return ($this->pts / $this->gam);
+} // class Ptsgam {
function ptsgam_cmp($a, $b)
return (($norma < $normb) ? 1 : -1);
+/* types of placing based on delta time */
+define(TY_DTIME_TRI, 0);
+define(TY_DTIME_MON, 1);
+define(TY_DTIME_WEE, 2);
+/* subtypes of placing based on number of played games */
+define(SUBTY_FREQ_LO, 0);
+define(SUBTY_FREQ_HI, 1);
function placings_show(&$user)
$mtime = placing_time();
$ret = sprintf("<div style='padding: auto;'><h2><b>CLASSIFICHE</b></h2>(aggiornate alle ore %s del %s)<table class='placings'>", $tm[0], $tm[1]);
$tmwee = placing_date($mtime - WEE_LIMIT + (3600));
- $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td style='background-color: #f0f0ff;'><br><b>Settimanale</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(non meno di %d partite)<br><br>%s<br></td>", $tmwee[1], $tm[1], WEE_MAX_GAMES, placing_show($user, "wee_hi") );
- $ret .= sprintf("<td style='background-color: #f0f0ff;'><br><b>Settimanale</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(meno di %d partite, più di %d)<br><br>%s<br></td></tr>\n", $tmwee[1], $tm[1], WEE_MAX_GAMES, WEE_MIN_GAMES, placing_show($user, "wee_lo") );
+ $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td style='background-color: #f0f0ff;'><br><b>Settimanale</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(non meno di %d partite)<br><br>%s<br></td>", $tmwee[1], $tm[1], WEE_MAX_GAMES, placing_show($user, TY_DTIME_WEE, SUBTY_FREQ_HI) );
+ $ret .= sprintf("<td style='background-color: #f0f0ff;'><br><b>Settimanale</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(meno di %d partite, più di %d)<br><br>%s<br></td></tr>\n", $tmwee[1], $tm[1], WEE_MAX_GAMES, WEE_MIN_GAMES, placing_show($user, TY_DTIME_WEE, SUBTY_FREQ_LO) );
$tmmon = placing_date($mtime - MON_LIMIT + (3600));
- $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td style='background-color: #fffff0;'><br><b>Mensile</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(non meno di %d partite)<br><br>%s<br></td>", $tmmon[1], $tm[1], MON_MAX_GAMES, placing_show($user, "mon_hi") );
- $ret .= sprintf("<td style='background-color: #fffff0;'><br><b>Mensile</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(meno di %d partite, più di %d)<br><br>%s<br></td></tr>\n", $tmmon[1], $tm[1], MON_MAX_GAMES, MON_MIN_GAMES, placing_show($user, "mon_lo") );
+ $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td style='background-color: #fffff0;'><br><b>Mensile</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(non meno di %d partite)<br><br>%s<br></td>", $tmmon[1], $tm[1], MON_MAX_GAMES, placing_show($user, TY_DTIME_MON, SUBTY_FREQ_HI) );
+ $ret .= sprintf("<td style='background-color: #fffff0;'><br><b>Mensile</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(meno di %d partite, più di %d)<br><br>%s<br></td></tr>\n", $tmmon[1], $tm[1], MON_MAX_GAMES, MON_MIN_GAMES, placing_show($user, TY_DTIME_MON, SUBTY_FREQ_LO) );
$tmtri = placing_date($mtime - TRI_LIMIT + (3600));
- $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td style='background-color: #fff0f0;'><br><b>Trimestrale</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(non meno di %d partite)<br><br>%s<br></td>", $tmtri[1], $tm[1], TRI_MAX_GAMES, placing_show($user, "tri_hi"));
- $ret .= sprintf("<td style='background-color: #fff0f0;'><br><b>Trimestrale</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(meno di %d partite, più di %d)<br><br>%s<br></td></tr>", $tmtri[1], $tm[1], TRI_MAX_GAMES, TRI_MIN_GAMES, placing_show($user, "tri_lo"));
+ $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td style='background-color: #fff0f0;'><br><b>Trimestrale</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(non meno di %d partite)<br><br>%s<br></td>", $tmtri[1], $tm[1], TRI_MAX_GAMES, placing_show($user, TY_DTIME_TRI, SUBTY_FREQ_HI));
