var $mazzo;
var $gstart;
var $turn;
+ var $auth_only;
var $wag_own;
var $wag_com;
var $wag_tout;
$thiz->asta_card = -1;
$thiz->asta_pnt = -1;
$thiz->mult = 1;
+ $thiz->auth_only = FALSE;
$thiz->points = array( );
$thiz->points_n = 0;
$thiz->total = array( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$thiz->gstart = $from->gstart;
$thiz->turn = $from->turn;
+ $thiz->auth_only = $from->auth_only;
$thiz->wag_own = $from->wag_own;
$thiz->wag_com = $from->wag_com;
$thiz->wag_tout = $from->wag_taut;
$thiz->gstart = $from->gstart;
$thiz->turn = $from->turn;
+ $thiz->auth_only = $from->auth_only;
$thiz->wag_own = $from->wag_own;
$thiz->wag_com = $from->wag_com;
$thiz->wag_tout = $from->wag_taut;
} // end class Table
+// User flags
+define(USER_FLAG_AUTH, 0x02);
class User {
var $name; // name of the user
var $sess; // session of the user
var $table; // id of the current table (if in table state)
var $table_pos; // idx on the table
var $table_token;// token that identify a game on a table
+ var $flags; // Bitfield with: AUTHENTICATE: 0x02
var $the_end; // Flag to change the end of the session
var $chat_lst; // Last chat line
$thiz->asta_pnt = -1;
$thiz->handpt = -1;
$thiz->exitislock = TRUE;
+ $thiz->flags = 0x00;
$thiz->chattime = array_fill(0, CHAT_N, 0);
$thiz->chat_cur = 0;
$thiz->handpt = $from->handpt;
$thiz->exitislock = $from->exitislock;
+ $thiz->flags = $from->flags;
$thiz->chattime = array();
for ($i = 0 ; $i < CHAT_N ; $i++)
$thiz->chattime[$i] = $from->chattime[$i];
$thiz->exitislock = $from->exitislock;
$thiz->the_end = $from->the_end;
+ $thiz->flags = $from->flags;
$thiz->chattime = array_fill(0, CHAT_N, 0);
$thiz->chat_cur = 0;
$thiz->chat_lst = "";
$thiz->chat_ban = 0;
$thiz->chat_dlt = 0;
$thiz->table = $table;
$thiz->table_pos = $table_pos;
$thiz->table_token = $from->table_token;
$this->user[$i] =& User::create("", "");
- for ($i = 0 ; $i < TABLES_N ; $i++)
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < TABLES_N ; $i++) {
$this->table[$i] =& Table::create();
+ $row = ( (((int)($i / 4)) % 2) == 0 );
+ $col = ($i % 2 == 0);
+ $this->table[$i]->auth_only = (($row && $col) || (!$row && !$col));
+ }
$this->garbage_timeout = 0;
$ret .= sprintf('$("myname").innerHTML = "<b>%s</b>";', xcape($user->name));
for ($i = 0 ; $i < TABLES_N ; $i++) {
$ret .= $this->table_content($user, $i);
- $ret .= table_act_content(($user->subst == 'standup'),
- $this->table[$i]->player_n, $i, $user->table);
+ $ret .= table_act_content(($user->subst == 'standup'), $this->table[$i]->player_n, $i, $user->table,
+ ($this->table[$i]->auth_only == FALSE ? TRUE : $user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
// $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $i, $act_content);
if ($this->table[$i]->wag_own != NULL)
$ret .= sprintf('tra.add(%d, "%s: %s"); ', $i, $this->table[$i]->wag_own->name, $this->table[$i]->wag_com);
$ret = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; ".($remove_wagon ? sprintf("tra.rem(%d);",$table_idx) : "");
if ($from_table && ($user_cur->table == $table_idx || $user_cur == $user)) {
- $ret .= 'gst.st_loc++; the_end=true; window.onunload = null; document.location.assign("index.php");|';
+ $ret .= 'gst.st_loc++; the_end=true; window.onunload = null; window.onbeforeunload = null; document.location.assign("index.php");|';
// $ret .= 'gst.st_loc++; document.location.assign("index.php");|';
log_main("DOCUMENT.index.php: from table");
$ret .= $this->table_content($user_cur, $table_idx);
$ret .= $this->standup_content($user_cur);
- $ret .= table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $table_idx, $user->table);
+ $ret .= table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $table_idx, $user->table, FALSE);
// $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content);
for ($e = 0 ; $e < TABLES_N ; $e++) {
if ($this->table[$e]->player_n < PLAYERS_N) {
// $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $e, table_act_content(TRUE, 0, $e, $user->table));
- $ret .= table_act_content(TRUE, 0, $e, $user->table);
+ $ret .= table_act_content(TRUE, 0, $e, $user->table,
+ ($this->table[$e]->auth_only == FALSE ? TRUE : $user->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
else {
