BriskServ"); define(DBG_ONL2, 0x0001); define(DBG_ONLY, 0x0002); define(DBG_MAIN, 0x0004); define(DBG_READ, 0x0008); define(DBG_REA2, 0x0010); define(DBG_SEND, 0x0020); define(DBG_LOCK, 0x0040); define(DBG_WRIT, 0x0080); define(DBG_LOAD, 0x0100); define(DBG_AUTH, 0x0200); define(DBG_CRIT, 0x0400); define(BRISK_DEBUG, 0); define(BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG,0); define(BRISK_SINGLE_SESS, ""); // define(DEBUGGING, "local"); require_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/Etc/".BRISK_CONF); $G_false = FALSE; $G_all_points = array( 11,10,4,3,2, 0,0,0,0,0 ); $G_brisk_version = "spawn-0.14.1"; $root_wellarr = Array ( 'Brisk (Ver. '.$G_brisk_version.'), NOVITA\': input bug risolto, aggiunte le foto e le statistiche d\`uso - Beta7.', 'Se vuoi iscriverti alla Mailing List, cliccala!' ); $table_wellarr = Array ( 'Benvenuto al tavolo. Se almeno tre giocatori non sbloccano l\'uscita cliccando il lucchetto, chi esce non può risedersi a un qualunque tavolo per '.floor(BAN_TIME/60).' minuti.'); $G_room_help= '
Questa รจ un\'implementazione della briscola in cinque, così come è spiegata su Wikipedia; in breve è la variante con l\'asta prima sulla carta e poi sui punti.

Configurazione del browser.
Occorre abilitare i cookies.

Uso del sito
Potete sedervi a un tavolo o rimanere in piedi.
Se al vostro tavolo si raggiungono i 5 giocatori inizia automaticamente la partita.

All\'inizio vengono distribuite le carte e parte l\'asta; per partecipare all\'asta, quando sarà il vostro turno, potrete scegliere se andare avanti o passare cliccando sulle icone corrispondenti. Se si arriva ai punti, scrivete nella textbox il vostro rilancio e cliccate PUNTI.

Chi vince l\'asta dovrà decidere il seme della carta scelta e inizierà la mano.
Per giocare le carte dovrete trascinarle nel quadrato al centro del vostro schermo.

Il vostro turno è sempre segnalato da una cornice verde lampeggiante intorno al quadrato al centro del vostro schermo.

Durante la partita, se vorrete ricaricare la pagina, usate l\'apposito bottone \\"reload\\" in basso a destra.
Dopo che è iniziata una partita per uscirne dovete chiedere agli altri giocatori di sbloccarla cliccando sul lucchetto. Se non si segue questa prassi, una volta usciti, non vi potrete sedere a nessun tavolo per '.floor(BAN_TIME/60).' minuti.
Comandi della chat
/nick <nuovo_nickname> - cambio di nickname
/tav <frase di invito> - invito per gli altri giocatori al tavolo dove si è seduti
'; $G_room_about= '
briscola chiamata in salsa ajax

version '.$G_brisk_version.'

Copyright 2006-2008 Matteo Nastasi (aka mop)

