6 - /cont and /rules just during 'bidding' phase
7 DONE - Not sequence of 3 same chars
8 DONE . check server side with test
9 DONE - Global vars checker
11 - usermgmt: add user delete
12 DONE - 10002 message when already clicked
13 DONE - trim spaces in apprentice form
14 DONE - Remove books from chat
15 DONE - usermgmt: add email
21 DONE - show current rules
22 DONE - select tournment dropdown menu (send a 'cont' like message for each change)
23 WIP - new rules for 'together for fun' turnment
24 DONE . strange 4 abandoned rule for auction
25 DONE . check of max points
26 DONE . check of suit at the end of bet
28 - select rules dropdown 'selected' to the current rule or the current
29 - increase constraint for rules change
30 - cache data structure for tournments
34 * Users Network construction
37 DONE - add apprentices tables
38 DONE - remove entry when set unknown
39 DONE - enhance info interface
40 DONE . SQL to show current evaluation
41 DONE . disable parts of interface
42 WIP . add title to items
45 - minisplash at end of the match
46 - differentiate table authorization
47 * add new kind of isolation for apprentice
49 * Double click on chat to open preferences
53 DONE - match counters (part 2)
54 DONE . migration script for old users
55 - guarantee for apprentice
62 DONE - match counters (part 2)
63 DONE . migration script for old users
67 DONE - correggere minuta giornaliera
68 DONE - aggiungere mask per autogar
69 DONE - correggere email per apprentice
70 DONE - verificare la variabile per tout IP ban apprentice
71 DONE - chat ban for apprentice
73 DONE - ip check and time limit
75 DONE . temporary table limitation
77 DONE - usermgmt extension
78 DONE - add close button
79 DONE - add apprentice icon
80 DONE - match counters (part 1)
81 DONE . sql for match counters
82 DONE - new info system
83 DONE - click management
84 DONE - show user info (RO)
85 DONE - require command/info
86 DONE - fix fiverank table
87 DONE - fix bug with bitwise
88 DONE - fix layout of tables
89 DONE - aggiungere books.png
100 . study how to move login delta injection
103 DONE . Guarantes for certified-only (buttons choice managed)
104 DONE . Tables for certified-only
106 . Placing for certified-only
109 DONE . BAN and BLACK lists added
110 DONE . update method to SIGHUP manager
111 DONE . create constructor refactored
114 DONE . Normalize previous points
115 DONE . Denormalize "Info" view
116 DONE . Denormalize explained matches
117 DONE . Check placement
118 DONE . Distinguish between inherited mult and local mult
121 DONE . Terms Of Service acceptance
122 DONE . print date of hard switch
124 DONE . user TOS acceptance (db field)
125 DONE . show TOS ([show me later, yes, no]/[yes, no])
126 DONE . switch-off date
129 DONE . show current TOS
130 DONE . disable user reason integer field and remove SUSPEND state (db, php)
131 DONE . fix tos layout
132 DONE . opt - download TOS
133 . opt - checkbox for anonimous users with message when not checked
134 . opt - button enabled when arrived to the bottom of the TOS only
135 . opt - check TOS version between config file and TOS file
136 DONE . show guarantee (/guar <login> command)
137 DONE . multi-language
138 DONE . command documentation
139 DONE . manage disagreeding users investigation
140 DONE . self guaranteed
141 . DONE New Users Guarantee Procedure
142 . DONE Change guarantee workflow
146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
181 DONE . More user info in the list
182 DONE . Manage date to display when a user was required
183 . Email-address expiration check
188 DONE . replace explicit strings with multilanguage array
189 DONE . add a php downloader with filtering on allowed requests
190 DONE . save points every game
191 DONE . modify points calculation to include order and mazzo
192 DONE . exclude not standard types from statistics
193 DONE . daily reports (1 for each active tournament)
194 DONE . monthly stats (for normal match only)
195 DONE . show current match ID when created
196 DONE . add info about continue to the info page
197 DONE . add command to continue
198 DONE . check consistency of the request
199 DONE . rearrange users and game status to continue the selected match
200 DONE . investigate user reordering ??
203 . refactoring $enc attribute management
204 DONE . reintroduced $enc = 'plain' for websocket
205 DONE . fallback for not correct WS version
206 DONE . fini of ws stream
207 DONE . reactivate compression
208 DONE . fix xynt_test01
209 DONE M2: brisk working
210 DONE . manage multiport apache config
211 DONE . manage headers correctly in sac-a-push
212 DONE . manage transport.close method where required