+ $ret .= sprintf("<td style='background-color: #fff0f0;'><br><b>Trimestrale</b><br>dal %s al %s<br>(meno di %d partite, più di %d)<br><br>%s<br></td></tr>", $tmtri[1], $tm[1], TRI_MAX_GAMES, TRI_MIN_GAMES, placing_show($user, TY_DTIME_TRI, SUBTY_FREQ_LO));
$ret .= sprintf("</table></div>");
return ($ret);
-function placing_time()
+function placing_time_file()
if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/class_wee_lo.log", 'r')) == FALSE) {
return (FALSE);
return ( $st['mtime'] );
+function placing_time_pgsql()
+ GLOBAL $G_dbpfx;
+ $bdb = new BriskDB();
+ $mti_sql = sprintf("SELECT CAST(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM mtime) AS INTEGER) as mtime
+ FROM %sbin5_places_mtime WHERE code = 0;", $G_dbpfx);
+ if (($mti_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $mti_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($mti_pg) == 0) {
+ // no point found, abort
+ log_crit("placing: get placing mtime failed [$mti_sql]");
+ return (FALSE);
+ }
+ $mti_pg = pg_fetch_object($mti_pg, 0);
+ return ($mti_pg->mtime);
+function placing_time()
+ GLOBAL $G_dbasetype;
+ $fun_name = "placing_time_${G_dbasetype}";
+ return ($fun_name());
function placing_date($mtime)
return array( date('G:i', $mtime), date('j/n/y', $mtime) );
-function placing_show(&$user, $suff)
+function placing_show_file(&$user, $ty, $subty)
$tail = FALSE;
+ $suff = "";
+ switch($ty) {
+ case TY_DTIME_TRI:
+ $suff = "tri_";
+ break;
+ case TY_DTIME_MON:
+ $suff = "mon_";
+ break;
+ case TY_DTIME_WEE:
+ $suff = "wee_";
+ break;
+ }
+ switch($subty) {
+ case TY_FREQ_LO:
+ $suff .= "lo";
+ break;
+ case TY_FREQ_HI:
+ $suff .= "hi";
+ break;
+ }
if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/class_".$suff.".log", 'r')) == FALSE) {
return (FALSE);
return ($ret);
+function placing_show_pgsql(&$user, $ty, $subty)
+ GLOBAL $G_dbpfx;
+ $bdb = new BriskDB();
+ if ($user != FALSE) {
+ $pla_sql = sprintf("SELECT * from %sbin5_places where type = %d AND (rank <= %d OR ucode = '%s');",
+ $G_dbpfx, ($ty * 2) + $subty, TOP_NUM, escsql($user->code));
+ }
+ else {
+ $pla_sql = sprintf("SELECT * from %sbin5_places where type = %d AND rank <= %d;",
+ $G_dbpfx, ($ty * 2) + $subty, TOP_NUM);
+ }
+ if (($pla_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $pla_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($pla_pg) == 0) {
+ // no point found, abort
+ log_crit("placing: get placing list failed [$pla_sql]");
+ return ("");
+ }
+ // MLANG
+ $ret = sprintf("<table class='placing'><tr><th>Pos.</th><th>Utente</th><th>Score</th><th>(Punti/Partite)</th>");
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < pg_numrows($pla_pg) ; $i++) {
+ $pla_obj = pg_fetch_object($pla_pg,$i);
+ $ein = "";
+ $eou = "";
+ if ($user != FALSE) {
+ if ($user->code == $pla_obj->ucode) {
+ $ein = "<b>";
+ $eou = "</b>";
+ }
+ }
+ /* when the user is far from the top-ten we place a ... separator before it */
+ if ($pla_obj->rank > TOP_NUM) {
+ $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td colspan=4 style='text-align: center'> . . . . . . . . . . </td></tr>");
+ }
+ $ret .= sprintf("<tr><td>%d</td><td>%s%s%s</td><td>%s%12.3f%s</td><td>%s(%d/%d)%s</td></tr>", $pla_obj->rank,
+ $ein, xcape($pla_obj->login), $eou,
+ $ein, $pla_obj->score, $eou,
+ $ein, $pla_obj->pts, $pla_obj->games, $eou);
+ }
+ $ret .= "</table>";
+ return ($ret);
+function placing_show(&$user, $ty, $subty)
+ GLOBAL $G_dbasetype;
+ $fun_name = "placing_show_${G_dbasetype}";
+ return ($fun_name($user, $ty, $subty));
\ No newline at end of file
-function main()
+function main_file($curtime)
- GLOBAL $pazz, $G_alarm_passwd;
$tri = array();
$mon = array();
$wee = array();
- echo "inizio<br>";
- flush();
- if ($pazz != $G_alarm_passwd)
- exit;
if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/points.log", 'r')) == FALSE) {
echo "Open data file error";
// recalculate all the placings
- $curtime = time();
