table->points_n > 0 ? 50 : 0) +
+ * (120 * ($table->points_n / MAX_POINTS)));
+ * will be used when we refact notify js function following
+ * photoo class logic
+ */
+ return ($ret);
+function table_wellcome($user)
+ GLOBAL $table_wellarr;
+ $ret = "";
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($table_wellarr) ; $i++)
+ $ret .= sprintf('chatt_sub("%s", [2, "ChanServ: "],"%s");', "", str_replace('"', '\"', $table_wellarr[$i]));
+ return ($ret);
+function briscola_show($room, $table, $user)
+ $ptnadd = "";
+ $ret = "";
+ if ($table->asta_card == 9)
+ $ptnadd = sprintf("<br>con %d punti", $table->asta_pnt);
+ /* text of caller cell */
+ if ($user->table_pos == $table->asta_win)
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("callerinfo").innerHTML = "Chiami%s:";', $ptnadd);
+ else
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("callerinfo").innerHTML = "Chiama %s%s:";',
+ xcape($room->user[$table->player[$table->asta_win]]->name), $ptnadd);
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("caller").style.backgroundImage = \'url("img/brisk_caller_sand%d.png")\';',
+ $table->asta_win);
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("callerimg").src = "img/%02d.png";', $table->briscola);
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("caller").style.visibility = "visible";');
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("chooseed").style.visibility = "hidden";');
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("astalascio").style.visibility = "";');
+ $ret .= sprintf('$("asta").style.visibility = "hidden";');
+ $ret .= sprintf('show_astat(-2,-2,-2,-2,-2);');
+ return ($ret);
+function game_result($asta_pnt, $pnt)
+ if ($asta_pnt == 61) {
+ if ($pnt > 60)
+ return (1);
+ else if ($pnt == 60)
+ return (0);
+ else
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($pnt >= $asta_pnt)
+ return (1);
+ else
+ return (-1);
+ }
$("bg").style.backgroundImage = 'url("img/brisk_table_sand'+table_pos+'.jpg")';
+/* Stat: TABLE Subst: ASTA */
+function act_asta(card,pnt)
+ send_mesg("asta|"+card+"|"+pnt);
+var asta_xarr = new Array(0,66,132);
+/* TODO: impostare gli onclick */
+function dispose_asta(idx, pnt, nopoint)
+ var i, btn, pass;
+ var btn;
+ var lng = langtolng(g_lang);
+ for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
+ btn = $("asta"+i);
+ if (i < idx) {
+ btn.src = "img/astapasso"+(pnt >= 0 ? "" : "_ro")+lng+".png";
+ = (pnt >= 0 ? "pointer" : "default");
+ pass = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ btn.src = "img/asta"+i+(pnt >= 0 ? "" : "_ro")+lng+".png";
+ = (pnt >= 0 ? "pointer" : "default");
+ pass = i;
+ }
+ if (i < 19)
+ = asta_xarr[i % 3];
+ else
+ = asta_xarr[(i+1) % 3];
+ = parseInt(i / 3) * 50 + (i == 9 ? 0 : 1);
+ if (pnt >= 0) {
+ eval("btn.onclick = function () { act_asta("+pass+",61); }");
+ = "pointer";
+ }
+ else {
+ btn.onclick = null;
+ = "default";
+ }
+ }
+ btn = $("astaptdiv");
+ = asta_xarr[i % 3];
+ = parseInt(i / 3) * 50 - 2;
+ // = "visible";
+ btn = $("astapt");
+ var rpnt = (pnt < 0 ? -pnt : pnt);
+ btn.value = (rpnt < 61 ? 61 : (rpnt > 120 ? 120 : rpnt));
+ btn = $("astaptsub");
+ = asta_xarr[i % 3];
+ = 25 + parseInt(i / 3) * 50 - 1;
+ btn.src = "img/astaptsub"+(pnt >= 0 ? "" : "_ro")+lng+".png";
+ = (pnt >= 0 ? "pointer" : "default");
+ if (pnt >= 0) {
+ btn.onclick = function () { act_asta(9,$("astapt").value); };
+ = "pointer";
+ }
+ else {
+ btn.onclick = null;
+ = "default";
+ }
+ i+=1;
+ if (nopoint) {
+ btn = $("astapasso");
+ = asta_xarr[i % 3];
+ = parseInt(i / 3) * 50;
+ btn.src = "img/astapashalf"+(pnt >= 0 ? "" : "_ro")+lng+".png";
+ = (pnt >= 0 ? "pointer" : "default");
+ if (pnt >= 0) {
+ btn.onclick = function () { act_asta(-1,0); };
+ }
+ else {
+ btn.onclick = null;
+ }
+ btn = $("astalascio");
+ = asta_xarr[i % 3];
+ = parseInt(i / 3) * 50 + 24;
+ btn.src = "img/astalascio"+lng+".png";
+ = "visible";
+ btn.onclick = function () { safelascio(); };
+ }
+ else {
+ btn = $("astapasso");
+ = asta_xarr[i % 3];
+ = parseInt(i / 3) * 50;;
+ btn.src = "img/astapasso"+(pnt >= 0 ? "" : "_ro")+lng+".png";