'; function xcape($s) { $from = array ( '\\', '@', '|' ); $to = array ( '\\\\', '@', '¦' ); return (str_replace($from, $to, htmlentities($s,ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8"))); } class Card { var $value; /* 0 - 39 card value */ var $stat; /* 'bunch', 'hand', 'table', 'take' */ var $owner; /* (table position 0-4) */ // var $pos; /* Pos in hand. */ var $x; /* When played the X position on the table of the owner. */ var $y; /* When played the Y position on the table of the owner. */ function Card($value, $stat, $owner) { $this->value = $value; $this->stat = $stat; // Card stat $this->owner = $owner; } function assign($stat,$owner) { $this->stat = $stat; // Card stat $this->owner = $owner; } function setpos($pos) { $this->pos = $pos; } function play($x,$y) { $this->stat = 'table'; // Card stat $this->x = $x; $this->y = $y; } function take($newown) { $this->stat = 'take'; // Card stat $this->owner = $newown; } } // end class Card class Table { var $player; var $player_n; var $card; var $mazzo; var $gstart; var $turn; var $wag_own; var $wag_com; var $wag_tout; var $asta_pla; var $asta_pla_n; var $asta_card; var $asta_pnt; var $mult; var $points; // points array var $points_n; // number of row of points var $total; var $asta_win; var $briscola; var $friend; var $old_reason; var $old_asta_pnt; var $old_pnt; var $old_win; var $old_friend; var $table_token; var $table_start; var $wakeup_time; function Table() { } function &create() { GLOBAL $G_false; if (($thiz =& new Table()) == FALSE) return ($G_false); $thiz->player = array(); $thiz->player_n = 0; $thiz->card = FALSE; $thiz->asta_pla = array(); // TRUE: in auction, FALSE: out of the auction $thiz->asta_pla_n= -1; $thiz->asta_card = -1; $thiz->asta_pnt = -1; $thiz->mult = 1; $thiz->points = array( ); $thiz->points_n = 0; $thiz->total = array( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $thiz->asta_win = -1; $thiz->briscola = -1; $thiz->friend = -1; $thiz->turn = 0; $thiz->wag_own = NULL; $thiz->wag_com = ""; $thiz->wag_tout = 0; $thiz->old_reason = ""; $thiz->old_asta_pnt = -1; $thiz->old_pnt = -1; $thiz->old_win = -1; $thiz->old_friend = -1; $thiz->table_token = ""; $thiz->table_start = 0; $thiz->wakeup_time = 0; return ($thiz); } function &clone(&$from) { GLOBAL $G_false; if (($thiz =& new Table()) == FALSE) return ($G_false); $thiz->player = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $from->player_n ; $i++) $thiz->player[$i] = $from->player[$i]; $thiz->player_n = $from->player_n; $thiz->card = $from->card; $thiz->mazzo = $from->mazzo; // REVIEW $thiz->gstart = $from->gstart; $thiz->turn = $from->turn; $thiz->wag_own = $from->wag_own; $thiz->wag_com = $from->wag_com; $thiz->wag_tout = $from->wag_taut; $thiz->asta_pla = $from->asta_pla; $thiz->asta_pla_n = $from->asta_pla_n; $thiz->asta_card = $from->asta_card; $thiz->asta_pnt = $from->asta_pnt; $thiz->mult = $from->mult; $thiz->points = $from->points; $thiz->points_n = $from->points_n; $thiz->total = $from->total; $thiz->asta_win = $from->asta_win; $thiz->briscola = $from->briscola; $thiz->friend = $from->friend; $thiz->old_reason = $from->old_reason; $thiz->old_asta_pnt = $from->old_asta_pnt; $thiz->old_pnt = $from->old_pnt; $thiz->old_win = $from->old_win; $thiz->old_friend = $from->old_friend; $thiz->table_token = $from->table_token; $thiz->table_start = $from->table_start; $thiz->wakeup_time = $from->wakeup_time; return ($thiz); } function &spawn(&$from) { GLOBAL $G_false; if (($thiz =& new Table()) == FALSE) return ($G_false); $thiz->player_n = $from->player_n; $thiz->card = &$thiz->bunch_create(); $thiz->mazzo = $from->mazzo; $thiz->gstart = $from->gstart; $thiz->turn = $from->turn; $thiz->wag_own = $from->wag_own; $thiz->wag_com = $from->wag_com; $thiz->wag_tout = $from->wag_taut; $thiz->asta_pla = $from->asta_pla; $thiz->asta_pla_n = $from->asta_pla_n; $thiz->asta_card = $from->asta_card; $thiz->asta_pnt = $from->asta_pnt; $thiz->mult = $from->mult; $thiz->points = $from->points; $thiz->points_n = $from->points_n; $thiz->total = $from->total; $thiz->asta_win = $from->asta_win; $thiz->briscola = $from->briscola; $thiz->friend = $from->friend; $thiz->old_reason = $from->old_reason; $thiz->old_asta_pnt = $from->old_asta_pnt; $thiz->old_pnt = $from->old_pnt; $thiz->old_win = $from->old_win; $thiz->old_friend = $from->old_friend; // players are rearranged in an dedicated array $thiz->player = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $from->player_n ; $i++) $thiz->player[$i] = $i; $thiz->table_token = $from->table_token; $thiz->table_start = $from->table_start; $thiz->wakeup_time = $from->wakeup_time; return ($thiz); } function &bunch_create() { $ret = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < 40 ; $i++) { $ret[$i] =& new Card($i, 'bunch', 'no_owner'); } $oret = &$ret; return ($oret); } function wag_set(&$user, $mesg) { log_main("WAG_SET"); $this->wag_own = &$user; $this->wag_com = $mesg; $this->wag_tout = 0; } function wag_reset($timeout) { log_main("WAG_RESET"); unset($this->wag_own); $this->wag_own = NULL; $this->wag_com = ""; $this->wag_tout = $timeout; } function bunch_make() { $ct = array(0,0,0,0,0); mt_srand(make_seed()); for ($i = 39 ; $i >= 0 ; $i--) $rest[$i] = $i; for ($i = 39 ; $i >= 0 ; $i--) { $rn = rand(0, $i); if ($rn == 0) log_main("RND ZERO"); $id = $rest[$rn]; $owner = $i % 5; $this->card[$id]->assign('hand', $owner); $rest[$rn] = $rest[$i]; // $pubbpos[$rn2] = $pubbpos[$i]; } } function init(&$userarr) { $this->mazzo = rand(0,PLAYERS_N-1); $this->points_n = 0; $this->mult = 1; $this->old_win =-1; $this->old_reason = ""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) { $this->total[$i] = 0; $user_cur = &$userarr[$this->player[$i]]; $user_cur->exitislock = TRUE; } log_main("table::init: ci siamo"); } function game_init(&$userarr) { log_rd2("GSTART 4"); $this->gstart = ($this->mazzo+1) % PLAYERS_N; $this->bunch_make(); $this->asta_pla_n = PLAYERS_N; $this->asta_card = -1; $this->asta_pnt = 60; $this->asta_win = -1; $this->briscola = -1; $this->friend = -1; $this->turn = 0; for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) { $this->asta_pla[$i] = TRUE; $user_cur = &$userarr[$this->player[$i]]; $user_cur->subst = 'asta'; $user_cur->asta_card = -2; $user_cur->asta_pnt = -1; $user_cur->handpt = $this->hand_points($i); // SEE function calculate_points(&$table) } } function game_next() { $this->mazzo = ($this->mazzo + 1) % PLAYERS_N; } function getPlayer($idx) { return ($this->player[$idx]); } function setPlayer($idx, $player) { $this->player[$idx] = $player; } function user_add($idx) { $this->player[$this->player_n] = $idx; $this->player_n++; return ($this->player_n - 1); } function user_rem(&$room, &$user) { $tabpos = $user->table_pos; /* verifico la consistenza dei dati */ if ($room->user[$this->player[$tabpos]] == $user) { /* aggiorna l'array dei giocatori al tavolo. */ for ($i = $tabpos ; $i < $this->player_n-1 ; $i++) { $this->player[$i] = $this->player[$i+1]; $user_cur = &$room->user[$this->player[$i]]; $user_cur->table_pos = $i; } $this->player_n--; } else { log_main("INCONSISTENCY ON TABLE."); } } function hand_points($idx) { GLOBAL $G_all_points; $tot = 0; for ($i = 0 ; $i < 40 ; $i++) { if ($this->card[$i]->owner != $idx) continue; $ctt = $this->card[$i]->value % 10; $tot += $G_all_points[$ctt]; } return ($tot); } function exitlock_show(&$userarr, $table_pos) { $ct = $this->exitlock_calc(&$userarr, $table_pos); $ret = sprintf('exitlock_show(%d, %s);', $ct, ($userarr[$this->player[$table_pos]]->exitislock ? 