// 1246428948|492e4e9e856b0|N|tre||STAT:BRISKIN5:FINISH_GAME|4a4afd4983039|6|3|tre|1|due|2|uno|-1|
while (!feof($fp)) {
$p = 0;
+function main_pgsql($curtime)
+ GLOBAL $G_dbpfx;
+ $bdb = new BriskDB();
+ $limi = array( TRI_LIMIT, MON_LIMIT, WEE_LIMIT );
+ do {
+ if (pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), "BEGIN") == FALSE) {
+ log_crit("statadm: begin failed");
+ break;
+ }
+ // Truncate table (postgresql extension, in other SQL you must user unqualified DELETE
+ $tru_sql = sprintf("TRUNCATE %sbin5_places;", $G_dbpfx);
+ if (pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $tru_sql) == FALSE) {
+ log_crit("statadm: truncate failed");
+ break;
+ }
+ for ($dtime = 0 ; $dtime < count($limi) ; $dtime++) {
+ $old_score = array( 1000000000, 1000000000);
+ $old_gam = array( -1, -1);
+ $rank = array( 0, 0);
+ $pla_sql = sprintf("SELECT (float4(sum(p.pts)) * 100.0 ) / float4(count(p.pts)) as score, sum(p.pts) as points, count(p.pts) as games, u.code as ucode, u.login as login
+ FROM %sbin5_points as p, %sbin5_games as g, %sbin5_matches as m, %susers as u
+ WHERE p.ucode = u.code AND p.gcode = g.code AND g.mcode = m.code AND
+ g.tstamp > to_timestamp(%d)
+ GROUP BY u.code, u.login
+ ORDER BY (float4(sum(p.pts)) * 100.0 ) / float4(count(p.pts)) DESC,
+ count(p.pts) DESC",
+ $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $G_dbpfx, $curtime - $limi[$dtime], $ming[$dtime]);
+ // log_crit("statadm: INFO: [$pla_sql]");
+ if (($pla_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $pla_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($pla_pg) == 0) {
+ // no point found, abort
+ log_crit("statadm: main placement select failed [$pla_sql]");
+ break;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0 ; $i < pg_numrows($pla_pg) ; $i++) {
+ $pla_obj = pg_fetch_object($pla_pg,$i);
+ if ($pla_obj->games < $ming[$dtime])
+ continue;
- echo "FINITO\n";
+ if ($pla_obj->games < $maxg[$dtime])
+ $subty = 0;
+ else
+ $subty = 1;
+ $ty = ($dtime * 2) + $subty;
+ if ($pla_obj->games != $old_gam[$subty] || $pla_obj->score != $old_score[$subty]) {
+ $rank[$subty]++;
+ }
+ $new_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_places (type, rank, ucode, login, pts, games, score)
+ VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d, %f);",
+ $G_dbpfx, $ty, $rank[$subty], $pla_obj->ucode, escsql($pla_obj->login),
+ $pla_obj->points, $pla_obj->games, $pla_obj->score);
+ if ( ! (($new_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $new_sql)) != FALSE &&
+ pg_affected_rows($new_pg) == 1) ) {
+ log_crit("statadm: new place insert failed: ".print_r($pla_obj, TRUE));
+ break;
+ }
+ $old_gam[$subty] = $pla_obj->games;
+ $old_score[$subty] = $pla_obj->score;
+ } // for ($i = 0 ; $i < pg_numrows($pla_pg) ; $i++) {
+ if ($i < pg_numrows($pla_pg)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } // for ($dtime = 0 ; $dtime < count($limi) ; $dtime++) {
+ if ($dtime < count($limi)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $mti_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %sbin5_places_mtime SET mtime = (to_timestamp(%d)) WHERE code = 0;",
+ $G_dbpfx, $curtime);
+ if ( ! (($mti_pg = pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), $mti_sql)) != FALSE &&
+ pg_affected_rows($mti_pg) == 1) ) {
+ log_crit("statadm: new mtime insert failed.");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), "COMMIT") == FALSE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ return (TRUE);
+ } while (0);
+ pg_query($bdb->dbconn->db(), "ROLLBACK");
+ return (FALSE);
+function main()
+ GLOBAL $G_dbasetype, $G_alarm_passwd, $pazz;
+ echo "Inizio.<br>";
+ flush();
+ if ($pazz != $G_alarm_passwd) {
+ echo "Wrong password<br>";
+ flush();
+ exit;
+ }
+ $fun_name = "main_${G_dbasetype}";
+ $curtime = time();
+ if ($ret = $fun_name($curtime))
+ echo "Success.<br>\n";
+ else
+ echo "Failed.<br>\n";
+ echo "Fine.\n";
+ flush();