/* TESTING ======= TODO ==== URGENT - tables spawn DONE - spawn of a table DONE - data to cookies (removed table_idx from xhr calls also) DONE - set subst to shutdowner/shutdowned DONE - return to index.php DONE - game's token DONE - recover of corrupted table data DONE - closure of a table DONE - flush of the table DONE - security checks for right scope access DONE - garbage collector management DONE - recursive garbage - howto ? DONE - stat & subst in browser DONE - laccwr setting and exit if all players are unactive for some time DONE - the list of test case DONE - shm dimension DONE - remove unused parts DONE - move images DONE - optimizations DONE - cambiare titolo al tavolo DONE - shutdowning lock tables DONE - topbanner DONE - public announcements DONE - 10 sec to exit from table FAR - inheritances TRAIN - DONE - add again in reload DONE - wag_set refact DONE - filtra char speciali per title DONE - chatt_send refact DONE - elenco dei giocatori DONE - documentazione online DONE - timeout management LATER - border color a muzzo NORM - testament NORM - public announcements NORM - 10 sec to exit from table NORM - moving label for tables click ----------------- join ----------------- NORM - map NORM - restart preload img NORM - tools dir with a main and some pages where check briscola tools. NORM - watchdog NORM - chat vecchie in reload (forse) MIDDLE TODO =========== - user assistant (with button to enable disable) - documentation FAR TODO ======== NORM - internationalization NORM - img -> div + css WEB === - link to stable/unstable ------------------------------------------------------------------- DONE ==== ABORTED - asta: highlight buttons (css hover) - change pointer when over DONE - step proxy DONE - special chars in js DONE - ban temporaneo dai tavoli DONE - flash player to play sound DONEBUG - (aum. il timeout) - carte giocate che restano girate Sembra non migliorare di molto la cosa, gestita la cache correttamente, sono apposto. DONE - one player reject a game, to less points (<= 2) DONE - help page DONE - test di download per la cache DONE - se passano tutti tranne l'ultimo l'asta va al penultimo. Corretto il codice, occorre verificare se questo ingenera qualche problema. DONE - raddoppiato il numero di righe nella chat DONE - corretto bug del /nick DONE - carosello pubblicità altout DONE - smammamorti DONE - unload of the stream DONE - standup centrati DONE - current player - in info DONE - HELP butt con ABOUT, REGOLE, VERSIONE DONE - wellcome lines in the chats (room and table) DONE - wellcome lines in the chats (room and table) DONE - nomi in primo piano se vai sul quadrato DONE - to pass explicit config file to INSTALL.sh DONE - flag to create a config file ABRT - bottoni => immagini DONE - aggiungere bottone al login DONE - nomi in primo piano se vai sul quadrato DONE - installer to set cookie path DONE - change name DONE - automatic and manual logout DONE - cache problems solved via .htaccess DONE - all players out of the auction DONE - time to send cards DONE - hide cards before sends at a new game DONE - well recognization of the browser and O.S. DONE - login consistency !!!! DONE - functionalization of garbage DONE - call garbage function into login DONE - game DONE - manage the reload from scratch of the table page DONE - table reset DONE - sendcard => card_send(idx, ....) DONE - show table for game DONE - points calculation DONE - make-up of the chooser DONE - where place the briscola on the table DONE - users info DONE - show current auction position DONE - table with internal management of the transition between pages. DONE - server side page abort management DONE - cookie problem with Ajax DONE - spostare il tasto "esco" DONE - to pass explicit config file to INSTALL.sh DONE - 8 tables DONE - safety out management DONE - info enhancement and related button (how win the last game and with how much points ?) WEB DONE - homepage DONE - screenshots DOC CHAPTERS HTTP Streaming Local serializer Database on shmem Page abort (reload on http streaming case) Chat Cookies management CSS tricks CHECK ON NEW SERVERS .htaccess AllowOverwrite mode for Cache-Control directive */