213 DONE . xynt_stream: manage fallback to multiple ports
214 DONE . manage fini for ws
215 POST . server: manage input data from clients
216 POST . manage ping/pong (seems not required)
218 DONE . client (xynt_streaming.js)
219 DONE . server (transport.phh)
221 DONE M1: xynt_test01.php working
225 . db update (add components, maybe single string)
226 . filter in index.php
227 . filter in index_wr.php
230 . prefs_assign(content): assign json content as output var
231 . prefs_apply(prefs_new): apply new content to g_prefs and system
232 . prefs_load(content): load json content and apply to g_prefs and system
234 . prefs_update: update preferences temporarly
235 . prefs_save: save to the server the new prefs
237 - preferences (listen into preferences)
238 // js var, volatile server, (db server || cookie)
239 temporary: js var, volatile server
240 permanent: js var, volatile server, (db server || cookie)
242 . data from db OR, if missing, from cookies
248 - preferences (with "modifiable S")
249 . Mod. S: new flag into database
250 . graph infrastructure
251 . new box to edit color
255 - BUG: some connection to the named socket fails
256 - Not simultaneous more then one stream
261 WIP - try to be more antivirus-friendly
262 - multiple rows between games
263 - packetize and automatize php-ancillary and apache module
264 - DISABLED_TO_FIX: DNS access (perform blocking dns requests, must be fixed)
269 DONE - temporarly server hung not reflected on user timeouts
270 DONE - timeouted users are still be able to sit down (only the first at the table is banned)
271 DONE - page still opened after the server restart
272 DONE - log_legal address fix
273 DONE - manage too fast reload in xynt-streaming
274 DONE - add xhr as transport layer and manage different streams better
275 TEST - BUG: pari + 72 non fa 4x ma attualmente fa 3x, da correggere
276 TEST - BUG: lurker are logged out (and remain a pending socket opened (look the spush log)
277 DONE - save/restore database
278 DONE - into the room local step remains -1
279 DONE - centralize all '<script ...' incapsulation to allow multiple transport system.
280 DONE - BUG: access with password from 2 diff browsers the second go in strange "page not found"
281 in the first tentative, the second works
282 DONE - BUG: access with password from 2 diff browsers place the first in a strict loop (the
283 problem was a call to a static parent method instead of the overrided child method,
284 substitute self:: with the dynamically get class::)
285 DONE - garbage management
287 DONE/FROZEN - problem with getpeer (HOSTADDR)
289 DONE - slow cards distribution
290 DONE - substr to mb_substr
291 DONE - parametrizations:
292 . parametrization of $DOCUMENT_ROOT var in brisk-spush.phh file
293 . parametrization of SITE_PREFIX(_LEN) define
294 . move the name of the named socket into the configuration file
295 DONE - manage and test cross forwarder between table and room
296 DONE - setcookie (for tables only and persist prefs)
297 DONE - images flickering on slow windows: try to poll stream every 300 ms (seems to be download problem)
298 DONE - database connection fails after a while, check close and try PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW.
299 DONE - unneeded garbage_time.expired access
300 DONE - BUG: fast loop on stream index_rd_ifra page (js watchdog start without timeout corrupt counts)
301 DONE - BUG: logout failed (fixed with a garbage_collector wrapper at sac-a-push level
302 DONE - 404 wrong page management (remove directories redirections (es. brisk/))
303 DONE - configuration file management
304 DONE - app level keep-alive
305 DONE - index_wr other issues
306 DONE - from room to table
307 DONE - from table to room
309 DONE - bug: read from a not resource handle (already closed because a new socket substitute it)
310 DONE - partial write for normal page management
311 DONE - index_rd_ifra: last_clean issue
312 DONE - fwrite failed error management (select, buffer where store unsent data, and fwrite check and retry)
313 DONE - bug: after restart index_rd.php receive from prev clients a lot of req
314 DONE - index_wr.php::chat
315 DONE - index_wr.php::exit
316 DONE - index_rd.php porting
317 DONE - generic var management from internet
318 DONE - index.php auth part
319 ABRT - index_wr.php::reload - reload is js-only function
320 ABRT - keepalive management - not interesting for our purposes
327 DONE - move the garbage timeout on file
328 DONE - in index_rd load all data only when required
330 DONE . extern del garb_timeout
331 DONE . user_load parameters verify
332 DONE . Bin5::load_data and Bin5::save_data refactoring with
334 . move many function into "Bin5 class"
