get_user($sess, &$idx)) == FALSE) { echo "Get User Error"; log_wr("Get User Error"); Room::unlock_data($sem); exit; } $argz = explode('|', $mesg); log_wr('POSTSPLIT: '.$argz[0]); if ($argz[0] == 'shutdown') { log_auth($user->sess, "Shutdown session."); $user->reset(); /* factorized with ->reset() $tmp_sess = $user->sess; $user->sess = ""; step_unproxy($tmp_sess); $user->name = ""; while (array_pop($user->comm) != NULL); $user->step = 0; $user->the_end = FALSE; */ log_rd2("AUTO LOGOUT."); if ($user->subst == 'sitdown' || $user->stat == 'table') $room->room_wakeup(&$user); else if ($user->subst == 'standup') $room->room_outstandup(&$user); else log_rd2("SHUTDOWN FROM WHAT ???"); } /****************** * * * STAT: room * * * ******************/ else if ($user->stat == 'room') { $user->laccwr = time(); if ($argz[0] == 'help') { $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_help), 0, "torna ai tavoli", 600, 500); log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]); $user->step_inc(); } else if ($argz[0] == 'about') { $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify(str_replace("\n", " ", $G_room_about), 0, "torna ai tavoli", 400, 200); log_wr($user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N]); $user->step_inc(); } else if ($argz[0] == 'chatt') { $room->chatt_send(&$user,$mesg); } /********************** * * * SUBST: standup * * * **********************/ else if ($user->subst == 'standup') { if ($argz[0] == 'sitdown') { log_wr("SITDOWN command"); if ($user->the_end == TRUE) { log_wr("INFO:SKIP:argz == sitdown && the_end == TRUE => ignore request."); Room::unlock_data($sem); exit; } // Take parameters $table_idx = $argz[1]; $table = &$room->table[$table_idx]; $curtime = time(); if ($G_shutdown || $table->wakeup_time > $curtime) { $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $dt = date("H:i ", $curtime); if ($G_shutdown) $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","Il server sta per essere riavviato, non possono avere inizio nuove partite.");', $dt.NICKSERV); else $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","Il tavolo si è appena liberato, ci si potrà sedere tra %d secondi.");', $dt.NICKSERV, $table->wakeup_time - $curtime); $user->step_inc(); Room::save_data($room); Room::unlock_data($sem); exit; } /* TODO: refact to a function */ if ($user->bantime > $user->laccwr) { $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify("
Ti sei alzato da un tavolo senza il consenso degli altri giocatori. Dovrai aspettare ancora ".secstoword($user->bantime - $user->laccwr)." prima di poterti sedere nuovamente.", 2000, "resta in piedi.", 400, 100); $user->step_inc(); Room::save_data($room); Room::unlock_data($sem); exit; } if ($table->player_n == PLAYERS_N) { log_wr("WARN:FSM: Sitdown unreachable, table full."); Room::unlock_data($sem); exit; } // set new status $user->subst = "sitdown"; $user->table = $table_idx; $user->table_pos = $table->user_add($idx); log_wr("MOP before"); if ($table->player_n == PLAYERS_N) { log_wr("MOP inall"); // Start game for this table. log_wr("Start game!"); // // START THE SPAWN HERE!!!! // $curtime = time(); // Create new spawned table $bri_sem = Briskin5::lock_data($table_idx); $table_token = uniqid(""); $room->table[$table_idx]->table_token = $table_token; $room->table[$table_idx]->table_start = $curtime; if (($bri =& new Briskin5(&$room, $table_idx, $table_token)) == FALSE) log_wr("bri create: FALSE"); else log_wr("bri create: ".serialize($bri)); // init table $bri_table =& $bri->table[0]; $bri_table->init(&$bri->user); $bri_table->game_init(&$bri->user); // // Init spawned users. // for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) { $bri_user_cur = &$bri->user[$i]; $user_cur = &$room->user[$table->player[$i]]; $bri_user_cur->stat_set('table'); $bri_user_cur->subst = 'asta'; $bri_user_cur->laccwr = $curtime; $bri_user_cur->trans_step = $user_cur->step + 1; $bri_user_cur->comm[$bri_user_cur->step % COMM_N] = ""; $bri_user_cur->step_inc(); $bri_user_cur->comm[$bri_user_cur->step % COMM_N] = show_table(&$bri,&$bri_user_cur,$bri_user_cur->step+1,TRUE, FALSE); $bri_user_cur->step_inc(); log_wr("TRY PRESAVE: ".$bri_user_cur->step." TRANS STEP: ".$bri_user_cur->trans_step); log_wr("Pre if!"); // ARRAY_POP DISABLED // // CHECK while (array_pop($user_cur->comm) != NULL); $ret = ""; $ret .= sprintf('gst.st_loc++;; createCookie("table_idx", %d, 24*365, cookiepath); createCookie("table_token", "%s", 24*365, cookiepath); the_end=true; window.onunload = null ; document.location.assign("briskin5/index.php");|', $user_cur->step+1, $table_idx, $table_token); $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = $ret; $user_cur->trans_step = $user_cur->step + 1; log_wr("TRANS ATTIVATO"); $user_cur->stat_set('table'); $user_cur->subst = 'asta'; $user_cur->laccwr = $curtime; $user_cur->step_inc(); } log_wr("presave bri"); Briskin5::save_data($bri); Briskin5::unlock_data($bri_sem); log_wr("postsave bri"); } // change room $room->room_sitdown(&$user, $table_idx); log_wr("MOP finish"); } else if ($argz[0] == 'logout') { $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('postact_logout();'); $user->the_end = TRUE; $user->step_inc(); } } /********************** * * * SUBST: sitdown * * * **********************/ else if ($user->subst == 'sitdown') { if ($argz[0] == 'wakeup') { $room->room_wakeup(&$user); } else if ($argz[0] == 'logout') { $room->room_wakeup(&$user); $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('postact_logout();'); $user->the_end = TRUE; $user->step_inc(); } } } log_wr("before save data"); Room::save_data($room); Room::unlock_data($sem); exit; ?>