2 // G_dbasetype value can be "pgsql" or "file"
5 $G_dbauth = "host=... port=... user=... password=... dbname=... options='--client_encoding=UTF8'";
10 $G_crypt_key = "cryptkey";
14 // list of allowed proxies IP address (strings)
15 $G_proxy_white_list = array();
17 // admin passwd to send broadcast messages
18 $G_alarm_passwd = "yourpasswd";
20 // is local or connected to internet
23 // splash window related vars
24 $G_with_splash = TRUE;
25 $G_splash_interval = 25200; // 3600 * 7
29 $G_splash_timeout = 5000;
30 $G_splash_content = array( 'it' => 'content italico',
31 'en' => 'content anglofico' );
33 // to use more then one splash content (to be reviewed)
34 $G_splash_contents = array( "a", "b");
35 $G_splash_cont_idx = 0; // (must be moved outside)
37 // donometer related variables
38 $G_with_donors = TRUE;
42 $G_room_roadmap = '<div style=\"text-align: left;\"><ul>
43 <li>roadmap item 1</li>
44 <li>roadmap item 2</li>
48 // is the top banner active ?
49 $G_with_topbanner = FALSE;
51 $G_topbanner = '<div class="topbanner" id="topbanner" onMouseOver="show_bigpict(this, \'over\', -100, 80);" onMouseOut="show_bigpict(this, \'out\', 0, 0);">
52 <a target="_blank" href="http://www.briscolachiamatamilano.it/maggiotorneo.htm">
53 Torneo di briscola<br> chiamata - Milano<br> 17/05/2008</a>
55 <img class="nobohide" id="topbanner_big" src="img/bcm_tor080517.gif">';
57 // is the first side banner active ?
58 $G_with_sidebanner = TRUE;
60 $G_sidebanner = '<div class="topbanner" style="background: #ffd780; border: solid 1px #ffae00; width: 60px; margin: auto;" id="sidebanner2">
61 <a target="_blank" href="briskmeeting4.php">
62 <img style="position: static; border: solid 0px black;" src="img/brisk_meeting_trinacria60b.png" onMouseOver="show_bigpict($(\'sidebanner2\'), \'over\', 100, -80, \'\');" onMouseOut="show_bigpict($(\'sidebanner2\'), \'out\', 0, 0, \'\');"></div>
63 <img class="nobohide" id="sidebanner2_big" src="img/brisk_meeting4big150.png">';
65 // is the second side banner active ?
66 $G_with_sidebanner2 = TRUE;
68 $G_sidebanner2 = '<div class="topbanner" style="background: #ffd780; border: solid 1px #ffae00; width: 60px; margin: auto;" id="sidebanner2">
69 <a target="_blank" href="briskmeeting4.php">
70 <img style="position: static; border: solid 0px black;" src="img/brisk_meeting_trinacria60b.png" onMouseOver="show_bigpict($(\'sidebanner2\'), \'over\', 100, -80, \'\');" onMouseOut="show_bigpict($(\'sidebanner2\'), \'out\', 0, 0, \'\');"></div>
71 <img class="nobohide" id="sidebanner2_big" src="img/brisk_meeting4big150.png">';
75 $G_poll_name = "calcolo_punteggio";
76 $G_poll_title = "Vota come calcolare i punteggi!";
77 $G_poll_entries = array( array( 'id' => 'din', 'cont' => 'Dinner room'),
78 array( 'id' => 'bat', 'cont' => 'Bath room'),
79 array( 'id' => 'coo', 'cont' => 'Cooking room') );
81 $G_black_list = array();
84 // this is the prefix path to remove from backtrace
85 $G_btrace_pref_sub = "/home/nastasi/web/";
87 // where documents are stored
88 $G_doc_path = "Obj/doc/";
90 // licence related stuff
92 $G_tos_fname = "Obj/doc/terms-of-service_%s_%s.txt";
93 // USE date +%s -d 'Wed Nov 20 18:35:41 CET 2013' to calculate
94 $G_tos_dthard = 1384968941;
95 $G_tos_dtsoft = 1384968941;