- $ret .= table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), $table->player_n, $table_idx, $user_cur->table);
+ $ret .= table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), $table->player_n, $table_idx, $user_cur->table,
+ ($table->auth_only == FALSE ? TRUE : $user_cur->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
// $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content);
$ret .= $this->table_content($user_cur, $table_idx);
$ret .= $this->standup_content($user_cur);
- $ret .= table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $table_idx, $user_cur->table);
+ $ret .= table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $table_idx, $user_cur->table,
+ ($table->auth_only == FALSE ? TRUE : $user_cur->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
// $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content);
for ($tab_idx = 0 ; $tab_idx < $user_tab_n ; $tab_idx++)
log_main("JOIN_WAKEUP wup_idx ".$wup_idx." wup_n ".$user_wup_n);
log_main("JOIN_WAKEUP more");
- $ret .= table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), $table->player_n, $table_idx, $user_cur->table);
+ $ret .= table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), $table->player_n, $table_idx, $user_cur->table,
+ ($table->auth_only == FALSE ? TRUE : $user_cur->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
// $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content);
log_main("JOIN_WAKEUP end more");
$ret .= 'subst = "sitdown"; tra.hide(); ';
// clean the action buttons in other tables
for ($e = 0 ; $e < TABLES_N ; $e++) {
- $ret .= table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $e, $user_cur->table);
+ $ret .= table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $e, $user_cur->table, FALSE);
// $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $e, $act_content);
else if ($table_idx > -1) {
if ($table->player_n == PLAYERS_N) {
- $ret .= table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), PLAYERS_N, $table_idx, $user_cur->table);
+ $ret .= table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), PLAYERS_N, $table_idx, $user_cur->table,
+ ($table->auth_only == FALSE ? TRUE : $user_cur->flags & USER_FLAG_AUTH));
// $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content);
$user->name = $name_new; // OK - nick changed
+ $user->flags &= ~USER_FLAG_AUTH; // Remove auth if name changed
log_main("chatt_send start set");
return ($G_false);
- * function &add_user(&$room, &$sess, &$idx, $name, $ip)
+ * function &add_user(&$room, &$sess, &$idx, $name, $pass, $ip)
- * if ($idx != -1 && ret == FALSE) => duplicated nick
- * if ($idx == -2 && ret == FALSE) => invalid name
- * if ($idx == -1 && ret == FALSE) => no space left
- * if (ret == TRUE) => SUCCESS
+ * if ($idx > -1 && ret == FALSE) => duplicated nick
+ * if ($idx == -2 && ret == FALSE) => invalid name
+ * if ($idx == -3 && ret == FALSE) => wrong password
+ * if ($idx == -1 && ret == FALSE) => no space left
+ * if ($idx == 0 && ret == user) => SUCCESS
+ * if ($idx == -$idx && ret == user) => SUCCESS (but the login exists in the auth db
- function &add_user(&$sess, &$idx, $name, $ip)
+ function &add_user(&$sess, &$idx, $name, $pass, $ip)
GLOBAL $G_false;
+ $idx = 0;
+ $authenticate = FALSE;
+ $login_exists = FALSE;
+ $ghost = -1;
$idx = -1;
$idfree = -1;
return ($G_false);
- log_auth("XXX", sprintf("ARRIVA: [%s]", $sess));
+ log_auth("XXX", sprintf("ARRIVA: [%s] pass:[%s]", $sess, ($pass == FALSE ? "FALSE" : $pass)));
if (validate_sess($sess) == FALSE)
$sess = "";
+ /* if pass != FALSE verify the login with pass */
+ log_auth("XXX", "auth1");
+ $userdb = new LoginDB();
+ if ($pass != FALSE) {
+ log_auth("XXX", "auth2");
+ $authenticate = $userdb->login_verify($name_new, $pass);
+ log_auth("XXX", "authenticate: ".($authenticate == TRUE ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"));
+ if ($authenticate == FALSE) {
+ $idx = -3;
+ return ($G_false);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $login_exists = $userdb->login_exists($name_new);
+ }
for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) {
/* free user ? */
if (strcmp($sess, $this->user[$i]->sess) == 0) {
if ($idfree == -1 && strcmp("", $this->user[$i]->sess) == 0) {
$idfree = $i;
+ continue; // NOTE: CHECK IT !!
