time = $arr[0]; $this->usess = $arr[1]; $this->isauth = $arr[2]; $this->username = $arr[3]; $this->useraddr = $arr[4]; $this->where = $arr[5]; $this->ttok = $arr[6]; $this->tidx = $arr[7]; $this->nplayers = $arr[8]; $this->logins = array(); $this->pts = array(); for ($i = 9 ; $i < 19 ; $i+=2) { $idx = ($i - 9) / 2; $this->logins[$idx] = strtolower($arr[$i]); $this->pts[$idx] = $arr[$i+1]; } } } $cont = ""; function main() { GLOBAL $cont, $G_dbpfx, $G_alarm_passwd, $F_pass_private, $F_ACT, $F_filename; if (FALSE && $F_pass_private != $G_alarm_passwd) { $cont .= sprintf("Wrong password, operation aborted.
\n"); return; } if ($F_ACT == "append") { do { /* if ($F_pass_private != $G_alarm_passwd) { $cont .= sprintf("Wrong password, operation aborted.
\n"); break; }*/ $cont .= sprintf("FILENAME: %s
\n", $F_filename); if (($olddb = new LoginDBOld($F_filename)) == FALSE) { $cont .= sprintf("Loading failed.
\n"); break; } if (($newdb = BriskDB::create()) == FALSE) { $cont .= sprintf("Database connection failed.
\n"); break; } $newdb->users_load(); if ($newdb->addusers_from_olddb($olddb, $cont) == FALSE) { $cont .= sprintf("Insert failed.
\n"); } $cont .= sprintf("SUCCESS
Item number: %d
\n", $olddb->count()); } while (0); } else if ($F_ACT == "pointsimp") { do { if (!file_exists($F_filename)) { $cont .= sprintf("File [%s] not exists.
\n", $F_filename); break; } $cont .= sprintf("FILENAME: %s
\n", $F_filename); if (!($fp = @fopen($F_filename, "r"))) { $cont .= sprintf("Open file [%s] failed.
\n", $F_filename); break; } if (($newdb = BriskDB::create()) == FALSE) { $cont .= sprintf("Database connection failed.
\n"); break; } $newdb->users_load(); $dbconn = $newdb->getdbconn(); for ($pts_n = 0 ; !feof($fp) ; $pts_n++) { $bf = fgets($fp, 4096); if ($bf == FALSE) break; if (($pts = new ImpPoints($bf)) == FALSE) { $cont .= sprintf("Import failed at line [%s]
\n", eschtml($bf)); break; } if ($pts->time < 1285884000) { continue; } // else { // $cont .= sprintf("ttok: %s
\n", $pts->ttok); // } /* * matches management */ $mtc_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %sbin5_matches WHERE ttok = '%s';", $G_dbpfx, escsql($pts->ttok)); if (($mtc_pg = pg_query($dbconn->db(), $mtc_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($mtc_pg) != 1) { // match not exists, insert it $mtc_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_matches (ttok, tidx) VALUES ('%s', %d) RETURNING *;", $G_dbpfx, escsql($pts->ttok), $pts->tidx); if ( ! (($mtc_pg = pg_query($dbconn->db(), $mtc_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($mtc_pg) == 1) ) { $cont .= sprintf("Matches insert failed at line [%s] [%s]
\n", eschtml($bf), eschtml($mtc_sql)); break; } } $mtc_obj = pg_fetch_object($mtc_pg,0); // $cont .= sprintf("MTC: %s
\n", esclfhtml(print_r($mtc_obj, TRUE))); // $cont .= sprintf("pts_n: %d mtc_match_code: %d
\n", $pts_n, $mtc_obj->code); /* * games management */ $gam_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %sbin5_games WHERE mcode = %d and tstamp = to_timestamp(%d);", $G_dbpfx, $mtc_obj->code, $pts->time); if (($gam_pg = pg_query($dbconn->db(), $gam_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($gam_pg) != 1) { // match not exists, insert it $gam_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_games (mcode, tstamp) VALUES (%d, to_timestamp(%d)) RETURNING *;", $G_dbpfx, $mtc_obj->code, $pts->time); if ( ! (($gam_pg = pg_query($dbconn->db(), $gam_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($gam_pg) == 1) ) { $cont .= sprintf("Games insert failed at line [%s] [%s]
\n", eschtml($bf), eschtml($gam_sql)); break; } } $gam_obj = pg_fetch_object($gam_pg,0); // $cont .= sprintf("GAM: %s
\n", esclfhtml(print_r($gam_obj, TRUE))); // $cont .= sprintf("pts_n: %d mtc_match_code: %d
\n", $pts_n, $gam_obj->code); /* * points management */ for ($i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) { /* get the login associated code */ $usr_sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %susers WHERE login = '%s';", $G_dbpfx, escsql($pts->logins[$i])); if (($usr_pg = pg_query($dbconn->db(), $usr_sql)) == FALSE || pg_numrows($usr_pg) != 1) { $cont .= sprintf("User [%s] not found [%s]
\n", eschtml($pts->logins[$i]), eschtml($usr_sql)); save_rej($pts->logins[$i]); continue; } $usr_obj = pg_fetch_object($usr_pg,0); /* put points */ $pts_sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %sbin5_points (gcode, ucode, pts) VALUES (%d, %d, %d) RETURNING *;", $G_dbpfx, $gam_obj->code, $usr_obj->code, $pts->pts[$i]); if ( ! (($pts_pg = pg_query($dbconn->db(), $pts_sql)) != FALSE && pg_affected_rows($pts_pg) == 1) ) { $cont .= sprintf("Point insert failed at line [%s] [%s] idx: [%d]
\n", eschtml($bf), eschtml($gam_sql), $i); break; } } } fclose($fp); } while (0); $cont .= sprintf("FINE FILE
\n"); } } function save_rej($s) { if (($fp = fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/rej.txt", "a+")) == FALSE) return; fwrite($fp, sprintf("%s\n", $s)); fclose($fp); } main(); ?> Append users from a file
Admin Password:

Points importer from file to db
Admin Password: