user = array(); $this->table = array(); if (($this->tok = ftok(FTOK_PATH."/table".$table_idx, "B")) == -1) { echo "FTOK FAILED"; exit; } $user =& $room->user; $table =& $room->table[$table_idx]; log_wr("xxx", "Briskin5 constructor"); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) $this->user[$i] =& User::spawn(&$user[$table->player[$i]], 0, $i); $this->table[0] =& Table::spawn(&$table); $this->table_idx = $table_idx; $this->garbage_timeout = 0; log_wr("xxx", "Briskin5 constructor end"); } function &get_user($sess, &$idx) { GLOBAL $PHP_SELF, $G_false; if (validate_sess($sess)) { for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_BRISKIN5_PLAYERS ; $i++) { if (strcmp($sess, $this->user[$i]->sess) == 0) { // find it $idx = $i; $ret = &$this->user[$i]; return ($ret); } } log_main($sess, sprintf("get_user: Wrong sess from page [%s]",$PHP_SELF)); // for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) // log_main($sess, sprintf("get_user: Wrong sess compared with [%s]",$this->user[$i]->sess)); } else { log_main($sess, sprintf("get_user: Wrong strlen [%s]",$sess)); } return ($G_false); } function garbage_manager($force) { /* Garbage collector degli utenti in timeout */ $curtime = time(); if ($force || $this->garbage_timeout < $curtime) { for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == "") continue; if ($user_cur->lacc + EXPIRE_TIME_RD < $curtime) { // Auto logout dell'utente log_rd2($user_cur->sess, "AUTO LOGOUT."); if ($user_cur->stat == 'table' || $user_cur->stat == 'room') { log_auth($user_cur->sess, "Autologout session."); $tmp_sess = $user_cur->sess; $user_cur->sess = ""; step_unproxy($tmp_sess); $user_cur->name = ""; $user_cur->the_end = FALSE; log_rd2($user_cur->sess, "AUTO LOGOUT."); if ($user_cur->subst == 'sitdown' || $user_cur->stat == 'table') $this->room_wakeup(&$user_cur); else if ($user_cur->subst == 'standup') $this->room_outstandup(&$user_cur); else log_rd2($sess, "LOGOUT FROM WHAT ???"); } } if ($user_cur->laccwr + EXPIRE_TIME_SMAMMA < $curtime) { // lo rimettiamo in piedi if ($user_cur->stat == 'room' && $user_cur->subst == 'sitdown') { $this->room_wakeup(&$user_cur); $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; "; $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify("
Sei stato inattivo per ".(EXPIRE_TIME_SMAMMA/60.0)." minuti.

Quindi ritorni tra i Giocatori in piedi.", 0, "torna ai tavoli", 400, 100); $user_cur->step_inc(); } } } log_rd2($user_cur->sess, "GARBAGE UPDATED!"); $this->garbage_timeout = time() + GARBAGE_TIMEOUT; } // BAN_IP_CLEAN } // // static functions // function &load_data($table_idx) { GLOBAL $G_false, $sess; $shm = FALSE; log_wr($sess, "TABLE_IDX ".FTOK_PATH."/table".$table_idx); if (($tok = ftok(FTOK_PATH."/table".$table_idx, "B")) == -1) { echo "FTOK FAILED"; exit; } do { if (($shm = shm_attach($tok, SHM_DIMS)) == FALSE) break; if (($bri = @shm_get_var($shm, $tok)) == FALSE) break; $bri->tok = $tok; shm_detach($shm); $ret = &$bri; return ($ret); } while (FALSE); if ($shm != FALSE) shm_detach($shm); return ($G_false); } function save_data(&$bri) { GLOBAL $sess; $ret = FALSE; $shm = FALSE; $isacq = FALSE; // var_dump($bri); if (!isset($bri->tok)) return (FALSE); do { $isacq = TRUE; if (($shm = shm_attach($bri->tok, SHM_DIMS)) == FALSE) break; // log_only($sess, "PUT_VAR DI ".strlen(serialize($bri))); if (shm_put_var($shm, $bri->tok, $bri) == FALSE) { log_only($sess, "PUT_VAR FALLITA ".strlen(serialize($bri))); log_only($sess, serialize($bri)); break; } // log_main("XXX", "QUI CI ARRIVA [".$bri->user[0]->name."]"); $ret = TRUE; } while (0); if ($shm) shm_detach($shm); return ($ret); } function destroy_data(&$bri) { GLOBAL $sess; $ret = FALSE; $shm = FALSE; $isacq = FALSE; // var_dump($bri); if (!isset($bri->tok)) return (FALSE); do { $isacq = TRUE; if (($shm = shm_attach($bri->tok, SHM_DIMS)) == FALSE) break; if (shm_remove($shm) == FALSE) { log_only($sess, "REMOVE FALLITA ".strlen(serialize($bri))); log_only($sess, serialize($bri)); break; } // log_main("XXX", "QUI CI ARRIVA [".$bri->user[0]->name."]"); $ret = TRUE; } while (0); if ($shm) shm_detach($shm); return ($ret); } function lock_data($table_idx) { GLOBAL $sess; log_wr($sess, "LOCK_DATA ".FTOK_PATH."/table".$table_idx); // echo "LOCK: ".FTOK_PATH."/main"; // exit; if (($tok = ftok(FTOK_PATH."/table".$table_idx, "B")) == -1) { echo "FTOK FAILED"; exit; } // echo "FTOK ".$tok."