'true' : 'false')); return ($ret); } function exitlock_calc(&$userarr, $table_pos) { $ct = 0; for ($i = 0 , $ct = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) { if ($userarr[$this->player[$i]]->exitislock == FALSE) $ct++; } return ($ct); } } // end class Table class User { var $name; // name of the user var $sess; // session of the user var $ip; // ip of the user var $lacc; // last access (for the cleanup) var $laccwr; // last access (for the cleanup) var $bantime; // timeout to temporary ban var $stat; // status (outdoor, room, table, game, ...) var $subst; // substatus for each status var $step; // step of the current status var $trans_step; // step to enable transition between pages (disable == -1) var $comm; // commands array var $asta_card; // var $asta_pnt; // var $handpt; // Total card points at the beginning of the current hand. var $exitislock; // Player can exit from the table ? var $table; // id of the current table (if in table state) var $table_pos; // idx on the table var $table_token;// token that identify a game on a table var $the_end; // Flag to change the end of the session var $chat_lst; // Last chat line var $chattime; // Array of chat times var $chat_cur; // Current chat line number var $chat_ban; // Time for ban chat var $chat_dlt; // Delta t for ban function User() { } function &create($name, $sess, $stat = "", $subst = "", $table = -1, $ip="") { GLOBAL $G_false; if (($thiz =& new User()) == FALSE) return ($G_false); $thiz->name = $name; $thiz->sess = $sess; $thiz->ip = $ip; $thiz->lacc = time(); $thiz->laccwr = time(); $thiz->bantime = 0; $thiz->stat = $stat; $thiz->subst = $subst; $thiz->step = 1; $thiz->trans_step = -1; $thiz->comm = array(); $thiz->asta_card = -2; $thiz->asta_pnt = -1; $thiz->handpt = -1; $thiz->exitislock = TRUE; $thiz->chattime = array_fill(0, CHAT_N, 0); $thiz->chat_cur = 0; $thiz->chat_lst = ""; $thiz->chat_ban = 0; $thiz->chat_dlt = 0; $thiz->table = $table; $thiz->table_pos = -1; $thiz->table_token = ""; return ($thiz); } function &clone(&$from) { GLOBAL $G_false; if (($thiz =& new User()) == FALSE) return ($G_false); $thiz->name = $from->name; $thiz->sess = $from->sess; $thiz->ip = $from->ip; $thiz->lacc = $from->lacc; $thiz->laccwr = $from->laccwr; $thiz->bantime = $from->bantime; $thiz->stat = $from->stat; $thiz->subst = $from->subst; $thiz->step = $from->step; $thiz->trans_step = $from->trans_step; $thiz->comm = array(); $i_start = (1 > ($from->step - COMM_N) ? 1 : ($from->step - COMM_N)); for ($i = $i_start ; $i < $from->step ; $i++) { $ii = $i % COMM_N; $thiz->comm[$ii] = $from->comm[$ii]; } $thiz->asta_card = $from->asta_card; $thiz->asta_pnt = $from->asta_pnt; $thiz->handpt = $from->handpt; $thiz->exitislock = $from->exitislock; $thiz->chattime = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < CHAT_N ; $i++) $thiz->chattime[$i] = $from->chattime[$i]; $thiz->chat_cur = $from->chat_cur; $thiz->chat_lst = $from->chat_lst; $thiz->chat_ban = $from->chat_ban; $thiz->chat_dlt = $from->chat_dlt; $thiz->table = $from->table; $thiz->table_pos = $from->table_pos; $thiz->table_token = $from->table_token; $thiz->the_end = $from->the_end; return ($thiz); } function &spawn(&$from, $table, $table_pos) { GLOBAL $G_false; if (($thiz =& new User()) == FALSE) return ($G_false); $thiz->name = $from->name; $thiz->sess = $from->sess; $thiz->ip = $from->ip; $thiz->lacc = $from->lacc; $thiz->laccwr = $from->laccwr; $thiz->bantime = $from->bantime; $thiz->stat = $from->stat; $thiz->subst = $from->subst; $thiz->step = $from->step; $thiz->trans_step = $from->trans_step; $thiz->comm = array(); /* $i_start = (1 > ($from->step - COMM_N) ? 1 : ($from->step - COMM_N)); for ($i = $i_start ; $i < $from->step ; $i++) { log_wr("TRY PUSH:".$i); $ii = $i % COMM_N; $thiz->comm[$ii] = $from->comm[$ii]; } */ $thiz->asta_card = $from->asta_card; $thiz->asta_pnt = $from->asta_pnt; $thiz->handpt = $from->handpt; $thiz->exitislock = $from->exitislock; $thiz->the_end = $from->the_end; $thiz->chattime = array_fill(0, CHAT_N, 0); $thiz->chat_cur = 0; $thiz->chat_lst = ""; $thiz->chat_ban = 0; $thiz->chat_dlt = 0; $thiz->table = $table; $thiz->table_pos = $table_pos; $thiz->table_token = $from->table_token; return ($thiz); } function stat_set($stat) { log_main("sess: [".$this->sess. "] NEW STAT: [".$stat."]"); $this->stat = "$stat"; /* if (validate_sess($this->sess)) { if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) mkdir(PROXY_PATH); $fp = fopen(PROXY_PATH."/".$this->sess.".stat", 'w'); fwrite($fp, sprintf("%s\n",$this->stat)); fclose($fp); } */ } function step_set($step) { $this->step = $step; do { if (validate_sess($this->sess) == FALSE) break; if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) mkdir(PROXY_PATH); if (($fp = @fopen(PROXY_PATH."/".$this->sess.".step", 'w')) == FALSE) break; fwrite($fp, pack("l",$this->step), 4); fclose($fp); return (TRUE); } while (0); return (FALSE); } function step_inc($delta = 1) { $this->step += $delta; if (validate_sess($this->sess)) { if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) mkdir(PROXY_PATH); $fp = fopen(PROXY_PATH."/".$this->sess.".step", 'w'); fwrite($fp, pack("l",$this->step), 4); fclose($fp); return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } function reset() { $curtime = time(); log_legal($curtime, $this->sess, $this->name, "STAT:LOGOUT", ''); $tmp_sess = $this->sess; $this->sess = ""; step_unproxy($tmp_sess); $this->name = ""; // OK here while (array_pop($this->comm) != NULL); $this->step = 0; $this->chattime = array_fill(0, CHAT_N, 0); $this->chat_cur = 0; $this->chat_lst = ""; $this->chat_ban = 0; $this->chat_dlt = 0; $this->the_end = FALSE; } } // end class User function step_get($sess) { $fp = FALSE; do { if (validate_sess($sess) == FALSE) break; if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) mkdir(PROXY_PATH); if (($fp = @fopen(PROXY_PATH."/".$sess.".step", 'rb')) == FALSE) break; if (($s = fread($fp, 4)) == FALSE) break; if (strlen($s) != 4) break; $arr = unpack('l', $s); fclose($fp); // log_rd2("A0: ".$arr[0]." A1: ".$arr[1]); return ($arr[1]); } while (0); if ($fp != FALSE) fclose($fp); log_rd2("STEP_GET: return false "); return (FALSE); } function step_unproxy($sess) { log_rd2("UNPROXY: ".PROXY_PATH."/".$sess.".step"); if (file_exists(PROXY_PATH) == FALSE) mkdir(PROXY_PATH); @unlink(PROXY_PATH."/".$sess.".step"); } class Room { var $user; var $table; var $comm; // commands for many people var $step; // current step of the comm array var $garbage_timeout; var $shm_sz; function Room () { $this->user = array(); $this->table = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $this->user[$i] =& User::create("", ""); } for ($i = 0 ; $i < TABLES_N ; $i++) $this->table[$i] =& Table::create(); $this->garbage_timeout = 0; } function garbage_manager($force) { $ismod = FALSE; log_rd2("garbage_manager START"); /* Garbage collector degli utenti in timeout */ $curtime = time(); if ($force || $this->garbage_timeout < $curtime) { // Before all align times with table timeout for ($table_idx = 0 ; $table_idx < TABLES_N ; $table_idx++) { $table_cur =& $this->table[$table_idx]; // if the table is complete and exists its shared mem we get the info about users lacc if ($table_cur->player_n == PLAYERS_N) { log_main("PLAYERS == N TABLE ".$table_idx); if (($sem = Briskin5::lock_data($table_idx)) != FALSE) { log_main("bin5 lock data success"); $no_recovery = FALSE; if (($bri = &Briskin5::load_data($table_idx)) != FALSE) { if ($table_cur->table_token != $bri->table_token) { log_main("ERROR: not matching table_token. Room: ".$table_cur->table_token." Table: ".$bri->table_token); log_main("ERROR: not matching table_start. Room: ".$table_cur->table_start." Table: ".$bri->table_start); $no_recovery = TRUE; $bri = FALSE; } } if ($bri != FALSE) { // // SPAWN: JOIN // log_main("garbage_manager: bri loaded successfully."); $bri->garbage_manager(TRUE); $bri_table = &$bri->table[0]; // is the end of the table if ($bri->the_end == TRUE) { /* * DESTROY OF FINISHED TABLE && MOVE PLAYER TO ROOM AGAIN */ log_main("garbage_manager: INSIDE THE END."); $plist = "$table_cur->table_token|$user_cur->table|$table_cur->player_n"; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table_cur->player_n ; $i++) { $plist .= '|'.$this->user[$table_cur->player[$i]]->sess; } for ($i = 0 ; $i < $bri_table->player_n ; $i++) { // stat must be "table" by definition $user_cur =& $this->user[$table_cur->player[$i]]; $bri_user =& $bri->user[$i]; $user_cur->subst = $bri_user->subst; $user_cur->step = $bri_user->step; $user_cur->lacc = $bri_user->lacc; $user_cur->laccwr = $bri_user->lacc; $user_cur->bantime = $bri_user->bantime; } log_legal($curtime, $user_cur->sess, $user_cur->name, "STAT:DESTROY_GAME", $plist); $this->room_join_wakeup(&$user_cur, FALSE, 0); $table_cur->table_token = ""; $table_cur->wakeup_time = $curtime + WAKEUP_TIME; Briskin5::destroy_data($table_idx); } else { log_main("gm:: save_data"); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $bri_table->player_n ; $i++) { $this->user[$table_cur->player[$i]]->lacc = $bri->user[$i]->lacc; } Briskin5::save_data(&$bri); } } // else if (($bri = &Briskin5::load_data($table_idx)) != FALSE) { else if ($no_recovery == FALSE) { log_crit("ERROR: table ".$table_idx." unrecoverable join"); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table_cur->player_n ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$table_cur->player[$i]]; $user_cur->subst = "shutdowner"; $user_cur->step_inc(); $ret = sprintf('stat = "%s"; subst = "%s";', $user_cur->stat, $user_cur->subst); $ret .= " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; "; $ret .= show_notify("
I dati del tavolo n° ".$user_cur->table." sono inconsistenti, verranno resettati.