335 - garbaging of .step files
338 DONE - configurabilitĂ file o db
339 DONE - aggiornare le funz di gestione db in modo che prevedano anche il flag DISABLE
340 DONE - travasatore file to pg
341 DONE - travaso punteggi
342 DONE - memorizzazione nuovi i punteggi nel db
343 DONE - gestione classifiche in SQL
348 DONE - points archiver
351 DONE - partial usability if database go down.
354 - sistema di inserimento nuovi utenti (riversatore da form di inserimento)
358 - ripristino password
361 - comunicazioni di aggiornamento (stato salvato sul server)
363 DONE - var $G_base aggiunta per gestire include in include da path differenti
369 DONE (WOW!) - js object with infos
370 DONE - main logic at login (cookie check in index_rd.php; show_message and createCookie via snippets with block
371 to prevent fast reload)
372 DONE - cookie per non assillare e visualizz.
373 DONE - graphical donameter
374 WIP content (in conf.)
376 DONE - numero di tavoli auth-only nel .brisk-install
378 TEST - ricalcolo delle persone in piedi quando si cambia modalitĂ
379 DONE - se si e' in isolation non si può cambiare nick perdendo l' auth
380 DONE - non leggere le chat di quelli non autenticati (in isolation)
381 DONE - regole per passare alla modalita' (in piedi o ai tavoli autenticati)
382 DONE - treni non auth da nascondere
383 DONE - verso gli altri ??: uguale a prima
385 finire multilingua (briskin5/index_wr.php e altri se ce ne sono)
388 placing limits to config file
392 - come vengono aggiornate le classifiche: ogni giorno alle 23:58
394 - cosa cambia tra le tre coppie di classifiche:
395 ci sono le classifiche dell' ultima settimana, quelle dell' ultimo mese, e quelle dell' ultimo trimestre,
396 per ognuno di questi lassi di tempo poi c'è la classifica di chi ha giocato più di TOT partite o meno di TOT partite, con TOT che cambia a seconda del lasso di tempo.
398 - come vengono calcolate le classifiche: per ogni utente vengono presi tutti i punti fatti ai tavoli con lucchetto nel lasso di tempo preso in considerazione (ultima settimana, ultimo mese o ultimo trimestre), sommati e divisi per il numero di partite fatte in quello stesso lasso di tempo per normalizzare i valori; poi siccome la gente quando vede 0.18734 sbarella ho deciso di moltiplicare il tutto per 100.
400 Un esempio per chiarire:
402 l'utente 'pippo' che è nuovo gioca 4 partite nell'ultima settimana con i seguenti punteggi:
404 lo score viene { [ (-2) + (1) + (2) + (1) ] / 4 } * 100 = 50.0
406 a paritĂ di score tra utenti va piĂą in alto chi ha giocato piĂą partite.
408 Se dopo quelle 4 partite 'pippo' non ne giocherĂ piĂą, passata una settimana dall'ultima giocata
409 sparirĂ dalla classifica settimanale e rimarrĂ in quelle mensili e trimestrali.
420 DONE - paste da demauroparavia
421 DONE - recupero partita per re-login con password
422 DONE - problema "|" nei nomi (manca enhance degli script lato server)
423 - problema col treno se mouse sopra mentre stringe (verif)
433 DONE - skin della textarea
435 DONE - init client (read from cookie) - ALWAYS BY SERVER
437 DONE - after cookie check auth-only when no-auth case
438 DONE - aggiungi info accanto a "Chat"
440 DONE - img dei comandi
442 DONE - form per garantire utenti (accoda in un file nel formato corretto)
443 DONE - process request
447 DONE - process form js side
449 DONE - documentazione in help
453 DONE - aggiornare help
454 DONE - overflow management
459 - notify for long pages
462 - silenziastolti vari (fino al buddy import)