- if (strcmp($this->user[$i]->name, $name_new) == 0) {
- $idx = $i;
- break;
+ if (strcasecmp($this->user[$i]->name, $name_new) == 0) {
+ if ($authenticate == FALSE) {
+ $idx = $i;
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ $ghost = $i;
+ }
if ($idx == -1)
log_auth("XXX", sprintf("TROVATO A QUESTO PUNTO [%d] sess [%s] name [%s]", $idx, $sess, $name_new));
if ($idx != -1 && $i == MAX_PLAYERS) {
$curtime = time();
$this->user[$idx]->laccwr = $curtime;
$this->user[$idx]->bantime = 0;
$this->user[$idx]->ip = $ip;
+ $this->user[$idx]->flags = ($authenticate ? USER_FLAG_AUTH : 0x00);
+ if ($ghost > -1) {
+ log_main("ghost: rename!");
+ $ghost_user =& $this->user[$ghost];
+ for ($sfx = 1 ; $sfx <= MAX_PLAYERS ; $sfx++) {
+ $ghostname = 'ghost'.$sfx;
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) {
+ if (strcmp("", $this->user[$i]->sess) == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (strcmp($this->user[$i]->name, $ghostname) == 0) {
+ $ghostname = '';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ghostname != '')
+ break;
+ }
+ $ghost_user->name = $ghostname;
+ if ($ghost_user->stat == 'room' && $ghost_user->subst == 'standup') {
+ $this->standup_update(&$ghost_user);
+ }
+ else {
+ log_main("chatt_send pre table update");
+ $this->table_update(&$ghost_user);
+ log_main("chatt_send post table update");
+ }
+ }
log_main(sprintf("TROVATO LIBERO A [%d] sess [%s] name [%s]", $idx, $sess, $name_new));
- return ($this->user[$idx]);
+ $real_idx = $idx;
+ if ($login_exists)
+ $idx = -($idx + 1);
+ return ($this->user[$real_idx]);
return ($G_false);
return (sem_release($res));
- function standup_content_old($user)
- {
- $ret = "";
- $content = "";
- if ($user->stat != 'room')
- return;
- for ($e = 0 , $ct = 0 ; $ct < 4 && $e < MAX_PLAYERS ; $e++) {
- if ($this->user[$e]->sess == "" || $this->user[$e]->stat != "room" || $this->user[$e]->name == "")
- continue;
- $ct++;
- }
- $content .= sprintf('<table cols=\\"%d\\" class=\\"table_standup\\">', $ct);
- for ($e = 0 , $ct = 0 ; $e < MAX_PLAYERS ; $e++) {
- if ($this->user[$e]->sess == "" || $this->user[$e]->stat != "room" || $this->user[$e]->name == "")
- continue;
- if ($this->user[$e]->subst == "standup") {
- if (($ct % 4) == 0) {
- $content .= '<tr>';
- }
- if ($this->user[$e] == $user)
- { $hilion = "<b>"; $hilioff = "</b>"; }
- else
- { $hilion = ""; $hilioff = ""; }
- $content .= sprintf('<td class=\\"room_standup\\">%s%s%s</td>',$hilion, xcape($this->user[$e]->name), $hilioff);
- if (($ct % 4) == 3) {
- $content .= '</tr>';
- }
- $ct++;
- }
- }
- $content .= '</table>';
- $content2 = '<input class=\\"button\\" name=\\"logout\\" value=\\"Esco.\\" onclick=\\"window.onunload = null; act_logout();\\" type=\\"button\\">';
- $ret .= sprintf('$("standup").innerHTML = "%s"; $("esco").innerHTML = "%s";',
- $content, $content2);
- return ($ret);
- }
function standup_content($user)
if ($this->user[$e]->sess == "" || $this->user[$e]->stat != "room" || $this->user[$e]->name == "")
- $flags = 0;
+ $flags = $this->user[$e]->flags;
if ($this->user[$e]->subst == "standup") {
if ($this->user[$e] == $user)
$content .= ' ]);';
- // $content2 = '<input class=\\"button\\" name=\\"logout\\" value=\\"Esco.\\" onclick=\\"window.onunload = null; act_logout();\\" type=\\"button\\">';
- // $ret .= sprintf('$("standup").innerHTML = "%s"; $("esco").innerHTML = "%s";',
- // $content, $content2);
return ($content);
for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) {
$user_cur = &$this->user[$table->player[$i]];
- $flags = 0;
+ $flags = $user_cur->flags;
if ($user_cur == $user)
- $flags = 1;
+ $flags |= 1;
log_main($user_cur->name. sprintf(" IN TABLE [%d]", $table_idx));
return ($ret);
-function table_act_content($isstanding, $sitted, $table, $cur_table)
+function table_act_content($isstanding, $sitted, $table, $cur_table, $allowed)
$ret = "";
if ($isstanding) {
if ($sitted < PLAYERS_N) {
- $act = 'sit';
+ if ($allowed)
+ $act = 'sit';
+ else
+ $act = 'reserved';
else {