Torni in piedi.

", 2000, "Chiudi.", 400, 110); $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = $ret; $user_cur->step_inc(); } $plist = "$table_cur->table_token|$user_cur->table|$table_cur->player_n"; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table_cur->player_n ; $i++) { $plist .= '|'.$this->user[$table_cur->player[$i]]->sess; } log_legal($curtime, $user_cur->sess, $user_cur->name, "STAT:DESTROY_GAME(RECOVERY)", $plist); $this->room_join_wakeup(&$user_cur, TRUE, -2); $table_cur->table_token = ""; } Briskin5::unlock_data($sem); } // bri::lock_data } // if ($table_cur->player_n == PLAYERS_N) { } // for ($table_idx = 0 ; $table_idx < TABLES_N ; $table_idx++) { log_rd2("out new loop."); for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; log_rd2("User: ".$user_cur->name." stat: ".$user_cur->stat." subst: ".$user_cur->subst); if ($user_cur->sess == "") continue; if ($user_cur->lacc + EXPIRE_TIME_RD < $curtime) { // Auto logout dell'utente log_rd2("AUTO LOGOUT.".($user_cur->lacc + EXPIRE_TIME_RD)." curtime ".$curtime); if ($user_cur->stat == 'table' || $user_cur->stat == 'room') { log_auth($user_cur->sess, "Autologout session."); $user_cur->reset(); log_rd2("AUTO LOGOUT."); if ($user_cur->subst == 'sitdown' || $user_cur->stat == 'table') $this->room_wakeup(&$user_cur); else if ($user_cur->subst == 'standup') $this->room_outstandup(&$user_cur); else log_rd2("LOGOUT FROM WHAT ???"); } } if ($user_cur->laccwr + EXPIRE_TIME_SMAMMA < $curtime) { // lo rimettiamo in piedi if ($user_cur->stat == 'room' && $user_cur->subst == 'sitdown') { $this->room_wakeup(&$user_cur); $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; "; $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] .= show_notify("
Sei stato inattivo per ".(EXPIRE_TIME_SMAMMA/60.0)." minuti.