"; if (($res = sem_get($tok)) == FALSE) { echo "SEM_GET FAILED"; exit; } if (sem_acquire($res)) { log_only($sess, "LOCK"); return ($res); } else return (FALSE); } function unlock_data($res) { GLOBAL $sess; log_only($sess, "UNLOCK"); return (sem_release($res)); } function chatt_send(&$user, $mesg) { if ($user->stat == 'table') { $table = &$this->table[$user->table]; } $user_mesg = substr($mesg,6); $timecur = time(); $dt = date("H:i ", $timecur); if (strncmp($user_mesg, "/nick ", 6) == 0) { log_main($user->sess, "chatt_send BEGIN"); if (($name_new = validate_name(substr($user_mesg, 6))) == FALSE) { $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","Il nickname deve contenere almeno una lettera o una cifra.");', $dt.NICKSERV, xcape($name_new)); $user->step_inc(); return; } $user_mesg = "COMMAND ".$user_mesg; // Search dup name // change // update local graph // update remote graphs for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; // if ($user_cur->sess == '' || $user_cur->stat != 'room') if ($user_cur->sess == '') continue; if ($user_cur->name == $name_new) { $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","Nickname %s già in uso.");', $dt.NICKSERV, xcape($name_new)); $user->step_inc(); break; } } if ($i == MAX_PLAYERS) { $user->name = $name_new; log_main($user->sess, "chatt_send start set"); for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { log_main($user->sess, "chatt_send set loop"); $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == '') continue; if ($user_cur->stat == 'room') { if ($user->stat == 'room' && $user->subst == 'standup') { $this->standup_update(&$user); } else if ($user->stat == 'room' && $user->subst == 'sitdown' || $user->stat == 'table') { log_main($user->sess, "chatt_send pre table update"); $this->table_update(&$user); log_main($user->sess, "chatt_send post table update"); } } else if ($user_cur->stat == 'table' && $user_cur->table == $user->table) { $table = &$this->table[$user->table]; $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; "; $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('set_names(" %s", " %s", " %s", " %s", " %s"); ', xcape($this->user[$table->player[($user_cur->table_pos)%PLAYERS_N]]->name), xcape($this->user[$table->player[($user_cur->table_pos+1)%PLAYERS_N]]->name), xcape($this->user[$table->player[($user_cur->table_pos+2)%PLAYERS_N]]->name), (PLAYERS_N == 3 ? "" : xcape($this->user[$table->player[($user_cur->table_pos+3)%PLAYERS_N]]->name)), (PLAYERS_N == 3 ? "" : xcape($this->user[$table->player[($user_cur->table_pos+4)%PLAYERS_N]]->name))); if ($user_cur == $user) $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('$("myname").innerHTML = "%s";', xcape($user->name,ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8")); $user_cur->step_inc(); } } } } else { for ($i = 0 ; $i < ($user->stat == 'room' ? MAX_PLAYERS : PLAYERS_N) ; $i++) { if ($user->stat == 'room') { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == '' || $user_cur->stat != 'room') continue; } else { $user_cur = &$this->user[$table->player[$i]]; } $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; "; $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","%s");', $dt.xcape($user->name), xcape($user_mesg)); $user_cur->step_inc(); } log_legal($timecur, $user->sess, $user->name, ($user->stat == 'room' ? 'room' : 'table '.$user->table),$user_mesg); } } function table_wakeup(&$user) { $table = &$this->table[0]; log_main("WAKEUP", "begin function table stat: ".$user->stat." subst: ".$user->subst); $curtime = time(); log_main("WAKEUP", "from table [".$user->table."] nplayers_n: ".$this->table[$user->table]->player_n); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; log_main("PREIMPOST", "INLOOP name: ".$user_cur->name); if ($user_cur == $user) $user_cur->subst = "shutdowner"; else $user_cur->subst = "shutdowned"; $user_cur->laccwr = $curtime; $ret = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; "; $ret .= 'gst.st_loc++; the_end=true; window.onunload = null; document.location.assign("../index.php");|'; log_wr($user_cur->sess, "BRISKIN5_WAKEUP: ".$ret); $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = $ret; $user_cur->step_inc(); } } } // end of class Briskin5 ?>