0.13.4 ("spawn" branch) - 17/05/2008 Serialization now includes postaction bug fixed. "Roadmap" and "whysupport" main menu items added. Ticker keep users list opened when wagon implode bug fixed. Keeped cards still on table when table restart bug fixed. 0.13.3 ("spawn" branch) - 4/05/2008 Tav button added. Raccomandations for firefox users. Chat scroll enhancement. Troll defence. 0.13.2 ("spawn" branch) - 21/04/2008 Black list added. Cache-Control 'no-store flag' added. Scroll for standup area and top position of proxhr class adjusted. Behavior of ticker changed. 0.13.1 ("spawn" branch) - 20/04/2008 Copyrights updated. addEvent and removeEvent functions added. Ticker added. G_is_local var to prevent remote site access when you are in unconnected devel environment (on the train :). Set to 25% the width of each td for the tables table. chatt_send function refactored. Functions show_room, table_content, standup_content moved into Room class. 0.13.0 ("spawn" branch) - 19/04/2008 Add ftokk_path var to allow temporary move of the ftok dir. 0.12.0 ("spawn" branch) - 30/03/2008 Sitdown disable when shutdowning. Topbanner added. "alert" command added. 0.11.0 ("spawn" branch) - 30/03/2008 Pro-site configuration file added. White-list for proxy access added. 0.10.8 ("spawn" branch) - 27/03/2008 Forumolimpia supporter images added. 0.10.7 ("spawn" branch) - 27/03/2008 Proxyscan to check (and deny) proxy connections. Chat ban: first implementation. 0.10.6 ("spawn" branch) - 23/03/2008 "nobohide" class for img added. Big img for supporters and sponsors added. 0.10.5 ("spawn" branch) - 23/03/2008 Factorized user reset (and comm array clean added). 0.10.4 ("spawn" branch) - 23/03/2008 Flush of command when the table start. comm array to 18 elements. 0.10.3 ("spawn" branch) - 20/03/2008 Disabled comm flush optimization. Critical log type added. 0.9.3 ("spawn" branch) - 19/03/2008 Quasi atomical installation procedure. cards_hidetake(win) dumb function removed. New shared mem management added. 0.9.2 ("spawn" branch) - 16/03/2008 BRISK_SINGLE_SESS and BRISK_SINGLE_DEBUG added. 0.9.1 ("spawn" branch) - 16/03/2008 Char "@" before all ftok functions. Briskin5::load_data checked. 0.0.9 ("spawn" branch) - 13/03/2008 Show_room function with new step arg. Table recovery and external garbage_manager call recovery. 0.0.8 ("spawn" branch) - 07/03/2008 Correct touch index for ftok from 1-100 to 0-99 Unlock_data to garbage_manager added. UnescapeHTML func added. 0.0.7 ("spawn" branch) - 16/02/2008 Log path from /tmp to LEGAL_PATH. 0.0.6 ("spawn" branch) - 16/02/2008 BRISKIN5_PLAYERS_N sedify. Install ftok file for tables. Preload.js now must manage trees and not flat img dir. Reduced SHM dim and send a parameter to js to have status consistency. 0.0.5 ("spawn" branch) - 12/02/2008 Log refactoring. Deep refactoring of garbage_manager func. 0.0.4 ("spawn" branch) - 07/02/2008 Garbage_manager updated. 0.0.3 ("spawn" branch) - 03/02/2008 Clean of table's data. 0.0.2 ("spawn" branch) - 26/01/2008 Cookiepath added in commons.js. Table_idx via cookie, removed from index_rd.php call. Location to briskin5. Recovery from table supported. First support to return to index.php. Normalized log. room_join_wakeup func added. room_wakeup renamed with table_wakeup. ftok in briskin5 constructor. Dstroy_data and chatt_send funcs added. 0.0.1 ("spawn" branch) - 19/01/2008 Obj and briskin5 dirs added. Renamed class Brisco to Room. Split standard constructors to be able to have multiple constructors. Spawning action when the table is completed added. 0.8.3 - 30/12/2007 Temporary advise added. Webstart layout enhancement. 0.8.2 - 09/10/2007 Start menu added.. 0.8.1 - 30/9/2007 Auction points bug was fixed. IE rendering bug was fixed. Cursor settings were enhanced. 0.8.0 - 26/9/2007 A new layout is used to allow more players. 0.7.3 - 2/9/2007 Serialization of shared mem access bug fixed. 0.7.2 - 29/8/2007 Pragma directive added. FSM bug fixed. 0.7.1 - 1/5/2007 Minor changes. 0.7.0 - 21/4/2007 Step proxy added. Fix change page recovery bug. Changed bg. 0.6.2 - 8/4/2007 Donate. Minor bug fixed. Graphical keepalive changed. 0.6.1 - 11/03/2007 Minor bug fixed. Enabled legal logging. 0.6.0 - 25/02/2007 Internet Explorer 6 and 7 added. 0.5.0 - 10/02/2007 Cooperative exit added. Sound added. No point in hand managed. 0.4.6 - 30/01/2007 Number of chat lines doubled. Refactored nickname management. 0.4.5 - 28/01/2007 Il browser Konqueror ora e' supportato (non so da che versione). Cache delle immagini gestita efficacemente (expire a 4 gg). Bug corretto per l'ultimo giocatore che vinceva l'asta. 0.4.4 - 25/01/2007 I tavoli vengono liberati per inattivita' degli utenti (3 minuti). 0.4.3 - 21/01/2007 Protected critical sessions with ignore_user_abort func. Enhanced INSTALL.sh (explicit configuration files). Refact of the cookies policy. Wellcome sentence in chats. Enhanced info page with "current player". Moved methods into classes. Added "help" and "about" buttons. Enhanced logout methods. CSS-fication of all html pages. Number of tables doubled. 0.3.0 - 23/12/2006 First version.