Quindi ritorni tra i Giocatori in piedi.", 0, "torna ai tavoli", 400, 100); $user_cur->step_inc(); } } } log_rd2("GARBAGE UPDATED!"); $this->garbage_timeout = time() + GARBAGE_TIMEOUT; $ismod = TRUE; } return ($ismod); } function show_room($user_step, &$user) { log_main("show_room: username: ".$user->name); $ret = sprintf(' = %d; ', $user_step); if ($user->subst == 'standup') $ret .= "; "; else $ret .= "tra.hide(); "; $ret .= sprintf('stat = "%s";', $user->stat); $ret .= root_wellcome($user); $ret .= sprintf('subst = "%s";', $user->subst); $ret .= sprintf('$("myname").innerHTML = "%s";', xcape($user->name)); for ($i = 0 ; $i < TABLES_N ; $i++) { $ret .= $this->table_content($user, $i); $act_content = table_act_content(($user->subst == 'standup'), $this->table[$i]->player_n, $i, $user->table); $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $i, $act_content); if ($this->table[$i]->wag_own != NULL) $ret .= sprintf('tra.add(%d, "%s: %s"); ', $i, $this->table[$i]->wag_own->name, $this->table[$i]->wag_com); else $ret .= sprintf('tra.rem(%d); ', $i); } $ret .= $this->standup_content($user); return ($ret); } function room_wakeup(&$user) { $table_idx = $user->table; $table = &$this->table[$table_idx]; log_main("WAKEUP: begin function table:".$table_idx." stat: ".$user->stat." subst: ".$user->subst); $curtime = time(); $from_table = ($user->stat == "table"); if ($from_table) { log_main("WAKEUP: from table [".$user->table."] nplayers_n: ".$this->table[$user->table]->player_n); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$table->player[$i]]; log_main("PREIMPOST: INLOOP name: ".$user_cur->name); if ($user_cur != $user) { $user_cur->stat_set("room"); $user_cur->subst = "sitdown"; $user_cur->laccwr = $curtime; } else if ($user->sess != "") { $user_cur->stat_set("room"); $user_cur->subst = "standup"; $user_cur->laccwr = $curtime; $user_cur->table = -1; } } } else { $user->stat_set("room"); $user->subst = "standup"; $user->laccwr = $curtime; } $remove_wagon = false; if($table->wag_own == $user) { $remove_wagon = true; $table->wag_reset($curtime); } /* aggiorna l'array dei giocatori al tavolo. */ $table->user_rem(&$this, &$user); for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == '' || $user_cur->stat != 'room') continue; log_main("VALORI: name: ".$user_cur->name."from_table: ".$from_table." tab: ".$user_cur->table." taix: ".$table_idx." ucur: ".$user_cur." us: ".$user); $ret = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; ".($remove_wagon ? sprintf("tra.rem(%d);",$table_idx) : ""); if ($from_table && ($user_cur->table == $table_idx || $user_cur == $user)) { $ret .= 'gst.st_loc++; the_end=true; window.onunload = null; document.location.assign("index.php");|'; // $ret .= 'gst.st_loc++; document.location.assign("index.php");|'; log_main("DOCUMENT.index.php: from table"); } else if ($user_cur->stat == "room") { log_main("DOCUMENT.index.php: from table"); $ret .= $this->table_content($user_cur, $table_idx); $ret .= $this->standup_content($user_cur); $act_content = table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $table_idx, $user->table); $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content); if ($user_cur == $user) { // set the new status $ret .= 'subst = "standup";; '; // clean the action buttons in other tables for ($e = 0 ; $e < TABLES_N ; $e++) { if ($this->table[$e]->player_n < PLAYERS_N) $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $e, table_act_content(TRUE, 0, $e, $user->table)); } } else { $act_content = table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), $table->player_n, $table_idx, $user_cur->table); $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content); } } log_wr("ROOM_WAKEUP: ".$ret); $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = $ret; $user_cur->step_inc(); } } function room_join_wakeup(&$user, $update_lacc = FALSE, $trans_delta) { $table_idx = $user->table; $table = &$this->table[$table_idx]; log_main("JOIN_WAKEUP: begin function table:".$table_idx." stat: ".$user->stat." subst: ".$user->subst); $curtime = time(); $user_wup = array(); $user_wup_n = 0; $user_tab = array(); $user_tab_n = 0; log_main("JOIN WAKEUP: from table [".$user->table."] nplayers_n: ".$this->table[$user->table]->player_n); for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$table->player[$i]]; log_main("PREIMPOST INLOOP name: ".$user_cur->name); if ($user_cur->sess != "") { if ($update_lacc == TRUE) { $user_cur->laccwr = $curtime; } log_main("cur: ".$user_cur->name." subst: ".$user_cur->subst); if ($user_cur->subst == "shutdowned") { $user_cur->stat_set("room"); $user_cur->subst = "sitdown"; } else if ($user_cur->subst == "shutdowner") { $user_cur->stat_set("room"); $user_cur->subst = "standup"; $user_cur->table = -1; $user_wup[$user_wup_n++] = &$user_cur; $remove_wagon = false; if($table->wag_own == $user_cur) { $remove_wagon = true; $table->wag_reset($curtime); } } $user_tab[$user_tab_n++] = &$user_cur; } } for ($wup_idx = 0 ; $wup_idx < $user_wup_n ; $wup_idx++) $table->user_rem(&$this, &$user_wup[$wup_idx]); /* aggiorna l'array dei giocatori al tavolo. */ for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { log_main("START LOOP"); $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == '' || $user_cur->stat != 'room') { log_main("name: ".$user_cur->name."skip subst: ".$user_cur->subst); continue; } log_main("___"); log_main("VALORI name: ".$user_cur->name." tab: ".$user_cur->table." taix: ".$table_idx." ucur: ".$user_cur." us: ".$user); $ret = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; ".($remove_wagon ? sprintf("tra.rem(%d);",$table_idx) : ""); if ($user_cur->stat == "room") { log_main("DOCUMENT.index.php from table"); $ret .= $this->table_content($user_cur, $table_idx); $ret .= $this->standup_content($user_cur); $act_content = table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $table_idx, $user_cur->table); $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content); for ($tab_idx = 0 ; $tab_idx < $user_tab_n ; $tab_idx++) if ($user_cur == $user_tab[$tab_idx]) break; // for users that wakeup the room will be reconstructed by index_rd.php if ($tab_idx < $user_tab_n) { log_main("PRE show_room username: ".$user_cur->name." STEP: ".$user_cur->step); // ARRAY_POP DISABLED // if ($trans_delta == 0) // while (array_pop($user_cur->comm) != NULL); $user_cur->trans_step = $user_cur->step + 1 + $trans_delta; $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = ""; $user_cur->step_inc(); $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = $this->show_room(($user_cur->step + 1), &$user_cur); $user_cur->step_inc(); log_main("POST show_room username: ".$user_cur->name." STEP: ".$user_cur->step); continue; } log_main("JOIN_WAKEUP wup_idx ".$wup_idx." wup_n ".$user_wup_n); log_main("JOIN_WAKEUP more"); $act_content = table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), $table->player_n, $table_idx, $user_cur->table); $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content); log_main("JOIN_WAKEUP end more"); } log_wr("ROOM_JOIN_WAKEUP: ".$ret); $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = $ret; $user_cur->step_inc(); } } function room_outstandup(&$user) { $this->room_sitdown(&$user, -1); } function table_update(&$user) { log_main("table_update: pre - USER: ".$user->name); $table_idx = $user->table; if ($table_idx > -1) $table = &$this->table[$table_idx]; for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $ret = ""; $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == '' || $user_cur->stat != 'room') continue; $ret = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; "; if ($table_idx > -1) $ret .= $this->table_content($user_cur, $table_idx); if ($user_cur == $user) { $ret .= sprintf('$("myname").innerHTML = "%s: ";', xcape($user->name)); } $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = $ret; $user_cur->step_inc(); } log_main("table_update: post"); } function room_sitdown(&$user, $table_idx) { log_main("room_sitdown ".($user == FALSE ? "USER: FALSE" : "USER: ".$user->name)); $train_app = ""; if ($table_idx > -1 && $table_idx < TABLES_N) { $table = &$this->table[$table_idx]; // wagon shutdown if ($table->wag_own != NULL && $table->player_n == PLAYERS_N) { for ($i = 0 ; $i < TABLES_N ; $i++) { $user_cur =& $this->user[$table->player[$i]]; if ($user_cur == $table->wag_own) { $train_app = sprintf("tra.rem(%d); ", $table_idx); $table->wag_reset(time()); break; } } } } for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $ret = ""; $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == '' || $user_cur->stat != 'room') continue; $ret = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; ".$train_app; if ($table_idx > -1) $ret .= $this->table_content($user_cur, $table_idx); $ret .= $this->standup_content($user_cur); if ($user_cur == $user) { $ret .= 'subst = "sitdown"; tra.hide(); '; // clean the action buttons in other tables for ($e = 0 ; $e < TABLES_N ; $e++) { $act_content = table_act_content(FALSE, 0, $e, $user_cur->table); $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $e, $act_content); } } else if ($table_idx > -1) { if ($table->player_n == PLAYERS_N) { $act_content = table_act_content(($user_cur->subst == 'standup'), PLAYERS_N, $table_idx, $user_cur->table); $ret .= sprintf('$("table_act%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $act_content); } } $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = $ret; $user_cur->step_inc(); } } function chatt_send(&$user, $mesg) { GLOBAL $G_alarm_passwd; $only_you = FALSE; // common settings $msg = substr($mesg, 6, 128); $curtime = time(); $dt = date("H:i ", $curtime); // // Compute actions // $to_user = FALSE; $to_all = FALSE; $to_room = FALSE; $to_tabl = FALSE; $update_room = FALSE; if (strcmp($msg, "/tav") == 0 || strncmp($msg, "/tav ", 5) == 0) { do { if ($user->stat != 'room' || $user->subst != 'sitdown') { $msg = "
Per attivare il messaggio di segnalazione del tavolo occorre essere seduti.