463 - restrict challenge per IP
464 - restricted charset for login
473 - studiare un anti-dos
488 DONE - questione "a monte" che:
489 DONE - lascia fuori il bottone
490 DONE - scrive à e compagnia
491 DONE - refresh act_table when unauthorized
492 DONE - problema ghost autenticato (ne prendi il posto ovunque sia)
496 DONE - refactoring of the owner name (auth attr for owner name)
498 DONE - at chat input line
499 DONE - in the chat output line
500 DONE - deauth management
502 DONE - at chat input line
503 DONE - in the chat output line
504 DONE - for user area of other users
505 DONE - deauth management
506 DONE - alart to one user
511 DONE - strong ban: "expire time|IP|session|(nick if authenticated)"
512 DONE - login: se auth - verifica solo gli expire per quel nick
513 DONE - se non auth - verifica gli expire per IP e sessione
514 DONE - riscrivere messaggi
518 DONE - richiede per l' utente un token (tutta la parte backend va un minimo studiata)
519 DONE - lo legge, ci hasha la password
520 DONE - invia la pass al server hashata
522 DONE - check del login e return corretto
523 DONE - oggetto in shm single table con ( "ip", "login", timestamp ) e suo management
524 DONE - rename ghost if logged
525 DONE - onunload_cb e onbeforeunload_cb !!!
526 DONE - da change attrs a change class (input field)
527 DONE - colore del bg per arrivare ad essere omogeneo
528 DONE - cambiare path e file di config
529 DONE - login with or without pass
530 DONE - registered nick notice (METTERE IL MSG NELLA PAG DI LOGIN)
531 DONE - segnalare tavoli solo per auth
532 DONE - rename restriction at auth table
533 DONE - change nick (strcasecmp)
534 DONE - refact js tables to handle flags
535 DONE - room javascript refactoring
537 DONE - work background
538 DONE - reserved tables
545 URGENT - tables spawn
546 DONE - link with photos
547 DONE - top banner in Etc file
548 DONE - spawn of a table
549 DONE - data to cookies (removed table_idx from xhr calls also)
550 DONE - set subst to shutdowner/shutdowned
551 DONE - return to index.php
553 DONE - recover of corrupted table data
554 DONE - closure of a table
555 DONE - flush of the table
556 DONE - security checks for right scope access
557 DONE - garbage collector management
558 DONE - recursive garbage - howto ?
559 DONE - stat & subst in browser
560 DONE - laccwr setting and exit if all players are unactive for some time
561 DONE - the list of test case
563 DONE - remove unused parts
566 DONE - cambiare titolo al tavolo
567 DONE - shutdowning lock tables
569 DONE - public announcements
570 DONE - 10 sec to exit from table
574 TRAIN - DONE - add again in reload
575 DONE - wag_set refact
576 DONE - filtra char speciali per title
577 DONE - chatt_send refact
578 DONE - elenco dei giocatori
579 DONE - documentazione online
580 DONE - timeout management
581 LATER - border color a muzzo
584 NORM - public announcements
585 NORM - 10 sec to exit from table
586 NORM - moving label for tables click
588 ----------------- join -----------------
591 NORM - restart preload img
592 NORM - tools dir with a main and some pages where check briscola tools.
595 NORM - chat vecchie in reload (forse)
600 - user assistant (with button to enable disable)
606 NORM - internationalization
607 NORM - img -> div + css
612 - link to stable/unstable
614 -------------------------------------------------------------------
618 ABORTED - asta: highlight buttons (css hover) - change pointer when over
620 DONE - special chars in js
621 DONE - ban temporaneo dai tavoli
622 DONE - flash player to play sound
623 DONEBUG - (aum. il timeout) - carte giocate che restano girate
624 Sembra non migliorare di molto la cosa, gestita la cache
625 correttamente, sono apposto.
627 DONE - one player reject a game, to less points (<= 2)
629 DONE - test di download per la cache
630 DONE - se passano tutti tranne l'ultimo l'asta va al penultimo.
631 Corretto il codice, occorre verificare se questo
632 ingenera qualche problema.
633 DONE - raddoppiato il numero di righe nella chat
634 DONE - corretto bug del /nick
635 DONE - carosello pubblicitĂ altout
637 DONE - unload of the stream
638 DONE - standup centrati
639 DONE - current player - in info
641 DONE - welcome lines in the chats (room and table)
642 DONE - welcome lines in the chats (room and table)
643 DONE - nomi in primo piano se vai sul quadrato
644 DONE - to pass explicit config file to INSTALL.sh
645 DONE - flag to create a config file
646 ABRT - bottoni => immagini
647 DONE - aggiungere bottone al login
648 DONE - nomi in primo piano se vai sul quadrato
649 DONE - installer to set cookie path
651 DONE - automatic and manual logout
652 DONE - cache problems solved via .htaccess
653 DONE - all players out of the auction
654 DONE - time to send cards
655 DONE - hide cards before sends at a new game
656 DONE - well recognization of the browser and O.S.
657 DONE - login consistency !!!!
658 DONE - functionalization of garbage
659 DONE - call garbage function into login
661 DONE - manage the reload from scratch of the table page
663 DONE - sendcard => card_send(idx, ....)
664 DONE - show table for game
665 DONE - points calculation
666 DONE - make-up of the chooser
667 DONE - where place the briscola on the table
669 DONE - show current auction position
670 DONE - table with internal management of the transition between pages.
671 DONE - server side page abort management
672 DONE - cookie problem with Ajax
673 DONE - spostare il tasto "esco"
674 DONE - to pass explicit config file to INSTALL.sh
676 DONE - safety out management
677 DONE - info enhancement and related button (how win the last game and
678 with how much points ?)
689 Page abort (reload on http streaming case)
695 .htaccess AllowOverwrite mode for Cache-Control directive