+ = (pnt >= 0 ? "pointer" : "default");
+ if (pnt >= 0) {
+ btn.onclick = function () { act_asta(-1,0); };
+ }
+ else {
+ btn.onclick = null;
+ }
+ btn = $("astalascio");
+ = "hidden";
+ btn.onclick = null;
+ }
+ // = "visible";
+ $("asta").style.visibility = "visible";
+function asta_pnt_set(pnt)
+ btn = $("astapt");
+ var rpnt = (pnt < 0 ? -pnt : pnt);
+ btn.value = (rpnt < 61 ? 61 : (rpnt > 120 ? 120 : rpnt));
+function hide_asta()
+ $("asta").style.visibility = "hidden";
+function choose_seed(card)
+ var i;
+ $("asta").style.visibility = "hidden";
+ $("astalascio").style.visibility = "hidden";
+ $("chooseed").style.visibility = "visible";
+ for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
+ $("seed"+i).src = "img/"+i+""+card+".png";
+ seed=$("seed"+i);
+ eval("seed.onclick = function () { act_choose("+i+""+card+"); };");
+ }
+var astat_suffix = new Array("","_ea","_ne","_nw","_we");
+function show_astat(zer,uno,due,tre,qua)
+ var astat = new Array(zer,uno,due,tre,qua);
+ var lng = langtolng(g_lang);
+ for (i = 0 ; i < PLAYERS_N ; i++) {
+ idx = (PLAYERS_N + i - table_pos) % PLAYERS_N;
+ if (astat[i] == -2) {
+ $("public"+astat_suffix[idx]).style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ else if (astat[i] == -1) {
+ $("public"+astat_suffix[idx]).style.visibility = "visible";
+ $("pubacard"+astat_suffix[idx]).src = "img/astapasso"+lng+".png";
+ $("pubapnt"+astat_suffix[idx]).innerHTML = "";
+ $("pubapnt"+astat_suffix[idx]).style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ else if (astat[i] <= 10) {
+ $("public"+astat_suffix[idx]).style.visibility = "visible";
+ $("pubacard"+astat_suffix[idx]).src = "img/asta"+astat[i]+lng+".png";
+ $("pubapnt"+astat_suffix[idx]).style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ else if (astat[i] <= 120) {
+ $("public"+astat_suffix[idx]).style.visibility = "visible";
+ $("pubacard"+astat_suffix[idx]).src = "img/asta9"+lng+".png";
+ $("pubapnt"+astat_suffix[idx]).style.visibility = "inherit"; // XXX VISIBLE
+ $("pubapnt"+astat_suffix[idx]).innerHTML = astat[i];
+ }
+ }
+function table_init() {
+ var sux = new Array("", "_ea", "_ne", "_nw", "_we");
+ // console.log("table_init");
+ remark_off();
+ $("asta").style.visibility = "hidden";
+ $("caller").style.visibility = "hidden";
+ show_astat(-2,-2,-2,-2,-2);
+ for (i=0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
+ Drag.init($("card" + i), card_mouseup_cb);
+ for (e = 0 ; e < PLAYERS_N ; e++)
+ $("card"+sux[e]+i).style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ for (i=0 ; i < PLAYERS_N ; i++) {
+ // console.log("shut: "+"takes"+sux[i]);
+ $("takes"+sux[i]).style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+ for (i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++) {
+ cards_pos[i] = i;
+ cards_ea_pos[i] = i;
+ cards_ne_pos[i] = i;
+ cards_nw_pos[i] = i;
+ cards_we_pos[i] = i;
+ }
+function act_choose(card)
+ send_mesg("choose|"+card);
+function act_play(card,x,y)
+ send_mesg("play|"+card+"|"+x+"|"+y);
+function act_tableinfo()
+ send_mesg("tableinfo");
+function act_exitlock()
+ send_mesg("exitlock");
+function safelogout()
+ var res;
+ if (g_exitlock < 2)
+ res = window.confirm("Sei sicuro di volere abbandonare la partita?\nATTENZIONE: se esci adesso senza il consenso degli altri giocatori non potrai sederti ai tavoli per "+(Math.floor(EXIT_BAN_TIME/60))+" minuti.");
+ else
+ res = window.confirm("Sei sicuro di volere abbandonare la partita?");
+ if (res)
+ act_logout(g_exitlock);
+function act_reload()
+ window.onunload = null;
+ window.onbeforeunload = null;
+ document.location.reload();
+function set_names(so,ea,ne,nw,we)
+// alert("EA: "+ea);
+ $("name").innerHTML = italizer(so);
+ $("name").title = unescapeHTML(so[1]);
+ $("name_ea").innerHTML = italizer(ea);
+ $("name_ea").title = unescapeHTML(ea[1]);
+ $("name_ne").innerHTML = italizer(ne);
+ $("name_ne").title = unescapeHTML(ne[1]);
+ $("name_nw").innerHTML = italizer(nw);
+ $("name_nw").title = unescapeHTML(nw[1]);
+ $("name_we").innerHTML = italizer(we);
+ $("name_we").title = unescapeHTML(we[1]);
+ return;