"; $to_user = show_notify($msg, 0, "chiudi", 400, 100); break; } $table = &$this->table[$user->table]; if ($table->wag_own != NULL) { $msg = "
Il messaggio di segnalazione del tavolo è già attivato.

"; $to_user = show_notify($msg, 0, "chiudi", 400, 100); break; } $dtime = $curtime - $table->wag_tout; if ($dtime < EXPIRE_TIME_WAG) { $msg = sprintf("
Il messaggio di segnalazione del tavolo
è disattivato ancora per %d second%s.

", EXPIRE_TIME_WAG - $dtime, (EXPIRE_TIME_WAG - $dtime == 1 ? "o" : "i")); $to_user = show_notify($msg, 0, "chiudi", 400, 100); break; } $msg = substr($msg, 5); $table->wag_set($user, $msg); $to_user = sprintf('tra.add(%d, "%s");', $user->table, xcape(sprintf("%s: %s", $user->name, $msg))); $to_room = $to_user; } while (0); } // /tav chat command else if (strncmp($msg, "/alarm ", 7) == 0) { $alarm_check = "/alarm ".$G_alarm_passwd." "; do { if (strncmp($msg, $alarm_check, strlen($alarm_check)) != 0) { $msg = "
La password digitata non è corretta.

"; $to_user = show_notify($msg, 0, "chiudi", 400, 100); break; } $to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","Alarm %s inviato a tutti.");', $dt.NICKSERV, xcape(substr($msg, strlen($alarm_check)))); $msg = sprintf("


