+0.13.2 ("spawn" branch) - 21/04/2008
+ Black list added.
+ Cache-Control 'no-store flag' added.
+ Scroll for standup area and top position of proxhr class adjusted.
+ Behavior of ticker changed.
+0.13.1 ("spawn" branch) - 20/04/2008
+ Copyrights updated.
+ addEvent and removeEvent functions added.
+ Ticker added.
+ G_is_local var to prevent remote site access when
+ you are in unconnected devel environment (on the train :).
+ Set to 25% the width of each td for the tables table.
+ chatt_send function refactored.
+ Functions show_room, table_content, standup_content moved into Room class.
+0.13.0 ("spawn" branch) - 19/04/2008
+ Add ftokk_path var to allow temporary move of the ftok dir.
+0.12.0 ("spawn" branch) - 30/03/2008
+ Sitdown disable when shutdowning.
+ Topbanner added.
+ "alert" command added.
+0.11.0 ("spawn" branch) - 30/03/2008
+ Pro-site configuration file added.
+ White-list for proxy access added.
+0.10.8 ("spawn" branch) - 27/03/2008
+ Forumolimpia supporter images added.
+0.10.7 ("spawn" branch) - 27/03/2008
+ Proxyscan to check (and deny) proxy connections.
+ Chat ban: first implementation.
+0.10.6 ("spawn" branch) - 23/03/2008
+ "nobohide" class for img added.
+ Big img for supporters and sponsors added.
+0.10.5 ("spawn" branch) - 23/03/2008
+ Factorized user reset (and comm array clean added).
+0.10.4 ("spawn" branch) - 23/03/2008
+ Flush of command when the table start.
+ comm array to 18 elements.
+0.10.3 ("spawn" branch) - 20/03/2008
+ Disabled comm flush optimization.
+ Critical log type added.
+0.9.3 ("spawn" branch) - 19/03/2008
+ Quasi atomical installation procedure.
+ cards_hidetake(win) dumb function removed.
+ New shared mem management added.
+0.9.2 ("spawn" branch) - 16/03/2008
+0.9.1 ("spawn" branch) - 16/03/2008
+ Char "@" before all ftok functions.
+ Briskin5::load_data checked.
+0.0.9 ("spawn" branch) - 13/03/2008
+ Show_room function with new step arg.
+ Table recovery and external garbage_manager call recovery.
+0.0.8 ("spawn" branch) - 07/03/2008
+ Correct touch index for ftok from 1-100 to 0-99
+ Unlock_data to garbage_manager added.
+ UnescapeHTML func added.
+0.0.7 ("spawn" branch) - 16/02/2008
+ Log path from /tmp to LEGAL_PATH.
+0.0.6 ("spawn" branch) - 16/02/2008
+ Install ftok file for tables.
+ Preload.js now must manage trees and not flat img dir.
+ Reduced SHM dim and send a parameter to js to have status consistency.
+0.0.5 ("spawn" branch) - 12/02/2008
+ Log refactoring.
+ Deep refactoring of garbage_manager func.
+0.0.4 ("spawn" branch) - 07/02/2008
+ Garbage_manager updated.
+0.0.3 ("spawn" branch) - 03/02/2008
+ Clean of table's data.
+0.0.2 ("spawn" branch) - 26/01/2008
+ Cookiepath added in commons.js.
+ Table_idx via cookie, removed from index_rd.php call.
+ Location to briskin5.
+ Recovery from table supported.
+ First support to return to index.php.
+ Normalized log.
+ room_join_wakeup func added.
+ room_wakeup renamed with table_wakeup.
+ ftok in briskin5 constructor.
+ Dstroy_data and chatt_send funcs added.
+0.0.1 ("spawn" branch) - 19/01/2008
+ Obj and briskin5 dirs added.
+ Renamed class Brisco to Room.
+ Split standard constructors to be able to have multiple constructors.
+ Spawning action when the table is completed added.
+0.8.3 - 30/12/2007
+ Temporary advise added.
+ Webstart layout enhancement.
+0.8.2 - 09/10/2007
+ Start menu added..
0.8.1 - 30/9/2007
Auction points bug was fixed.
IE rendering bug was fixed.