* - BUG: logout failed
* - BUG: fast loop on stream index_rd_ifra page
- * - garbage management
- * - log_legal address fix
- * - from room to table
- * - from table to room
- * - index_wr other issues
* - manage and test cross forwarder between table and room
+ * TEST - garbage management
+ * - log_legal address fix
* - setcookie (for tables only)
- * - keepalive management
* DONE/FROZEN - problema con getpeer (HOSTADDR)
+ * DONE - app level keep-alive
+ * DONE - index_wr other issues
+ * DONE - from room to table
+ * DONE - from table to room
* DONE - chunked
* DONE - bug: read from a not resource handle (already closed because a new socket substitute it)
* DONE - partial write for normal page management
* DONE - index_rd_ifra: last_clean issue
* DONE - fwrite failed error management (select, buffer where store unsent data, and fwrite check and retry)
- * ABRT - index_wr.php::reload - reload is js-only function
* DONE - bug: after restart index_rd.php receive from prev clients a lot of req
* DONE - index_wr.php::chat
* DONE - index_wr.php::exit
* DONE - index_rd.php porting
* DONE - generic var management from internet
* DONE - index.php auth part
+ * ABRT - index_wr.php::reload - reload is js-only function
+ * ABRT - keepalive management - not interesting for our purposes
$G_base = "../";