", $dt.NICKSERV, xcape(substr($msg, strlen($alarm_check)))); $to_all = show_notify($msg, 0, "chiudi", 400, 120); } while (0); } // /alarm chat command else if (strncmp($msg, "/nick ", 6) == 0) { log_main("chatt_send BEGIN"); do { if (($name_new = validate_name(substr($msg, 6))) == FALSE) { $to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","Il nickname deve contenere almeno una lettera dell\'alfabeto o una cifra.");', $dt.NICKSERV); break; } $msg = "COMMAND ".$msg; for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == '') continue; if ($user_cur->name == $name_new) break; } if ($i < MAX_PLAYERS) { $to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","Nickname %s già in uso.");', $dt.NICKSERV, xcape($name_new)); break; } $user->name = $name_new; // OK - nick changed log_main("chatt_send start set"); $update_room = TRUE; } while (0); } // nick chat command else { // normal chat line if ($curtime < ($user->chat_ban + $user->chat_dlt)) { $only_you = TRUE; $user->chat_dlt = $user->chat_dlt * 2; if ($user->chat_dlt > 120) $user->chat_dlt = 120; } else if ($user->chat_lst == $msg) $only_you = TRUE; else if ($curtime - $user->chattime[($user->chat_cur + 1) % CHAT_N] < CHAT_ILL_TIME) { $user->chat_ban = $curtime; $user->chat_dlt = 5; $only_you = TRUE; } else { $user->chat_ban = 0; $user->chat_dlt = 0; } if ($only_you) { $to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","%s");', $dt.xcape($user->name), xcape("== chat ban ==")); } else { $to_user = sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","%s");', $dt.xcape($user->name), xcape($msg)); // temporary silentiation for troll (will became array check) if (strcasecmp($user->name,'JackRokka') != 0 && $user->sess != '47ea653f602e8') $to_room = $to_user; } log_legal($curtime, $user->sess, $user->name, ($user->stat == 'room' ? 'room' : 'table '.$user->table),$msg); $user->chat_lst = "$msg"; $user->chattime[$user->chat_cur % CHAT_N] = $curtime; $user->chat_cur++; } if ($to_all) { $to_room = $to_all; $to_tabl = $to_all; } // // Output to clients // if ($to_user != FALSE) { $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user->step+1)."; "; $user->comm[$user->step % COMM_N] .= $to_user; $user->step_inc(); } if ($to_room != FALSE) { for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; // if ($user_cur->sess == '' || $user_cur->stat != 'room') if ($user_cur->sess == '' || $user_cur->stat == 'table' || $user_cur == $user) continue; $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; "; $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] .= $to_room; $user_cur->step_inc(); } } if ($to_tabl) { // Before all align times with table timeout for ($table_idx = 0 ; $table_idx < TABLES_N ; $table_idx++) { $table_cur =& $this->table[$table_idx]; // if the table is complete and exists its shared mem we get the info about users lacc if ($table_cur->player_n == PLAYERS_N) { log_main("PLAYERS == N TABLE ".$table_idx); if (($sem = Briskin5::lock_data($table_idx)) != FALSE) { log_main("bin5 lock data success"); $no_recovery = FALSE; if (($bri = &Briskin5::load_data($table_idx)) != FALSE) { if ($table_cur->table_token != $bri->table_token) { log_main("ERROR: not matching table_token. Room: ".$table_cur->table_token." Table: ".$bri->table_token); $bri = FALSE; } } if ($bri != FALSE) { $bri_table = &$bri->table[0]; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $bri_table->player_n ; $i++) { // stat must be "table" by definition $bri_user =& $bri->user[$i]; log_main("writa: ".$user_mesg); $bri_user->comm[$bri_user->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($bri_user->step+1)."; "; $bri_user->comm[$bri_user->step % COMM_N] .= $to_tabl; $bri_user->step_inc(); } Briskin5::save_data(&$bri); } Briskin5::unlock_data($sem); } // bri::lock_data } // if ($table_cur->player_n == PLAYERS_N) { } // for ($table_idx = 0 ; $table_idx < TABLES_N ; $table_idx++) { } // if ($to_tabl == true ... if ($update_room) { if ($user->stat == 'room' && $user->subst == 'standup') { $this->standup_update(&$user); } else if ($user->stat == 'room' && $user->subst == 'sitdown') { log_main("chatt_send pre table update"); $this->table_update(&$user); log_main("chatt_send post table update"); } } // if ($update_room ... return; } // function chatt_send( ... function &get_user($sess, &$idx) { GLOBAL $PHP_SELF, $G_false; if (validate_sess($sess)) { for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { if (strcmp($sess, $this->user[$i]->sess) == 0) { // find it $idx = $i; $ret = &$this->user[$i]; return ($ret); } } log_main(sprintf("get_user: Wrong sess from page [%s]",$PHP_SELF)); // for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) // log_main(sprintf("get_user: Wrong sess compared with [%s]",$this->user[$i]->sess)); } else { log_main(sprintf("get_user: Wrong strlen [%s]",$sess)); } return ($G_false); } /* * function &add_user(&$room, &$sess, &$idx, $name, $ip) * * RETURN VALUE: * if ($idx != -1 && ret == FALSE) => duplicated nick * if ($idx == -2 && ret == FALSE) => invalid name * if ($idx == -1 && ret == FALSE) => no space left * if (ret == TRUE) => SUCCESS */ function &add_user(&$sess, &$idx, $name, $ip) { GLOBAL $G_false; $idx = -1; $idfree = -1; if (($name_new = validate_name($name)) == FALSE) { $idx = -2; return ($G_false); } log_auth("XXX", sprintf("ARRIVA: [%s]", $sess)); if (validate_sess($sess) == FALSE) $sess = ""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { /* free user ? */ if (strcmp($sess, $this->user[$i]->sess) == 0) { if ($idx == -1) $idx = $i; } if ($idfree == -1 && strcmp("", $this->user[$i]->sess) == 0) { $idfree = $i; } if (strcmp($this->user[$i]->name, $name_new) == 0) { $idx = $i; break; } } if ($idx == -1) $idx = $idfree; log_auth("XXX", sprintf("TROVATO A QUESTO PUNTO [%d] sess [%s] name [%s]", $idx, $sess, $name_new)); if ($idx != -1 && $i == MAX_PLAYERS) { /* SUCCESS */ $curtime = time(); if ($sess == "") { $this->user[$idx]->sess = uniqid(""); $sess = $this->user[$idx]->sess; } else { $this->user[$idx]->sess = $sess; } $this->user[$idx]->name = $name_new; // OK - add new user $this->user[$idx]->stat_set("room"); $this->user[$idx]->step_set(0); while (array_pop($this->user[$idx]->comm) != NULL); $this->user[$idx]->subst = "standup"; $this->user[$idx]->lacc = $curtime; $this->user[$idx]->laccwr = $curtime; $this->user[$idx]->bantime = 0; $this->user[$idx]->ip = $ip; log_main(sprintf("TROVATO LIBERO A [%d] sess [%s] name [%s]", $idx, $sess, $name_new)); return ($this->user[$idx]); } return ($G_false); } function standup_update(&$user) { for ($i = 0 ; $i < MAX_PLAYERS ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$i]; if ($user_cur->sess == '') continue; log_main("STANDUP START: ".$user_cur->stat); if ($user_cur->stat == 'room') { $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] = " = ".($user_cur->step+1)."; ".$this->standup_content($user_cur); if ($user_cur == $user) $user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N] .= sprintf('$("myname").innerHTML = "%s: ";', xcape($user->name)); log_main("FROM STANDUP: NAME: ".$user_cur->name." SENDED: ".$user_cur->comm[$user_cur->step % COMM_N]); $user_cur->step_inc(); } } } // Static functions function &init_data() { $room =& new Room(); return $room; } function &load_data() { GLOBAL $G_false, $sess; $doexit = FALSE; do { if (($tok = @ftok(FTOK_PATH."/main", "B")) == -1) { log_main("ftok failed"); $doexit = TRUE; break; } if (($shm_sz = sharedmem_sz($tok)) == -1) { log_main("shmop_open failed"); } if ($shm_sz == -1) $shm_sz = SHM_DIMS_MIN; if ($shm = shm_attach($tok, $shm_sz)) { $room = @shm_get_var($shm, $tok); log_only("bri == ".($room == FALSE ? "FALSE" : "TRUE")." bri === ".($room === FALSE ? "FALSE" : "TRUE")." bri isset ".(isset($room) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); if (isset($room)) log_only("bri count ".count($room)); if ($room == FALSE) { log_only("INIT MAIN DATA"); $room =& Room::init_data(); if (@shm_put_var($shm, $tok, $room) == FALSE) { log_only("PUT_VAR FALLITA ".strlen(serialize($room))); log_only(serialize($room)); } } $room->shm_sz = $shm_sz; shm_detach($shm); } $ret = &$room; return ($ret); } while (0); if ($doexit) exit(); return ($G_false); } function save_data(&$room) { GLOBAL $sess; $ret = FALSE; $shm = FALSE; // var_dump($room); if (($tok = @ftok(FTOK_PATH."/main", "B")) == -1) return (FALSE); while ($room->shm_sz < SHM_DIMS_MAX) { if (($shm = shm_attach($tok, $room->shm_sz)) == FALSE) break; // log_only("PUT_VAR DI ".strlen(serialize($room))); if (shm_put_var($shm, $tok, $room) != FALSE) { shm_detach($shm); return (TRUE); } if (shm_remove($shm) === FALSE) { log_only("REMOVE FALLITA"); break; } shm_detach($shm); $room->shm_sz += SHM_DIMS_DLT; } if ($shm) shm_detach($shm); return ($ret); } function lock_data() { GLOBAL $sess; // echo "LOCK: ".FTOK_PATH."/main"; // exit; if (($tok = @ftok(FTOK_PATH."/main", "B")) == -1) { echo "FTOK FAILED"; exit; } // echo "FTOK ".$tok."
"; if (($res = sem_get($tok)) == FALSE) { echo "SEM_GET FAILED"; exit; } if (sem_acquire($res)) { log_lock("LOCK room"); return ($res); } else return (FALSE); } function unlock_data($res) { GLOBAL $sess; log_lock("UNLOCK room"); return (sem_release($res)); } function standup_content($user) { $ret = ""; $content = ""; if ($user->stat != 'room') return; for ($e = 0 , $ct = 0 ; $ct < 4 && $e < MAX_PLAYERS ; $e++) { if ($this->user[$e]->sess == "" || $this->user[$e]->stat != "room" || $this->user[$e]->name == "") continue; $ct++; } $content .= sprintf('', $ct); for ($e = 0 , $ct = 0 ; $e < MAX_PLAYERS ; $e++) { if ($this->user[$e]->sess == "" || $this->user[$e]->stat != "room" || $this->user[$e]->name == "") continue; if ($this->user[$e]->subst == "standup") { if (($ct % 4) == 0) { $content .= ''; } if ($this->user[$e] == $user) { $hilion = ""; $hilioff = ""; } else { $hilion = ""; $hilioff = ""; } $content .= sprintf('',$hilion, xcape($this->user[$e]->name), $hilioff); if (($ct % 4) == 3) { $content .= ''; } $ct++; } } $content .= '
'; $content2 = ''; $ret .= sprintf('$("standup").innerHTML = "%s"; $("esco").innerHTML = "%s";', $content, $content2); return ($ret); } function table_content($user, $table_idx) { $content = ""; $ret = ""; // TODO // // Si possono usare i dati nella classe table // $sess = $user->sess; $table = &$this->table[$table_idx]; if ($user->stat != 'room') return; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table->player_n ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$this->user[$table->player[$i]]; if ($user_cur == $user) { $hilion = ""; $hilioff = ""; } else { $hilion = ""; $hilioff = ""; } log_main($user_cur->name. sprintf(" IN TABLE [%d]", $table_idx)); $content .= sprintf("%s%s%s
",$hilion, xcape($user_cur->name), $hilioff); } /* for ( ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) $content .= "
"; */ $ret .= sprintf('$("table%d").innerHTML = "%s";', $table_idx, $content); return ($ret); } } // end class Room function make_seed() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000); } function log_only2($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_ONL2) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_ONL2) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("ONL2: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_crit($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_CRIT) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_CRIT) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("CRIT: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_only($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_ONLY) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_ONLY) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("ONLY: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_main($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_MAIN) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_MAIN) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("MAIN: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_rd($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_READ) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_READ) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("READ: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_rd2($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_REA2) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_REA2) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("REA2: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_send($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_SEND) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_SEND) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("SEND: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_lock($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_LOCK) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_LOCK) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("LOCK: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_wr($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_WRIT) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_WRIT) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("WRIT: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_load($log) { GLOBAL $sess; if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_LOAD) == 0) return; if (isset($sess) == FALSE) $ssess = "XXXX"; else $ssess = $sess; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($ssess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_LOAD) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("LOAD: [%s] [%s]\n", $ssess, $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_auth($sess, $log) { if (BRISK_SINGLE_SESS == "" && (BRISK_DEBUG & DBG_AUTH) == 0) return; if (( (BRISK_DEBUG | ($sess == BRISK_SINGLE_SESS ? BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG : 0) ) & DBG_AUTH) == 0) return; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/brisk.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { fwrite($fp, sprintf("AUTH: [%s] [%d] [%s]\n", $sess, time(), $log)); fclose($fp); } } function log_legal($curtime, $sess, $name, $where, $mesg) { GLOBAL $_SERVER; if (($fp = @fopen(LEGAL_PATH."/legal.log", 'a')) != FALSE) { /* Unix time | session | nickname | IP | where was | mesg */ fwrite($fp, sprintf("%ld|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|\n", $curtime, $sess, $name, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $where , $mesg)); fclose($fp); } } function lock_banlist() { if (($tok = @ftok(FTOK_PATH."/main", "L")) == -1) { echo "FTOK FAILED"; exit; } if (($res = sem_get($tok)) == FALSE) { echo "SEM_GET FAILED"; exit; } if (sem_acquire($res)) return ($res); else return (FALSE); } function unlock_banlist($res) { return (sem_release($res)); } function table_act_content($isstanding, $sitted, $table, $cur_table) { $ret = ""; if ($isstanding) { if ($sitted < PLAYERS_N) { $ret = sprintf('', $table, $table); } } else { if ($table == $cur_table) $ret = sprintf(''); else $ret = ""; } return ($ret); } function show_notify($text, $tout, $butt, $w, $h) { log_main("SHOW_NOTIFY: ".$text); return sprintf('var noti = new notify(gst,"%s",%d,"%s",%d,%d);', $text, $tout, $butt, $w, $h); } function briscola_show($room, $table, $user) { $ptnadd = ""; $ret = ""; if ($table->asta_card == 9) $ptnadd = sprintf("
con %d punti", $table->asta_pnt); /* text of caller cell */ if ($user->table_pos == $table->asta_win) $ret .= sprintf('$("callerinfo").innerHTML = "Chiami%s:";', $ptnadd); else $ret .= sprintf('$("callerinfo").innerHTML = "Chiama %s%s:";', xcape($room->user[$table->player[$table->asta_win]]->name), $ptnadd); $ret .= sprintf('$("caller").style.backgroundImage = \'url("img/brisk_caller_sand%d.png")\';', $table->asta_win); $ret .= sprintf('$("callerimg").src = "img/%02d.png";', $table->briscola); $ret .= sprintf('$("caller").style.visibility = "visible";'); $ret .= sprintf('$("chooseed").style.visibility = "hidden";'); $ret .= sprintf('$("astalascio").style.visibility = "";'); $ret .= sprintf('$("asta").style.visibility = "hidden";'); $ret .= sprintf('show_astat(-2,-2,-2,-2,-2);'); return ($ret); } function game_result($asta_pnt, $pnt) { if ($asta_pnt == 61) { if ($pnt > 60) return (1); else if ($pnt == 60) return (0); else return (-1); } else { if ($pnt >= $asta_pnt) return (1); else return (-1); } } function multoval($mult) { if ($mult == 2) return ("doppio"); else if ($mult == 4) return ("quadruplo"); else return (sprintf("%d-plo", $mult)); } function show_table_info(&$room, &$table, $table_pos) { $ret = ""; $user = &$room->user[$table->player[$table_pos]]; $pnt_min = $table->points_n - MAX_POINTS < 0 ? 0 : $table->points_n - MAX_POINTS; $noty = sprintf(''); // Names. for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) $noty .= sprintf('', xcape($room->user[$table->player[$i]]->name)); $noty .= sprintf(""); // Points. log_main("show_table_info: pnt_min: ".$pnt_min." Points_n: ".$table->points_n); for ($i = $pnt_min ; $i < $table->points_n ; $i++) { $noty .= sprintf('', $i+1); for ($e = 0 ; $e < PLAYERS_N ; $e++) $noty .= sprintf('', $table->points[$i % MAX_POINTS][$e]); $noty .= ""; } // Total points. $noty .= ''; for ($e = 0 ; $e < PLAYERS_N ; $e++) $noty .= sprintf('', $table->total[$e]); $noty .= "
"; if ($table->old_reason != "") { $noty .= sprintf("
", xcape($table->old_reason)); } if ($table->old_win != -1) { $win = $table->player[$table->old_win]; $fri = $table->player[$table->old_friend]; $wol = game_result($table->old_asta_pnt, $table->old_pnt); if ($win != $fri) { $noty .= sprintf("
Nell'ultima mano ha chiamato %s, il socio era %s,
", xcape($room->user[$win]->name), xcape($room->user[$fri]->name)); if ($table->old_pnt == 120) { $noty .= sprintf("hanno fatto cappotto EBBRAVI!.
"); } else { $noty .= sprintf("dovevano fare %s punti e ne hanno fatti %d: hanno %s.
", ($table->old_asta_pnt > 61 ? "almeno ".$table->old_asta_pnt : 'più di 60'), $table->old_pnt, ($wol == 1 ? "vinto" : ($wol == 0 ? "pareggiato" : "perso"))); } } else { $noty .= sprintf("
Nell'ultima mano %s si è chiamato in mano,
", xcape($room->user[$win]->name)); if ($table->old_pnt == 120) { $noty .= sprintf("ha fatto cappotto EBBRAVO!.
"); } else { $noty .= sprintf("doveva fare %s punti e ne ha fatti %d: ha %s.
", ($table->old_asta_pnt > 61 ? "almeno ".$table->old_asta_pnt : 'più di 60'), $table->old_pnt, ($wol == 1 ? "vinto" : ($wol == 0 ? "pareggiato" : "perso"))); } } } if ($table->mazzo == $table_pos) $noty .= "Fai tu il mazzo,"; else { $unam = xcape($room->user[$table->player[$table->mazzo]]->name); $noty .= "Il mazzo a $unam,"; } if ($user->subst == 'asta') { if ($table->asta_win == -1) // auction case $curplayer = $table->gstart % PLAYERS_N; else $curplayer = $table->asta_win; } else if ($user->subst == 'game') { $curplayer = ($table->gstart + $table->turn) % PLAYERS_N; } if ($curplayer == $table_pos) { $noty .= " tocca a te giocare."; } else { $unam = xcape($room->user[$table->player[$curplayer]]->name); $noty .= " tocca a $unam giocare."; } if ($table->mult > 1) { $noty .= sprintf(" La partita vale %s.", multoval($table->mult)); } $noty .= "

"; $ret .= show_notify($noty, 3000, "torna alla partita", 500, 400); /* NOTE: show_notify($noty, 3000, "torna alla partita", 500, * 130 + ($table->points_n > 0 ? 50 : 0) + * (120 * ($table->points_n / MAX_POINTS))); * will be used when we refact notify js function following * photoo class logic */ return ($ret); } function root_wellcome($user) { GLOBAL $root_wellarr; $ret = ""; $curtime = time(); $dt = date("H:i ", $curtime); for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($root_wellarr) ; $i++) $ret .= sprintf('chatt_sub("%s","%s");', $dt.NICKSERV, str_replace('"', '\"', $root_wellarr[$i])); return ($ret); } function table_wellcome($user) { GLOBAL $table_wellarr; $ret = ""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($table_wellarr) ; $i++) $ret .= sprintf('chatt_sub("ChanServ: ","%s");', str_replace('"', '\"', $table_wellarr[$i])); return ($ret); } /* show table is_transition (is from room to table ?) is_again (is another game) Examples of $is_transition, $is_again: from reload of the page: FALSE, FALSE from sitdown in room: TRUE, FALSE from table: asta cmd e tutti passano: TRUE, TRUE from table: fine partita: TRUE, TRUE */ function show_table(&$room, &$user, $sendstep, $is_transition, $is_again) { $table_idx = $user->table; $table = &$room->table[$table_idx]; $table_pos = $user->table_pos; $ret = "table_init();"; $ret .= $table->exitlock_show(&$room->user, $table_pos); if (!$is_again) { /* GENERAL STATUS */ $ret .= sprintf( ' = %d; stat = "%s"; subst = "%s"; table_pos = %d;', $sendstep, $user->stat, $user->subst, $table_pos); log_rd(sprintf( 'SHOW_TABLE: = %d; stat = "%s"; subst = "%s"; table_pos = %d;', $sendstep, $user->stat, $user->subst, $table_pos)); /* BACKGROUND */ $ret .= "background_set();"; /* USERS INFO */ $ret .= sprintf('$("myname").innerHTML = "%s";', xcape($user->name)); $ret .= sprintf('set_names(" %s", " %s", " %s", " %s", " %s"); ', xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos)%PLAYERS_N]]->name), xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+1)%PLAYERS_N]]->name), xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+2)%PLAYERS_N]]->name), (PLAYERS_N == 3 ? "" : xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+3)%PLAYERS_N]]->name)), (PLAYERS_N == 3 ? "" : xcape($room->user[$table->player[($table_pos+4)%PLAYERS_N]]->name))); } /* NOTIFY FOR THE CARD MAKER */ if ($is_transition) { // && $user->subst == "asta" superfluo $ret .= show_table_info(&$room, &$table, $table_pos); } if (!$is_again) $ret .= table_wellcome($user); if ($is_transition && !$is_again) { // appena seduti al tavolo, play della mucca $ret .= playsound("cow.mp3"); } /* CARDS */ if ($is_transition) { // && $user->subst == "asta" superfluo $ret .= "|"; for ($i = 0 ; $i < 8 ; $i++) { for ($e = 0 ; $e < PLAYERS_N ; $e++) { $ct = 0; for ($o = 0 ; $o < 40 && $ct < $i+1 ; $o++) { if ($table->card[$o]->owner == (($e + $table->gstart) % PLAYERS_N)) { $ct++; if ($ct == $i+1) break; } } log_rd("O ".$o." VAL ".$table->card[$o]->value." Owner: ".$table->card[$o]->owner); $ret .= sprintf( ' card_send(%d,%d,%d,%8.2f,%d);|', ($table->gstart + $e) % PLAYERS_N, $i, ((($e + PLAYERS_N - $table_pos + $table->gstart) % PLAYERS_N) == 0 ? $table->card[$o]->value : -1), ($i == 7 && $e == (PLAYERS_N - 1) ? 1 : 0.5),$i+1); } } } else { $taked = array(0,0,0,0,0); $inhand = array(0,0,0,0,0); $ontabl = array(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1); $cards = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < 40 ; $i++) { if ($table->card[$i]->stat == 'hand') { if ($table->card[$i]->owner == $table_pos) { $cards[$inhand[$table->card[$i]->owner]] = $table->card[$i]->value; } $inhand[$table->card[$i]->owner]++; } else if ($table->card[$i]->stat == 'take') { log_main("Card taked: ".$table->card[$i]->value."OWN: ".$table->card[$i]->owner); $taked[$table->card[$i]->owner]++; } else if ($table->card[$i]->stat == 'table') { $ontabl[$table->card[$i]->owner] = $i; } } $logg = "\n"; for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) { $logg .= sprintf("INHAND: %d IN TABLE %d TAKED %d\n", $inhand[$i], $ontabl[$i], $taked[$i]); } log_main("Stat table: ".$logg); /* Set ours cards. */ $oursarg = ""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $inhand[$table_pos] ; $i++) $oursarg .= ($i == 0 ? "" : ", ").$cards[$i]; for ($i = $inhand[$table_pos] ; $i < 8 ; $i++) $oursarg .= ($i == 0 ? "" : ", ")."-1"; $ret .= sprintf('card_setours(%s);', $oursarg); /* Dispose all cards */ for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) { /* Qui sotto al posto di + 1 c'era + ->gstart ... credo in modo errato */ $ret .= sprintf('cards_dispose(%d,%d,%d);', $i, $inhand[$i], $taked[$i]); if ($ontabl[$i] != -1) { $ret .= sprintf('card_place(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d);',$i, $inhand[$i], $table->card[$ontabl[$i]]->value, $table->card[$ontabl[$i]]->x, $table->card[$ontabl[$i]]->y); } } } /* Show auction */ if ($user->subst == 'asta') { /* show users auction status */ $showst = ""; for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) { $user_cur = &$room->user[$table->player[$i]]; $showst .= sprintf("%s%d", ($i == 0 ? "" : ", "), ($user_cur->asta_card < 9 ? $user_cur->asta_card : $user_cur->asta_pnt)); } if (PLAYERS_N == 3) $showst .= ",-2,-2"; $ret .= sprintf('show_astat(%s);', $showst); if ($table->asta_win != -1 && $table->asta_win == $table_pos) { /* show card chooser */ $ret .= sprintf('choose_seed(%s); $("astalascio").style.visibility = ""; $("asta").style.visibility = "hidden";', $table->asta_card); } else { /* show auction */ if ($table_pos == ($table->gstart % PLAYERS_N) && $table->asta_win == -1) $ret .= sprintf('dispose_asta(%d,%d, %s);', $table->asta_card + 1, $table->asta_pnt+1, ($user->handpt <= 2 ? "true" : "false")); else $ret .= sprintf('dispose_asta(%d,%d, %s);', $table->asta_card + 1, -($table->asta_pnt+1), ($user->handpt <= 2 ? "true" : "false")); } /* Remark */ if ($table->asta_win == -1) { // auction case if ($table_pos == ($table->gstart % PLAYERS_N)) $ret .= "remark_on();"; else $ret .= "remark_off();"; } else { // chooseed case if ($table_pos == $table->asta_win) $ret .= "remark_on();"; else $ret .= "remark_off();"; } } else if ($user->subst == 'game') { /* HIGHLIGHT */ if (($table->gstart + $table->turn) % PLAYERS_N == $table_pos) $ret .= "is_my_time = true; remark_on();"; else $ret .= "remark_off();"; /* WHO CALL AND WATH */ $ret .= briscola_show($room, $table, $user); } return ($ret); } // end function show_table(... function calculate_winner(&$table) { $briontab = FALSE; $ontab = array(); $ontid = array(); $cur_win = -1; $cur_val = 100; $cur_seed = $table->briscola - ($table->briscola % 10); for ($i = 0 ; $i < 40 ; $i++) { if ($table->card[$i]->stat != "table") continue; log_wr(sprintf("Card On table: [%d]", $i)); $v = $table->card[$i]->value; $ontab[$table->card[$i]->owner] = $v; $ontid[$table->card[$i]->owner] = $i; /* se briscola setto il flag */ if (($v - ($v % 10)) == $cur_seed) $briontab = TRUE; } if ($briontab == FALSE) { $cur_win = $table->gstart; $cur_val = $ontab[$cur_win]; $cur_seed = $cur_val - ($cur_val % 10); } for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) { if (($ontab[$i] - ($ontab[$i] % 10)) == $cur_seed) { if ($ontab[$i] < $cur_val) { $cur_val = $ontab[$i]; $cur_win = $i; } } } for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) { $table->card[$ontid[$i]]->owner = $cur_win; $table->card[$ontid[$i]]->stat = "take"; // Card stat } return ($cur_win); } function calculate_points(&$table) { GLOBAL $G_all_points; $pro = 0; if ($table->asta_pnt == 60) $table->asta_pnt = 61; $table->old_reason = ""; $table->old_win = $table->asta_win; $table->old_friend = $table->friend; $table->old_asta_pnt = $table->asta_pnt; for ($i = 0 ; $i < 40 ; $i++) { $ctt = $table->card[$i]->value % 10; $own = $table->card[$i]->owner; if ($own == $table->asta_win || $own == $table->friend) $pro += $G_all_points[$ctt]; } log_wr(sprintf("PRO: [%d]", $pro)); if ($table->asta_pnt == 61 && $pro == 60) { // PATTA ! $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS] = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < PLAYERS_N ; $i++) $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS][$i] = 0; $table->points_n++; $table->old_pnt = $pro; $table->mult *= 2; return; } if ($pro >= $table->asta_pnt) $sig = 1; else $sig = -1; $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS] = array(); for ($i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i++) { if ($i == $table->asta_win) $pt = ($i == $table->friend ? 4 : 2); else if ($i == $table->friend) $pt = 1; else $pt = -1; log_wr(sprintf("PRO: pt[%d][%d] = %d", $table->points_n % MAX_POINTS, $i, $pt)); $pt = $pt * $sig * $table->mult * ($pro == 120 ? 2 : 1); log_wr(sprintf("PRO:[%d][%d][%d]", $sig, $table->mult, ($pro == 120 ? 2 : 1))); $table->points[$table->points_n % MAX_POINTS][$i] = $pt; $table->total[$i] += $pt; } $table->points_n++; $table->old_pnt = $pro; $table->mult = 1; } function validate_sess($sess) { if (strlen($sess) == SESS_LEN) return (TRUE); else return (FALSE); } function validate_name($name) { $name_new = str_replace(' ', '_', substr(trim($name),0,12)); for ($i = 0 ; $i < strlen($name_new) ; $i++) { $c = $name_new[$i]; if (($c >= "a" && $c <= "z") || ($c >= "A" && $c <= "Z") || ($c >= "0" && $c <= "9")) return ($name_new); } return (FALSE); } function playsound($filename) { return (sprintf('playsound("flasou", "%s");', $filename)); } function secstoword($secs) { $mins = floor($secs / 60); $secs = $secs % 60; if ($mins > 0) $ret = sprintf("%d minut%s%s", $mins, ($mins > 1 ? "i" : "o"), ($secs > 0 ? " e " : "")); if ($secs > 0) $ret .= sprintf("%d second%s", $secs, ($secs > 1 ? "i" : "o")); return ($ret); } function sharedmem_sz($tok) { if (($shm_id = @shmop_open($tok, 'a', 0, 0)) == FALSE) { log_main("shmop_open failed"); return (-1); } $shm_sz = shmop_size($shm_id); shmop_close($shm_id); log_main("shm_sz: ".$shm_sz." SHM_DIMS: ".SHM_DIMS); return ($shm_sz); } ?>